Chủ Nhật, 12 tháng 6, 2011

Sunday's Rush ....

T-Shirt Quilt .. never have done one.

A very nice lady asked me way back in December if I could do one for her grandson for graduation. ... in June.  Sure, I say .... what did I know :) ... and she's already said she can't find anyone else to do this for her ... they must've known something ?  ... .lol

Fast forward to mid-May ... same very nice lady calls me and asks if I can still do quilt for her grandson.  Well, since I already told her yes,  I went into town to LQS to pick up her bundle of fabrics and t-shirts.  Take a look, this is what I started with this morning:

Started here, sorting and determining what I have ...

These are the fabrics I'm to use as sashing ...

This is what I have this afternoon after I've completed ironing fusible web to each shirt and cutting down each t-shirt print.  I'm taking lots of pictures in case I get inspired and some of you would like a tutorial ... I'm winging this and have no pattern or direction ... can you tell?

Oh ... yeah ... the quilt needs to be returned to said very nice lady by June 15th.

Yes, this year.  Yes, in three days.


Chocolate, I need choloate!!!!! For some reason, I've seem to run out of chocolate!!

LOL  Coffee anyone???  LOL

Deep breath ... on one of my quick trips out to check on children I've bribed to stay outta mom's way (really for their own safety and sanity ... really!!!)  I took a picture of this piece of God's gorgeousness:

Now, is it just me, or do these flowers say there's a quilt in here waiting to inspire me?
Remember this ... Really, I think these pictures are gonna inspire me to make a very bright and happy quilt. ... um ... sometime.

Yesterday, I did accomplish these: 
A month or so ago, I told my very dear and patient friend I would make these for her daughter.  Well, they are soon to be moving to Utah, and I'd really like to get them to her before they leave town ... maybe bribe her into visiting me before she goes ... {{hint hint}}

And, just in case you thought I was resting on my laurels ... well, I was, and while doing said resting, I penciled out this beautiful piece of stitching I hope to do ... in my down time of course ;)
 This beautiful pattern is by Jenny of Elefantz ... you know I love her designs! ... and can be found at her blog here. And even better ... for those of us that need the kindness and generosity of strangers ... she's offering these beautiful BOM patterns for free ... just please leave her some luvin's and thanks for her generosity on her blog letting her know she's appreciated ... Don't we all love that?

Okay ... guess I best be checking on the kiddos and getting dinner started ... I hear laundry buzzer going off too.  Geez ... LOL

Love you all and thank you enormously for stopping by!!

Happy Hugs~

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