Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 3, 2011

Bucketful of Gratitude

My thank yous go to each and every one of my supporters that not only visited me for this small giveaway, but for every comment and kindness done for me since I started this blogging endeavor.  You may  never know what your small moment of time and kind words may do for me, or any other person, but there are days when my supporters, blogging friends, lift my spirits and help me through another day, or hour, or very frustrating minute.  You are all dear to my heart.  Thank you.

I so truly wish, as many do, that I could gift every one of you with a prize, however ... there will be another time if you have the gumption to stick it out with me ... I promise!!

So, without further adieu ...

My Bucketful of Gratitude Winner is: 

True Random Number Generator
Min:   1
Max:  74
Result: 54
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

54 Stray Stitches said...

I am a regular follower of your great blog. If I'm so lucky as to selected as one of the winners I would like the Make Life Simple bucket. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
March 1, 2011 1:58 PM
Congratulations, Linda!!  You got back from your travels just in time, it seems, as you are my lucky winner.  Please send to me your mailing information and I will send along your Make Life Simple bucket with all the goodies I posted about in my blog yesterday....

To everyone else ... truly, stay posted, as soon I know this little bitty blog is gonna have to share another fun giveaway.  Thank you for being here!!

Quiltastic day to you all!!

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