Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2011

No Rhyme, No Reason ...

No rhyme, no reason, just tis the season ... and I'm teasin!  lol
(Okay, so at 1:00 a.m., I thought that was funny ... {{grins}} )

Happy Hellos to you on this fine Tuesday!!

So ... What have I been up to ... you don't ask ...

tonight I caught up on my Blockapalooza blocks:

I really like the blocks and the colors ... though the pictures turned out dark ... again a bit late at night, everyone else is in bed therefore I get to actually accomplish something ... like maybe a silly post that might bring a few laughs? luv and hugs!!

My girls did make this last week:

Abbie, Snowperson, Emily
Yes, I think they are just too cute not to include in my post today.

See, I told you ... no rhyme or reason to my post today, though I did want to share!!

OH .. and look what my sweet post lady brought me:

This would be my most awesome Kansas Troubles Fat 1/8th Bundle recently won during the Moda Pillow Talk Blog Hop ... you my remember my smidgen of excitement posted here ... not that I was excited or anything ... HA!  Super cool!!  Thank you Moda and Kansas Troubles Quilters!!

Then ... I  know, I know ... stop with the bragging already, but hey ... I was so lucky to win and I really do want to give credit to the most wonderful people that make and share these wonderful projects ...

Isn't this bag adorable?!?!!  Ms. Geta Grama of Geta's Quilting Studio made this bag and had a giveaway.  I was the very fortunate winner ... she thinks I should share it with my daughters,but I do believe I might end up being a bit selfish here and keep it for myself ... besides it's just one and they would probably fight anyway so, in the end, I'm doing us all a favor, aren't I?? ... just say yes, it's easier, trust me {{grins}}  Thank you Geta!!  Do take the opportunity to check out her blog ... she's an amazing quilter and truly worth the trip to Romania to see her (in the bloggi-sphere).

Okay .. I've been working on another little project, but since it's isn't quite ready for it's curtain call, I can't share ... its camera shy  ... or camera smart with the way I've been taking pictures lately ... but I hope to finish my little project soon so I can share it with anyone interested enough to come on back for a visit.

I'm off to raid the snack cupboard and then connect my head with the pillow ... Thanks to everyone who stopped by for a visit ... thank you even more, and more, and more {{hint hint}}, for leaving me a little comment telling me you were here.  I so appreciate you!! 

Until next time ... Quiltastic day to you and happy heart hugs to each of you!

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