Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 10, 2010

Well, dang.... !!!

Well, shoot.  Get stymied on writing a post because you can't think of a catchy post title.  Well, duh! :)  Just post it and hope you all are interested enough to stop by anyway. :)

HI!  Remember me?  I'm sure you've caught a few hints in my last couple of posts that life has been getting in the way of my blogging.  Well...yessirreebob! Whew.  Where to start, where to start?  How about this?

Stop a moment and smell the flowers in my yard with me.

More flowers in my yard.
Believe it or not, this client's quilt is for a wedding her niece(?) is having on Halloween.  She thought what better use for most of her Halloween prints that she found in her stash.
Client's quilt for a Halloween-day wedding.  White squares not quilted for signature blocks.

One of the large squares in which I free-handed a pumpkin.
Remember the Scarecrow parade I mentioned in an earlier blog?  Here are a couple of the entries and what a gorgeous day!  Fun pictures :)

I really thought this Scarecrow Parade entry was cool.  Wings are held up with chicken wire.  Neat looking.

My daughters' favorite Scarecrow Parade entry -- "Do You See Me Now?"  Pretty clever.

Scarecrow parade winner ... local vet's entry.  Don't you City-People just love this? lol
 No, this is not one of the dorky entries at the scarecrow parade.  This is me.  Yes, I know .... I need to be on the bike, not next to it.  However, preserverance pays off.  I pulled the last entry form for this bike giveaway.  My daughters and I were just bemoaning the fact that my older bicycle needed so many repairs before I could join them for rides that my daughter wanted me to come home with this one.  Well, I'll be darned.  I came home with this one :).  Mikes Hard Lemonaide must know I'm an avid supporter :) .... lol
See me.  See my new Mike's Hard Lemonaide bike I recently won :).  See helmet.  See me not drinking and biking!

 Meet my other baby, Belle.  Two year old Belle.  Chocolate English Labrador. Adorable baby!!  We've had her since she was five weeks old.
This is Belle.  She is 2 years old.

This is Belle's new fenced yard.  Fence started and completed this weekend by DH and moi.
 Another person came by a week ago and asked me to fit her in for a rush, custom job.  Got it done today.  Her husband told me tonight she's been waiting for my phone call.

Quilt 1 of 2 I quilted today for a client.

Quilt 2 of 2 I quilted today for same client.

Now that I have shared a few pictures, will you all forgive me a little, tiny, itsy, bit for not blogging recently?

Further explanation.  How about this? My laptop which you all know I virtually slept with, (truly, DH sleeps on couch), was undergoing routine backup and unloading of some pictures.  I believe the new flash drive I purchased and installed for picture storage shared a malware virus as shortly after backing up all of my pictures (fortunately I also have Norton backup), my faithful, wonderful laptop died.  I must have worked for almost two weeks trying to bring this baby back to life, to no avail.  Including new hard drive. After many frustrating attempts, my DH decided enough was enough as I was spending more time with the laptop than withthe family.  My desktop was much, much older than the laptop and therefor slower than molasses in January, so I was down.  Literally, I was down in the dumps.  I don't cope well out of routine and my routine includes my virtual internet world.  All of you wonderful people mean the world to me.  So, DH decided to replace .... not my laptop but the slow desktop.  And, of course, the new computer does not speak to the old printer.  WHAT?  Go figure.  So, I have two keyboards, two mice, two screens and one printer on my desk.  Plus .... get this.  My trusty, dusty faithful palmpilot, which I have also had for over seven years, must have been feeling left out, as it called it quits on me.  Of course, I synced it with the laptop which is no longer in service.  Are you following me still?

Yes, I've gone through many a kleenix in frustration.  I have not gotten much sewing done because of all of my technical issues.  Aren't you glad you wondered?  Aren't you glad you can go back to your chaos now and leave me to mine? lol .... chaos it is.  Though, DD1 is happier with school now.  The crying has basically stopped.  DD2 has decided she's not quite thrilled with pre-school so has started up with the tears that DD1 stopped.  And, to top it all off, I have finally convinced DH that we need a third-party to help us communicate before a third party helps us divide our belongings.

Did I just write that?  Yes.  Yes, I truly find myself envious at times of many fortunate quilters who have supportive spouses and/or family units.  While 95% of my life cannot be complained about, actually rejoiced about and grateful for, sometimes its the 5% that weighs most heavily and hurts the most often.  So, in truth dear blogging world friends, I am grateful for each and every one of you and appreciate the moments in time you care to share with me.

You bring a smile to my heart when I need it most and I thank God for you every day.  So ... in closing ...

 God bless you and quiltastic day to ya!

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