Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 2, 2011

Hello, hello!!

Nothing like getting in your face and bein' too cheerful, eh?

First things first .... have you seen Sew I Quilt's Madam Samm and AccuQuilt are giving away a Baby Go? ... well they are ... check out the link in the righthand column of my blog if you please :) ... when you're done here ... I gotta keep you captive as long as possible!!

Did you know this was my m'GRug from Madam Samm's contest?
 We were supposed to create a m'GRug that best described ourselves ... well this is what I came up with. I love every color under the rainbow ... and the promise the rainbow represents.  I adore the color pink, in any shade and as I have two daughters, I thought the two colors pink represented them well...the star is also a version of the friendship star for which I strive to be and for which I am grateful, friends.  Notice the heart stitched in the middle? Love my friends!  The third segment is also all about me (heeheehee) I love being out of doors when the sun is out, the sky is blue and the grass is in it's springy crispness...can't you smell it now?  Ahhhhhh......  The two roses, well yeah, you got it ... my two girls again, they are my life.  I couldn't come up with pink roses so used the red ... however, I love planting flowers and my flower color passion is anything that will grow in our short Montana growing season ... any color rose :) Can you believe all of that in one little m'GRug?  (note .... they are called mug rugs, but every time I say that word in my head, I get funny little pictures and wish there was another name.) 

Have you seen Pat Sloan's new Mug Hug?  She made it for Lizzie B Cre8tive's new endeavor ... which is AWEsome by the way .... a brand new E-Zine ... DreamLaughCreate.  Holy buckets ... if you haven't checked out this new FREE online magazine go to it ... wait

Not right this very second!!!  Finish my post, because, well heck, I've been agonizing over this for ... like ... forEVER! ... hahahaha nah, just an eternity and I'd really like to know you were here, so could you kindly leave me a comment just to let me know you stopped by?  Oh and besides, I'm not done posting yet ...

Okay, okay ... Just so you know I haven't just spent the past week blog hopping ... no, seriously! ... I've included a couple of pictures of what I've accomplished this week:

Blockapalooza Blocks 7 &  8 ... Love 'em, even the orange pieces ...
who knew?!?! :)

This is my MBS quilt, Ritzy Crackers, which I made for my daughter's kindergarten friend who is moving away next week.  All of her classmates, and the teachers, signed the quilt and I finished it so it can be presented to her on her last day.  I used Sandy Gervais' Giddy line ... two charm packs, plus some light pink Moda Solids.

My last minute Valentine gifts for my husband and two girls .... what's a mom/wife to do when you don't live close to town and husband could care less about cards?  Raid the stash!  These last longer too!

Quilted this beauty for a friend (Yes, Julie, your second is on the machine now!!)  By special request (mine), please hop on a horse and start galloping before taking too close a look at my quilting ... I'm still a beginner, but I SWEAR I'm trying my best!

Okay, okay ... I know you're chompin' at the bit to get over to that new E-Zine (if you aren't you should be) so I'll help you out by providing the link again ... Dream. Laugh. Create.

Please remember to check back with me in the very near future ... if you notice, I am very close to my 100th post and I believe I will be very "cliche" and have a giveaway.  Like Sweetwater anyone?

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