Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2012

Mmm...Mmm ... & Wicked Day Trey!

My intentions were Wicked this evening...
Wicked as in I had plans to sew myself
a little bit of Wicked fun ... just because.
I mean really .... did you see the super
cute Frankie mug rug on the hop yesterday???
And the dear blogger ... (you have to search
for her!) is offering the chance to win
a pattern of it too ... Wicked!
How adorable was that???
But dang it all ...
the girls and I decided
to whip up a bit of MMM ... MMM ...
Wicked Good Delicious
peanut butter cookies:
Well, I think my evening turned out wicked good.
Irretrievable time with my girls and treats to eat.
My youngest wanted me to be sure to include
her picture showing her expertise
in "smushing" the cookies in the oh-so-
appropriate peanut butter cookie pattern ...
How could I not oblige?
Now for what you want to know,
how about Wednesday's line up for
our awesomely Wicked Blog Hop?
Please join me in cheering for the Wicked
good talent and amazing projects that are
being shared on each stop of this hop.
Have you been as amazed as I?
Goodness, the talent being displayed!
Witchy Wednesday,
October 24th
I give my sincere thanks to each blogger
and each hopper participating in this
hop ... the inspiration is heart warming
as are the cheers each of you willingly
share with each blogger ...
Cheers for each of you!
Remember to stop by Sew We Quilt to
see the top two picks each day,
along with the honorable mention for
completed project ...
Be sure to check out the way cool
bat hidden in Sew Me Something Good's
block ... Wicked Cool!
Madame Samm also offers us a
Pinterest link to all of the blocks
made for this hop to date.
Well worth the visit!
Wicked Wishes ~

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