Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 9, 2012

Ahhhh ... For a Few Seconds Anyway

courtesy of website
Ahhhh... deep sigh of "oh my" what a no-stress weekend ...
courtesy of  the website
Three very nice long days at home .... no set schedule, work
that I know needs to be done but no concrete "dead line",
a nice visits with family, the return of my young ones to the nest,
.... yep ... at this moment, I feel at peace ...
Yeah ... that moment is SO over!!!
My girls are home again,  filling the house with their lively
sounds, the stack of work I've committed to is falling over,
dishes need loaded and unloaded from the washer, and of course
there's always laundry to be done .... but heck it was real nice
to fantasize for a moment, wasn't it????
I know my alarm clock will be going off early tomorrow morning
getting back into the much anticipated routine of taking the
chicklets to school and myself to work, then home again, home
again, jiggity, jig ... Isn't life wonderful!!!!
One of the projects I am looking forward to working on
is my project for Corrie of Quilt Taffy's Dots to Dots Blog Hop
that she and Madame Samm of
have arranged to begin September 10th.
You can take a peek at the hop schedule here:
I post on September 18th, but I know there will be so
very much inspiration and fun stops before my stop that
you all must join the fun and get dotty with us!
Warm hearted wishes to you,

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