Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 3, 2011

Time to Play

Yes, I admit it ... I played hookie today from sewing, quilting, laundry and housework.  I had fun.

LOL .... ready for this?

My four year old and I played Super Mario on Wii dang near all day long! ....  LOL  Then, we went to pick up her sister from kindergarten, and all three of us played until we had to leave for Church tonight.  Yes, we even squeezed one more game in before they had to go to bed. ..... LOL

Life was good and I do not feel guilty!

So .... I will say that on Saturday I received a very nice package in the mail from my pincushion swap partner,  Shannon of Nunu's Quilt World  ... wanna see?

Very cool package, thank you very much!

Look at these adorable pins!  Sweeeeeetttt!
Shannon, thank you, thank you!  It was emmencely fun being your swap buddy!

This is my Em sneaking in some sewing time since little Sis got to earlier ...
love her enough to let her use my machine :)  And you know what else?  Em had me come to her class yesterday so she could show and tell a couple of the quilts I've made ... do I have to tell you how special that was for me?


I am also proud to say, I finally finished this quilt!  Yay me!!  It is my very first block of the month for which I pieced it and designed and stitched the layout in 2009. (not a typo)  I quilted this Nov. 2010.  I did the binding yesterday.  Not bad!  It now graces my bed. ... my king size bed.  Does that give you any idea of how large this puppy is?  I'm thrilled its finished and out of my sewing room and off my UFO list!
And, as for this little spot of sunshine, I finished it Monday and stuck it in the mail on Tuesday.  I'm hoping it gets to it's surprise recipient on Friday ... One can hope.  I wanted to share  the sunny feeling I get in my heart when I visit and share with my friend, so made this for her, so she will always have her own spot of sunshine to warm her heart.

I'm thinking she'll be pleased. :) What do you think? I used Patrick Lose fabrics and it is once again my own design.  Fun, fun.

Okay, I'm off to bed ... yes, bed ... the girls are asleep and the kitchen has been cleaned, laundry is now going and I do believe a book and hot cuppa is calling my name from my comfy bed with my very own quilt to sleep under.  Yay me!

Blessings to each of you and thank you dearly for stopping by for a visit!  Please remember that I appreciate each and every single one of you that comes by and it means ever so much to me when you let me know you've been here with a comment.

Hugs to you! and Quiltastic day to ya!

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2011

Set SA Ametist twist

Set SA Wired

Set SA Wine surub

Set SA Plasa Onix

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2011

Happy Friday Wishes to You!

Nothing special for me to post today, but to say HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I'm working on things here, and working on things there ... I'm hoping I'll have some closer to finished things to show you on Monday. 

For everyone that wished my girls and I healthy ... thank you and many warm heart wishes to you :) ... Em and I are on the mend, but it seems my Abbie may have gotten the Type A Flu ... she's still trying to mend.  Hopefully this weekend she can shake it and be back in form soon.  God love her, but tending to a sick (read tempermental) 4 yr old (who is going on 14), it's a wonder I don't go back to bed myself, crawl under the covers and stay there ...
 I'm serious! 

Oh ... one more thing ... I've come across one of the funniest ladies here in the bloggi-hood (according to me ;) ...) and it seems she's a fairly new blogger ... if you want a laugh, and trust me, you will laugh (okay, I actually snorted... ONCE)... go check out Pat over at Yumm Yumz by Patticakes.  Honestly, there's no giveaway for winnings, there's nothing in it for me, but I really think laughter is cool and I just wanted to share.

Hugs to you all, thank you for stopping by and have a super weekend!!

Set SA Royal

Sarma placata cu argint si sticla de Murano

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 3, 2011

Set SA Onix 1,5 cm

Set SA Goldstone

Set SA Waves

Set SA Agata romb

Set SA Agate 4 cm

Set SA Duble agate

Set SA Agate 5 cm

Set SA Agate verzi

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 3, 2011

Yep, I am SEW Done!

Really ... I'm so done with the stomach flu my DD kindly brought home from kindergarten and then shared with my second DD and myself ... 


I know that's not what you're here for!!!
But I had to whine, forgive me, and I'm done...


Seriously, here are a few of the projects I've been working on recently that I wanted to show the finished results for:

As this is my first embroidery project, please do not judge Ms. Jenny of Elefantz's pattern by my work.  I adore the pattern and only wish to have done it justice ... however, there is next time!!  I've also learned a few things .... If you look closely (and I really wish you wouldn't, but now that I've put it out there you will) you may  notice that I've used two different flosses ...  I started with DMC floss. While I have always used DMC floss and never thought about it, I've recenlty started using Presencia floss .... Oh My Goodness! Wow! and Holy Cow! Do you notice the pretty shine on the Presenia floss?  Okay, another problem, not thread related, is that I used a fusible stabilizer on the back.  My choice was bad.  You will notice in some spots the fusible kept fraying through to the front.  I eventually removed all of the stabilizer to finish the stitching as I was fighting the "fuzz" so much the stabilizer was not worth it.

I've normally had to separate my floss strands with DMC (and I feel as if I should gracefully start using "the other brand" here, and I apologize, but ...) anyway separating the 6 strands down to 2 often created tangles and then, if not pulled in the right direction, I often had twisting issues as I stitched. (Yes, this is my first embroidery project, but I've cross stitched for more years than you want to know)  Any-who ... using the new Presencia floss meant there was no separating and no twisting as I stitched.  I'm using a slightly heavier weight, and that might lend a difference, however, I also noticed that the heavier thread meant I had to learn to lengthen my stitches a bit more...notice the stitching on the orange flowers (Presencia) as compared to the pink flowers (DMC).  I've also got to work on my blanket stitching ... LOL okay, enough excuses ... I'll work on it, but I had to share ... and yes, I wanted to make excuses for the way my stitching looked ... through no fault of Jenny of Elefantz or Presencia ... LOL 

Okay, Okay ... on to other completions I've compiled lately:

I joined two pincushion swaps ... one with Dandelion Quilts and the other with Cara Quilts.  The really fun part about having two swaps at the same time?  I can show pictures of my completed pincushions and neither one of my swap buddies will know which pincushion is going to who :)  Bo-Nus!!  LOL (okay, I'm tired and a smidgen sick... forgive my humor ... :)  ) Sew ... I am done with these:

And, remember before the mug rug craze, there were these things called "coasters" ???  
I made a few today.... one or two might accidentally land in a package or two I have to mail very soon.  Aren't they bright and pretty?? Certainly they'd add a spot of color to a paper-strewn desk or table, or is that just my desk and table? 
Okay, so might have to keep a couple for myself ... :)

This is Abbie ... since we're both a touch on the sick side, there was only one way I was getting anything sewing related done today ... bribery. ... Yes, bribery.  She wanted to sew.  Bad thing about bribing a 4 year old, she share's with the 6 year old and now we have to have a sewing session with the 6 year old.  What was I thinking???? LOL  Anyway, here is what Abbie created:

Yes, really, I did sew the ones on the right.  My type A personality has matured so much that I actually did not ... I repeat ... did not correct Abbie at every turn and stitch as she made her miniature sized coaster.  Good me ... guess that's why I have the label "mother" now.  I've earned it :)  Do you find it hard sometimes to let others learn dispite your desire to do things the "right" way?  I will always keep this because Abbie is so pleased with her coaster and I'm pleased for her.  Life is good.

Oh ... oh ... one more thing I'm so done with ... Remember me posting here about "U R My Sunshine?" quilt.  Well, I finished quilting it and I wanted to share with you how it turned out. 

It was remarked upon before being quilted that it "lacked some pop"
... I think I accomplished giving it some "pop". What say you?  

  You know, sometimes in life a person needs to make their own sunshine  ... I'm happy with my Sunshine reminder.  I've even hung it on the wall in my studio for those moments when I might need the reminder.

Yep, I am done with my post now ... :)  I've finished sewing my Blockapalooza blocks, but since I've rambled so long on this post, I'll spare you and share another day.  Maybe by the time I post the blocks, I'll have the center piece finished too ... maybe :)

Hugs to each of you and my sincerest appreciation for you!

Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 3, 2011

Set Red Millefiiori

Set Yellow

Set Yellow 2

Set Yellow 3

Set Organza Orchid

Set Caleidoscop

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 3, 2011

Just so you know ...

Moda's Just One Star by Wendy in MT

Moda's Just One Star a photo by Wendy in MT on Flickr.
Just so you know that I haven't been sitting and twiddlin' my thumbs ... I finished these and mailed them yesterday. You can learn more about them here: Just One Star... this is a challenge by Moda to create quilts for soldiers.  Just one star from each of us quilters and imagine the amount of quilts that can be made.  I happened to have signed up for this through p.s.iquilt who was challenging her readers.  It was the kick in the seat I needed to get'r done ... and yes, she's offering prizes to those that let her know via pictures that they've made them and mailed them.  My sister is/was a Marine, so in her honor, I did these.

I am also working on two pincushions, to be seen later, for two different swaps. One stated she didn't like wonky and all be darned but I just feel so very tempted to do something wonky ... shame, shame!! LOL

And, to everyone who may or may not need a hug ... consider yourself hugged!! You know you cannot give a hug without receiving one, so I give each and everyone of you a virtual hug!!

Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 3, 2011

Sweet Sunny Happiness

Thank you MS!

Friday, I received this very special order from Sweetwater:

beautiful piece of art ... will be matted and framed.
Sweetwater blogged about this art print on Monday on there blog, here: makelifesweet.  My picture doesn't do this beautiful piece of art justice ... check out their post and then come back ...

Welcome back. :-)  As soon as I saw the script under the Sunkissed circles, I had to have this. I mean I HAD to have it.  I don't do this too very often ... really :-) but ... well, wait a minute, let me show you this next project I've been working on (before I discovered Sweetwater's artwork) and then I'll explain:

Sunkissed fabric by Sweetwater ... Of Course! ...
The design is mine, I was aiming for a 'sun-like' image. Center is paper-pieced, rest of it was a work in progress ... designed as I went.  It's not yet quilted, maybe next week...
I enlarged this picture so you could read the bottom of my wall hanging. ...

"U R My Sunshine"

Did you notice the song on Sweetwater's art piece?  "You Are My Sunshine"

Well, the story behind this special song for me, is a bit personal ... so skip ahead if you don't want to be bored ... really, I understand {{chuckle}}

Long before I ever knew "about" life, my lifetime's goal was to become a mother.  Long story short, God had different plans.  Needless to say, I constantly questioned his plans and through many false pregnancies, miscarriages and upsets, I began doubting I would ever achieve what I thought was my lifetime goal.
Fast forward from age 19 to 36, which spans a marriage, a divorce, several years single ... can you hear the tick tock ?? ... lol ... and by 36 I was married again, set on life as a childless women, unless I could afford to adopt, which really wasn't in the cards.
Until, wow, one day I was pregnant, and I remained pregnant ...  I was so thrilled that every day I would place my hand on my little baby-bump and sing "You Are My Sunshine" over and over again to my tummy.  Silly, I know.  But then, it became such a mantra to me, that I sang it to my daughter as a baby, my second blessing of a baby and then to both of my girls at bedtime or when their tears just needed a mommy hug.  Seriously, my girls are my Sunshine...
Thank you God, honestly and truly!

Okay ... if you've skipped ahead past the boringly personal story ... I've a few more shares for you:
My sister has a birthday on Sunday.  I made her this:

Adorable laminated material, isn't it? :)

Inside ... I really think this can be reversible, don't you?
Laminated materials I used.
So, what this is, is a laminated market/grocery tote.  I will not admit to being too lazy, or too cheap, to purchase a pattern ... I really thought there were lots of patterns for this type of bag online, for free.  My Bad. {{chuckle}}  Well, what makes this bag different is that it's laminated on the outside, and the inside. So, since I had to have this ready to be mailed this weekend (sorry Sherry, it'll be there Monday, a day after your birthday ... hugs! ... ) I didn't have time to purchase a pattern, nor run to town to find one.

If you'd care to, I'll write up a tutorial for this very quick and very easy tote.  I made it all in one afternoon and I believe it's good enough to be reversible.  Not bad for cheap and easy :) :)

And on a final note, I persevered and finished up this week's block for Blockapalooza ... keeping me caught up.  Here:
Kinda fun, isn't it?  Yay! I'm still caught up.

Well, the husband's off work and the kids are out of school for the weekend so I probably won't get much sewing done ... maybe ;) ... stitching in the car? lol

And on that note, I best be heading off to bed ... somehow the clock is close to that 1:00 hour again ... when I start getting silly, so I'll spare everyone and stop while I'm ahead. Hope the long post was too bad for you!! Hugs and luv to each of you ... thank you for stopping by and thank you even more for letting me know you stopped by!  Quiltastic day to you!!

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2011

No Rhyme, No Reason ...

No rhyme, no reason, just tis the season ... and I'm teasin!  lol
(Okay, so at 1:00 a.m., I thought that was funny ... {{grins}} )

Happy Hellos to you on this fine Tuesday!!

So ... What have I been up to ... you don't ask ...

tonight I caught up on my Blockapalooza blocks:

I really like the blocks and the colors ... though the pictures turned out dark ... again a bit late at night, everyone else is in bed therefore I get to actually accomplish something ... like maybe a silly post that might bring a few laughs? luv and hugs!!

My girls did make this last week:

Abbie, Snowperson, Emily
Yes, I think they are just too cute not to include in my post today.

See, I told you ... no rhyme or reason to my post today, though I did want to share!!

OH .. and look what my sweet post lady brought me:

This would be my most awesome Kansas Troubles Fat 1/8th Bundle recently won during the Moda Pillow Talk Blog Hop ... you my remember my smidgen of excitement posted here ... not that I was excited or anything ... HA!  Super cool!!  Thank you Moda and Kansas Troubles Quilters!!

Then ... I  know, I know ... stop with the bragging already, but hey ... I was so lucky to win and I really do want to give credit to the most wonderful people that make and share these wonderful projects ...

Isn't this bag adorable?!?!!  Ms. Geta Grama of Geta's Quilting Studio made this bag and had a giveaway.  I was the very fortunate winner ... she thinks I should share it with my daughters,but I do believe I might end up being a bit selfish here and keep it for myself ... besides it's just one and they would probably fight anyway so, in the end, I'm doing us all a favor, aren't I?? ... just say yes, it's easier, trust me {{grins}}  Thank you Geta!!  Do take the opportunity to check out her blog ... she's an amazing quilter and truly worth the trip to Romania to see her (in the bloggi-sphere).

Okay .. I've been working on another little project, but since it's isn't quite ready for it's curtain call, I can't share ... its camera shy  ... or camera smart with the way I've been taking pictures lately ... but I hope to finish my little project soon so I can share it with anyone interested enough to come on back for a visit.

I'm off to raid the snack cupboard and then connect my head with the pillow ... Thanks to everyone who stopped by for a visit ... thank you even more, and more, and more {{hint hint}}, for leaving me a little comment telling me you were here.  I so appreciate you!! 

Until next time ... Quiltastic day to you and happy heart hugs to each of you!