Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 10, 2012

Leaf Me Happy Day 5 with a Touch of Wicked ...

At my house, I've been welcoming Fall
with Cherry's Leafs Me Happy blog hop,
however, you will notice that a bit of the
Wicked wants to creep into the picture ...
especially if you count the snow we had
in the foothills this week along with the
temps in the 20s overnight ... Fall is quickly
getting Wickedly shoved out of the way ....
what's up with that???
 It is indeed the fifth day of
Cherry's Leafs Me Happy
blog hop ... inspiration is falling
colorfully all over blogland!
So I share with you the schedule for:
Friday 5
I'm sure we'll all have lots to enjoy
along the leaf-strewn trail today.
And while you're hopping along
this weekend, playing catch-up on your blog reading
if you're anything like me .... I'd like to share another
reminder with you ... my very Wicked friends ...
Yes ... the Wicked Blog Hop will be
soon upon us and I thought how fun
it would be to share more than just a
reminder ...
Why not have a giveaway for my followers??
A Wicked Giveaway!!
Today I offer up to you a kit of Halloween treats.
This is a new pattern by Pacific Rim Quilt Company,
a 2 Fabric Applique Quilts pattern which will
finish 24" x 36" ... the kit includes a yard of the
dark fabric for the front and binding,
3/4 of a yard of the orange and
3/4 of a yard for the backing.
Kinda sweet, without the need to brush your
teeth afterwards, eh?
So, Wicked Friends ... if you are a follower
of mine, and wish to have a chance at this
giveaway, leave me one comment letting me
know you are a follower and tell me in the same
comment whether you like the Tricks or the Treats
at  this time of year.  And yes, my very dear
international friends, even if you don't
partake in the halloween traditions, you
may still enjoy the treat of the giveaway if
you enter as I will ship it to you if you when.
The giveaway will close Friday, October 12th
and winner will be notified via email.
No-reply commenters will need to include
their email address in their comments or
I'm sorry to say, I won't be able to count
your entry as I won't be able to contact you.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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