Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 10, 2012

Wickedness & A Winner

First things first ... the winner of my follower giveaway
 from last weekend is LJ who stated:
 Yes, I am a follower. Can't wait for the 13th and the Wicked Hop! I'm all for Treats - particularly if it's chocolate, has nuts, and maybe even caramel!!!
 Congratulations to LJ and I will be sending you an email pronto.

As the Leafs Me Happy blog hop has now wound to a close, I send my
sincere heartfelt thanks to Cherry and Madame Samm for the work done
to make such a wonderFALL hop happen.  Thank you!

That also means that it is now time to look forward to our
next hop with pure WICKED delight! ...

And ... since I happen to be the Wicked Miss in
charge of this here hop ... I best be getting back to
the Cauldrun of Projects and Assignments
that are beckoning me like the wicked witch in the
candy coated house .... oh so tempting of which
to pick and gobble up first....
Do come back!

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