Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2012

Wicked Hop and a Wicked Tale

Wicked Wednesday ...
October 31st ...
Our last day of the Wicked Hop ...
Today's schedule brings you the following:
Wicked Wednesday,
October 31st

Please join me in cheering for all of our
Wicked Bloggers and the delightfully
wicked creations each has shared.
I give my thanks to all of you for joining
in and encouraging our fellow crafters...
I give special thanks to our Head Cheerleader,
who keeps us inspired to try new things
and keeps us on task ... thank you!
Today I also share with you my wickedly sad
tale of woe ... what better day to share than the
day of spooks and things that go bump in the night?

Meet the Quilt that Almost Wasn't ...
 Actually, this beauty is called "Sunflower"
designed by Amanda Murphy, using her
new line called Bella, which were debuted at
last week's Quilt Market.

Yes! Me!  I was so honored as to make a quilt
for the awesome and amazing Amanda Murphy
and the  totally unrelated 'murphy's law'
struck me wickedly!!

Remember a few weeks back when I was
so horribly sick that I couldn't even sew???
Yep, this beauty was sitting on my cutting table
and I couldn't even put a stitch in it.
Whahhh! --

Week 2 brings me healthy enough
to piece this marvel ... during the evenings
since I had to go to work during the day,
making up the time I missed work due
to illness. ... Small boohhooos ...

Week 3 --- I have my chance to show the
quilt market world that I can sew and quilt
... ... ...
yes ...
wait for it ...
Yep, my less than one-year old Pfaff
dies and I cry ... and cry.
After several desperate phone calls,
a very uncooperative local Pfaff dealer,
Cherrie, a Pfaff rep from the Pfaff
headquarters made a call and a few emails, and
the dealer agreed to work on my machine.
...  the following week ...
(yes, again!)
My back up machine was dead,
the reason for the new machine, in the first place,
so now, I'm again healthy enough to sew,
but can't due to a sick sewing machine.
I had my market quilt half free-motion quilted,
which I had to "un-sew" due to the inability
to finish where I left off
and that took me three evenings.

Week 4 ... I get my machine back.
I finish the quilt and very humbly
and gratefully package the quilt and
ship to the darling Amanda Murphy
in hopes to get it to her in time for market.

 I am extremely grateful the beauty is a completed story...
wicked though it is ... I learned I have persistence and
perseverance if not complete and utter pride that
I can share that I had a quilt at market ...

Wicked enough tale???

LOL ... yes, I can laugh about it now.

Bless each of you for visiting and
bless all those surviving Storm Sandy on the
east coast line of these United States.

Happy Halloween all and Wicked Wishes ~

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 10, 2012

Wicked Hop - Day 7

Something Wicked is truly coming your way,
on this, our second to the last day,
Madame Samm's Pinterest count has
248 Pinterest Wicked Pins.
Wicked Cool!

Spine Tingling Tuesday,
October 30th

Be sure to visit each of our Wicked Bloggers
to see the magic they have created ...
Thank you for joining us ...
Wicked Wishes~

Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 10, 2012

Sharing on Wicked Hop Day 6

OOOOOHHHH!  We are back on the Wicked Blog Hop trail today!
Please join me in hopping in to visit the wicked goodness each of our
stops have in store for us with:

Menacing Monday,
October 29th

 And although my projects aren't wicked, I was a tad bit
wicked by leaving chores and home on Saturday when a
friend a few towns away, asked me to join her for the
day for crafting, food, conversation, and fun.
Who can resist???
Not Me!
Here is what I got accomplished:
The two bags in the back are from the
Stitchin' Sisters' What's in Your Bag pattern
and the two in the front are from the
This & That 's Whimsey Wallet pattern.
I did make a few other 'Priceless' items
that cannot yet be shown, but stay tuned,
as in a couple of weeks U R sure to see them.
I wish you all sorts of happiness and thank you
for stopping in to visit today!
Wicked Good Wishes to you ~ 


Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 10, 2012

Wicked Day Five

Are you as delighted as I have been with the wickedly delightful treats we've been viewing on our Wicked Blog Hop?  Real sweets with zero calories and no threat of cavities! Did you have any idea that pumpkins, witches, ghosts and spooks could be so delicious?
Well, we have another day of hopping, before the weekend, for you to peruse more treats, so please visit our line up for day five of our Wicked Blog Hop ...
Frightful Friday,
October 26th
Be sure and come back on Monday to pick up where we have left off,
as you know our bloggers take the weekend off so we can
catch up on what we may have missed during the week.
Until then, wicked wishes ~

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2012

Tempting you on Wicked Day 4

Oh my goodness! 
Madame Samm's Wicked
Pinterest board counts 149 photos
in three days of hopping!
Wicked Cool!
You creative bloggers are inspiring, and
everyone leaving such kind comments and
encouragement make every stitch
worth while!
Thank you for cheering .... I hope
you have a bit more cheer to share
with our bloggers today:
Tempting Thursday,
October 25th
I'm off to see what wickedness I can
discover and perhaps stitch up a bit more
myself ... if not wickedness ...
perhaps something

Mmm...Mmm ... & Wicked Day Trey!

My intentions were Wicked this evening...
Wicked as in I had plans to sew myself
a little bit of Wicked fun ... just because.
I mean really .... did you see the super
cute Frankie mug rug on the hop yesterday???
And the dear blogger ... (you have to search
for her!) is offering the chance to win
a pattern of it too ... Wicked!
How adorable was that???
But dang it all ...
the girls and I decided
to whip up a bit of MMM ... MMM ...
Wicked Good Delicious
peanut butter cookies:
Well, I think my evening turned out wicked good.
Irretrievable time with my girls and treats to eat.
My youngest wanted me to be sure to include
her picture showing her expertise
in "smushing" the cookies in the oh-so-
appropriate peanut butter cookie pattern ...
How could I not oblige?
Now for what you want to know,
how about Wednesday's line up for
our awesomely Wicked Blog Hop?
Please join me in cheering for the Wicked
good talent and amazing projects that are
being shared on each stop of this hop.
Have you been as amazed as I?
Goodness, the talent being displayed!
Witchy Wednesday,
October 24th
I give my sincere thanks to each blogger
and each hopper participating in this
hop ... the inspiration is heart warming
as are the cheers each of you willingly
share with each blogger ...
Cheers for each of you!
Remember to stop by Sew We Quilt to
see the top two picks each day,
along with the honorable mention for
completed project ...
Be sure to check out the way cool
bat hidden in Sew Me Something Good's
block ... Wicked Cool!
Madame Samm also offers us a
Pinterest link to all of the blocks
made for this hop to date.
Well worth the visit!
Wicked Wishes ~

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 10, 2012

Wicked Blog Hop DAY TWO!!

Forty-six Pinterest Pins on Madame Samm's
Wicked blog hop board for the first day!!
Wicked Cool!

Please join us Tuesday for more
Wicked fun with these wonderful

Terrifying Tuesday,
23rd of October

As for me .... this was my
Monday evening Wickedness:
That's right ... guttin' pumpkins!

But oh! The girls were enjoying themselves ...
And yes, here are the finished results,
instead of candles, I've used strings of orange
and purple mini-lights inside of them...
Wicked Cool!
I look forward to checking in with you again ...
Until then ... Wicked Wishes!