Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 8, 2012

Yesterday ... and Today

Yesterday, my baby turned eight ...

Happy Birthday Emily.
She loves her a monkey :)

Today, I sit and wonder where all of the yesterdays have gone
because they have all gone by so very fast and I'm afraid I'm
going to miss all of the tomorrows if I don't hold on tight enough to today.

I bet every mother knows that feeling.

However... while you sit and ponder today,
enjoy the moments of wonder while you
enjoy the inspiration provided by today's
stops on the Think Christmas blog hop
that Ms. Lesley and Madame Samm have
so kindly arranged for us ...

Today's Hops are:

Enjoy every moment while you can,
tomorrow will be here soon enough.
Warm hearted wishes,

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