Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2012

Beginning and Ending ....

Tuesday mark the beginning of school for my little ones.
A new school in a new town and lots of wishes
for a sweet and successful day.
I'll have to take photos to share tomorrow ...
Emily & Abbie
2nd & 1st grades
Tuesday  also marks the end of the Bowls with Borders
blog hop with the following stops along the trail:
August 28thPam R.
Carol, of Just Let Me Quilt,
what a very fine hostess!
Madame Samm, thank you for
starting this very fine idea
with a beautiful gift that you made.
For everyone who participated,
you are all inspriational and
I thank you!!
Though I can think of work that
needs to be done for my participation
in the Dots to Dots Hop coming
down the blog hop train with Corrie,
and then the Leafs Me Happy, with Cherry,
you all know I'm just plain focusing
on getting Wicked!!!
There is still room for those
of you wishing to hop onto
the Wicked trail with us :)
I wish you all wonderfully Wicked wishes  ~

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2012

Something Wicked ....

Something Wicked this way comes ......!
If you found yourself hopping this weekend,
you may have noticed the announcement for
a new blog hop ...
Oh Yeah Baby!!
I'm so, so, SO excited about this hop as
yours truly will be the hostess!
Those of you in the U.S. may
remember these characters from
days gone by and bye?
Yep, that's Casper's best friend,
Wendy the Good Little Witch ...
Loved her!
So maybe it's natural that
I love Halloween time???
Well, to get in the spirit of all that is
Wicked .... I put together this block,
as a sneak peek of what wicked fun to
expect in the latter part of October ....
something Wicked this way is coming!
Visit Madame Samm for all the details 
 to sign up as I believe
we still have some spots left!
As for what is happening right now....
is still hosting the Bowls with Borders
hop for us to explore and be inspired by
with these marvelous bloggers:
August 27th
I wish you all happy today and
thank you for stopping in!
As I've signed up for Corrie's Dots to Dots Blog Hop and
I guess I best be getting back to work ...
Wicked Wishes to You!!

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 8, 2012

Weekend Fun ...

As you enjoy your morning brew,
(could be day or evening, too)
and maybe are in a quandry of what to do...
Befriend your mouse,
Ignore your house,
and peruse our beautiful Bowls with Border parade
that our talented bloggers have made!
Saturday and Sunday Schedules:
August 25th
As for me, it is late, and
tomorrow I have a date
with a computer and a wonderfully
wicked group of hoppers-to-be....
So for now, I bid you adieu
and wish all of you ~~
warm wicked wishes!
My sincere appreciation for
Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt
and all of the wonderful artisans
who have shared their fantastic
Bowls with Borders!
Thank you!

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 8, 2012


I'm so excited!
I am so very close to finishing
a project I've been putting my heart
and soul into and I'm so pleased with it
because my vision is turning out as I
hope in fabric and thread ....
I can't resist showing you this
little bit of sweet ...
Okay ... down to our real business ...
Friday's Schedule ~~
August 24th
Gudrun Z.

Linda B.
Your cheers are still fresh and fabulous!
Thank you!!
Now I best be getting back to work
as ... you know there are
more blog hops to come???!!!!
Yep, and I signed up to participate ...
Beginning September 10th,
Miss Corrie of Quilt Taffy is hosting:
And beginning October 1st,
Miss Cherry of Cherry Blossoms Quilt Studio
 will be hosting:
The hops are an amazing array
of inspiration and talent ... so many
ideas and what fun to accomplish a block
or two or three ... that can be turned
into a .... anything you want it to!!
Okay, okay, I'll quit rambling,
I'll get back to work, and I
really can't wait to share
more with you real soon!!
Hugs and warm wishes to you all!
Thank you for stopping in ~~

Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 8, 2012

May your bowls runneth over with ...

Before I share with you the list of scheduled
Bowls with Borders Blog Hop stops today,
I wish to share with you some wishes I have for you,
May your "bowl" runneth over with:
 And to each and every one of you,
I am
Without further adeiu:
August 23rd
Be sure to visit Carol at Just Let Me Quilt
for the full Blog Hop schedule and
Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt for the
top picks each day ....
Thank you for visiting and be sure
to stop by again soon.
Warm wishes ~

Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 8, 2012

Day 10 .. Oh My!

Can you believe we are on day ten??

Wednesday's schedule includes:

August 22nd
Miss Carol ... you're one fine hostess!
Thank you and I look forward to seeing
what you have for us this fine day ...

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 8, 2012

Ahhhh .... Sweet!

There are some days that you just have to sit back
and appreciate the moment you are living
 ... in that moment.

I sit and marvel in one of those moments
with my daughters home again
 ... getting along and no major tantrums ....
and me just relishing the moment. 

Joyous also is the beauty we are being treated
to with the parade of decadent bowls ....
Sweet, wouldn't you agree :) ??

Tuesday's list of participants includes:

August 21st
I also want to give a very huge thank you
has arranged 160 bloggers for this
beautiful parade ... what a task!
(by the way ... the whole schedule ... click the
Bowls w/Borders button on the right)
Carol .... Cheers for You!!
You BOWL be Over!!
(sorry ... had to be said! ... lol )
Madame Samm ... as always
.... I'm in awe :)
Thank you Ladies, and thank you participants,
for all of the beauty to be appreciated
in this moment, and the next, and the next.
As for me, I'm working on several projects,
some surprises so can't be shown yet,
and the others are to be shown in
upcoming hops ... so ...
Until next we meet,
warm wishes ~

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 8, 2012


Honestly!  Who knew a stack of bowls could be so gorgeous???

Each blogger I have visited so far has put such
a personal spin on their stack of bowls,
that I'm getting tempted to have to put
this pattern on my want to do list ...
wouldn't you agree??

I thought last week when I posted, I would be caught up,
but goodness, with 165 participants, I wasn't aware that Ms. Carol
filled the weekend with delightful bowls, too ...
So, just in case you were like me and might have missed a
stop or two,  I'm posting Saturday and Sunday blog hop schedule's
along with Monday's also ... so much beauty ... can't miss a stop!

Though you do know, Ms. Carol has the complete schedule on her blog
and you can get there by clicking on the Bowls With Borders button
on the right-hand side of my blog .... but without further adieu,
here is the schedule I promised:

August 18th
Monika G.
Scher (no post)Dorothea
So, please, join me in visiting the true splendor created
for us by these talented artists and be in awe as I am
that a stack of bowls can be such a work of art!!
Thank you and warm wishes  ~

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 8, 2012

Catch Up Time ....

Okay, I've been a bit behind time posting the last few times,
but come along with me as I visit the beautiful Bowls With Borders
blog hop that Ms. Carol of Just Let Me Quilt and Mdm Samm of
Sew We Quilt have so wonderfully organized ....

I know the full schedule can be found by clicking the Bowls with
Borders button on the righthand side of my blog,
but for you ... and for me {{smile}}} ... 
I am posting the days that I missed posting
the schedule and they are:

Wednesday, August 15th

Thursday, August 16th

and of course,

Friday, August 17th

So, come back at 23 minute intervals and visit these
beautiful blogs and their bowls with me? 
I know it'll be well worth the visit!

Until next we meet,

Warm wishes and happy stitchin' ~~

P.S. ... refer to Madame's Thursday post in reference to the 23 minutes {{wink}}

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 8, 2012

Bowls of Goodness

Oh. My. Goodness!

If you didn't have a chance to visit Monday's
participants of the Bowls with Borders blog hop
 ... I highly recommend doing so. 
Who knew bowls could be displayed
so beautifully within borders??!! 

Tuesday's blog hop participants are as follows: 

August 14th
And to visit Monday's hostesses,
click on the Bowls With Borders button on the right,
the master list for anytime you get sidetracked or pulled away
.... not like that would happen {wink}
And be sure to stop by Sew We Quilt where 
Madame Samm  will post the top two choices
 and the honorable mention of the day.
Happy hopping and be prepared to be bowled over!
Warm wishes ~