Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 2, 2011

Meandering Stroll

I've been taking a little stroll around our bloggihood and spending a wee-bit of time (okay several hours ... shhhh!! ) reading blogs tonight.  Wow!  The things happening in the 'hood!  A few things I felt the need to share, so please bear with me and I thank you for your indulgence....

First of all ... please add to your prayers Jenny of ELEFANTZ and her fellow Austrailians.  Oh my goodness, puts life in perspective.  She and her family are just opening the battened down hatches after the cyclone Yasi has passed over which, of course, were only just being aired out after the recent floods.  And still, while she and her family clean up from this disaster, she's thinking of others around her and even many of us in the U.S. going through the ice storms and snowy blizzards. .... Might be worth a stop over to give her your best wishes?   Thanks!

On a happier note, one of my all time favorite bloggihood neighbors, Ms. Vanessa from V and Co.  was spotlighted on her local news program, Channel 4's Good Things Utah.  Yes, I am taking the liberty of sharing the broadcast link here.  Her spot was that good!  I've admired her fabulous crafts and projects but avoided this particular beauty as it uses ruffles and I have had ruffle phobia until I watched her.  Way cool technique and I may even be sharing a Valentine's Day pillow or two for my daughters very soon here at Why Knot ... just sayin.  Check Ms. V out, you'll enjoy it.  Trust me. :-)

Oh yeah, next on my bloggiland stroll I wandered through this site .... The Sewing Summit.  I've been mentally doing a search of a "mom" retreat I could convince my husband I really wanted to attend this year.  I think this may be it.  Last year, as many of you  may recall, I attended the Sisters 35th Annual Outdoor Quilt Show (blogged about here).  I went with a fun group of ladies and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  I was toying with the idea of attempting to make a trip down to quilt market this year, but knew that was probably  out of the question and really, in all honesty, not the place for me ... yet ... as much as I drool over the idea.  Then I heard rumors of The Sewing Summit here and there in the bloggihood.  From their website, I share these words:

We are a sewing and blogging conference for the modern sewist who wants to connect with others in a fun and inspiring setting. We are planning classes, panels, speakers, vendor demonstrations, networking events and more.
This summit will be held October 7, 8, and 9 in Salt Lake City.  I'm thinking I could convince my husband to be primary care giver for a few days ... any advice on plausible, convincing arguments would be greatly appreciated :).  Anyway, any thoughts on this summit? Anyone else thinking of attending?  How fun to meet bloggihood neighbors and while absorbing all the creative mojo surely to be located in one location!  Just thinkin. Hopefully soon to be plannin.

Oh ... and I have sewn a bit ... check this out:

Block-a-Palooza Block #4

I've also been working on another quilt for one of my daughter's best kindergarten classmates as she is leaving in a couple of weeks and my daughter will sorely miss her.  I should be able to share pictures after the weekend.

Okay, the hour is again late. I should probably connect my my head with a pillow.  I thank you for stopping by and visiting ... it means the world to me! 

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