Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2012

Beginning and Ending ....

Tuesday mark the beginning of school for my little ones.
A new school in a new town and lots of wishes
for a sweet and successful day.
I'll have to take photos to share tomorrow ...
Emily & Abbie
2nd & 1st grades
Tuesday  also marks the end of the Bowls with Borders
blog hop with the following stops along the trail:
August 28thPam R.
Carol, of Just Let Me Quilt,
what a very fine hostess!
Madame Samm, thank you for
starting this very fine idea
with a beautiful gift that you made.
For everyone who participated,
you are all inspriational and
I thank you!!
Though I can think of work that
needs to be done for my participation
in the Dots to Dots Hop coming
down the blog hop train with Corrie,
and then the Leafs Me Happy, with Cherry,
you all know I'm just plain focusing
on getting Wicked!!!
There is still room for those
of you wishing to hop onto
the Wicked trail with us :)
I wish you all wonderfully Wicked wishes  ~

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