Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 8, 2012

Merriest Hopping Wishes

Christmas You Say????

Yep ... Just like that, Christmas will be here
before any of us are ready for it ...
okay ... really ... most of us ...

While all of us love the spirit of the season,

well ... okay ... again, most of us ...

it's the Oh My GOSH ... what do I have to get done
feeling that most of us dread ...

On that note, I want to sincerely thank
putting together this magnificient
Think Christmas Blog Hop

so I have at least one ...

yeah, one project done before Christmas


I say one, because this first picture ...

Is from two Christmases ago ...
Still not done ... maybe this year.

It's actually a wall hanging, so doesn't qualify
as a block, but in the theme, I had to share.

On to my blocks ... well, again ... I adored the Santas ...
as he too looks as if he understands
a bit of troubles, doesn't he?

However, dang it all, my blocks aren't red, white and blue green.


I think I'm going to make a sofa pillow
out of these three blocks
can you picture it???

I promise to share when I have completed it...
yes ... this year!

Now, on to my true Think Christmas blocks:

Yep ... red, white and green ...
Dr. Suess ... and as you can see,
I too used the frame pattern from
the Quiltmakers 100 Block Magazine,
just as MooseStash Quilting did on
Day one of the blog hop
(follow the link to see her beautiful block).
So, I thank you so very much for visiting.
I thank Lesley and Madame Samm again
for all of the behind-the-scenes work
to put this hop together
and wish every one of you

Please enjoy the inspiration and talent shared
at each of these Blog Hop Stops today ...

August 5
Briarside Lane
Pigtales and Quilts
Quilts From My Crayonbox
Quilt n Queen
Pattie at That Other Blog
Quilting, Losing and Tea
Why Knot Kwilt (you are here!!)
Madame Samm
You know ... each one is so worth the visit!

Until next we chat,

Warm hearted wishes!!

P.S.   Remember the road trip I mentioned in the previous post?
Well ... I road tripped right over the mountains to Cove, Oregon ...
an 8-hour drive (okay 7 if you're me) and I get to spend the week
at the natural mineral warm springs pool with my two darlings ...
Take a peek at what happened within the hour of arrival:

Now get Christmas thinkin' and get hoppin'!

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