Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 8, 2012

Ahhhh .... Sweet!

There are some days that you just have to sit back
and appreciate the moment you are living
 ... in that moment.

I sit and marvel in one of those moments
with my daughters home again
 ... getting along and no major tantrums ....
and me just relishing the moment. 

Joyous also is the beauty we are being treated
to with the parade of decadent bowls ....
Sweet, wouldn't you agree :) ??

Tuesday's list of participants includes:

August 21st
I also want to give a very huge thank you
has arranged 160 bloggers for this
beautiful parade ... what a task!
(by the way ... the whole schedule ... click the
Bowls w/Borders button on the right)
Carol .... Cheers for You!!
You BOWL be Over!!
(sorry ... had to be said! ... lol )
Madame Samm ... as always
.... I'm in awe :)
Thank you Ladies, and thank you participants,
for all of the beauty to be appreciated
in this moment, and the next, and the next.
As for me, I'm working on several projects,
some surprises so can't be shown yet,
and the others are to be shown in
upcoming hops ... so ...
Until next we meet,
warm wishes ~

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