Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2011

Happy Friday Wishes to You!

Nothing special for me to post today, but to say HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I'm working on things here, and working on things there ... I'm hoping I'll have some closer to finished things to show you on Monday. 

For everyone that wished my girls and I healthy ... thank you and many warm heart wishes to you :) ... Em and I are on the mend, but it seems my Abbie may have gotten the Type A Flu ... she's still trying to mend.  Hopefully this weekend she can shake it and be back in form soon.  God love her, but tending to a sick (read tempermental) 4 yr old (who is going on 14), it's a wonder I don't go back to bed myself, crawl under the covers and stay there ...
 I'm serious! 

Oh ... one more thing ... I've come across one of the funniest ladies here in the bloggi-hood (according to me ;) ...) and it seems she's a fairly new blogger ... if you want a laugh, and trust me, you will laugh (okay, I actually snorted... ONCE)... go check out Pat over at Yumm Yumz by Patticakes.  Honestly, there's no giveaway for winnings, there's nothing in it for me, but I really think laughter is cool and I just wanted to share.

Hugs to you all, thank you for stopping by and have a super weekend!!

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