Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 3, 2011

Yep, I am SEW Done!

Really ... I'm so done with the stomach flu my DD kindly brought home from kindergarten and then shared with my second DD and myself ... 


I know that's not what you're here for!!!
But I had to whine, forgive me, and I'm done...


Seriously, here are a few of the projects I've been working on recently that I wanted to show the finished results for:

As this is my first embroidery project, please do not judge Ms. Jenny of Elefantz's pattern by my work.  I adore the pattern and only wish to have done it justice ... however, there is next time!!  I've also learned a few things .... If you look closely (and I really wish you wouldn't, but now that I've put it out there you will) you may  notice that I've used two different flosses ...  I started with DMC floss. While I have always used DMC floss and never thought about it, I've recenlty started using Presencia floss .... Oh My Goodness! Wow! and Holy Cow! Do you notice the pretty shine on the Presenia floss?  Okay, another problem, not thread related, is that I used a fusible stabilizer on the back.  My choice was bad.  You will notice in some spots the fusible kept fraying through to the front.  I eventually removed all of the stabilizer to finish the stitching as I was fighting the "fuzz" so much the stabilizer was not worth it.

I've normally had to separate my floss strands with DMC (and I feel as if I should gracefully start using "the other brand" here, and I apologize, but ...) anyway separating the 6 strands down to 2 often created tangles and then, if not pulled in the right direction, I often had twisting issues as I stitched. (Yes, this is my first embroidery project, but I've cross stitched for more years than you want to know)  Any-who ... using the new Presencia floss meant there was no separating and no twisting as I stitched.  I'm using a slightly heavier weight, and that might lend a difference, however, I also noticed that the heavier thread meant I had to learn to lengthen my stitches a bit more...notice the stitching on the orange flowers (Presencia) as compared to the pink flowers (DMC).  I've also got to work on my blanket stitching ... LOL okay, enough excuses ... I'll work on it, but I had to share ... and yes, I wanted to make excuses for the way my stitching looked ... through no fault of Jenny of Elefantz or Presencia ... LOL 

Okay, Okay ... on to other completions I've compiled lately:

I joined two pincushion swaps ... one with Dandelion Quilts and the other with Cara Quilts.  The really fun part about having two swaps at the same time?  I can show pictures of my completed pincushions and neither one of my swap buddies will know which pincushion is going to who :)  Bo-Nus!!  LOL (okay, I'm tired and a smidgen sick... forgive my humor ... :)  ) Sew ... I am done with these:

And, remember before the mug rug craze, there were these things called "coasters" ???  
I made a few today.... one or two might accidentally land in a package or two I have to mail very soon.  Aren't they bright and pretty?? Certainly they'd add a spot of color to a paper-strewn desk or table, or is that just my desk and table? 
Okay, so might have to keep a couple for myself ... :)

This is Abbie ... since we're both a touch on the sick side, there was only one way I was getting anything sewing related done today ... bribery. ... Yes, bribery.  She wanted to sew.  Bad thing about bribing a 4 year old, she share's with the 6 year old and now we have to have a sewing session with the 6 year old.  What was I thinking???? LOL  Anyway, here is what Abbie created:

Yes, really, I did sew the ones on the right.  My type A personality has matured so much that I actually did not ... I repeat ... did not correct Abbie at every turn and stitch as she made her miniature sized coaster.  Good me ... guess that's why I have the label "mother" now.  I've earned it :)  Do you find it hard sometimes to let others learn dispite your desire to do things the "right" way?  I will always keep this because Abbie is so pleased with her coaster and I'm pleased for her.  Life is good.

Oh ... oh ... one more thing I'm so done with ... Remember me posting here about "U R My Sunshine?" quilt.  Well, I finished quilting it and I wanted to share with you how it turned out. 

It was remarked upon before being quilted that it "lacked some pop"
... I think I accomplished giving it some "pop". What say you?  

  You know, sometimes in life a person needs to make their own sunshine  ... I'm happy with my Sunshine reminder.  I've even hung it on the wall in my studio for those moments when I might need the reminder.

Yep, I am done with my post now ... :)  I've finished sewing my Blockapalooza blocks, but since I've rambled so long on this post, I'll spare you and share another day.  Maybe by the time I post the blocks, I'll have the center piece finished too ... maybe :)

Hugs to each of you and my sincerest appreciation for you!

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