Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 9, 2010

Good things ...

Well, I now believe my baby would have survived her first week of school in a lot better frame of mind if she wouldn't have been sick.  Discovered this fact this morning.  All week we all believed it was just the change of life's situations putting a drain on Emily and her emotions.  She was such a trooper and each day she came home more and more drained.  Well, this morning when she didn't want to go, we tried to convince her this was the last day of the school week and next week would be better, determined to prove to her she would love school once she got used to the routine...that was until my baby threw up her morning breakfast all over my bathroom tile.  Wake up call to mom and dad. Emily was truly sick and highly probable that most of her clinginess was due to not feeling well.  I am forgiving myself here ... big week and did do the best I could, so did she, and in the end, she'll go back Tuesday after spending most of the four-day weekend recovering and resting.  After all, I don't know if she could be any more excited about school than she is, or was, until she got sick.

Good news came in the mail yesterday ....

Yes, this is my PURE yardage from Sweetwater for Moda.  LOOOOVVVVEEEE it! :-)

I bought this material to make this Amy Butler bag.  Beautiful!!

And, I also received some Candyland fabric in the mail a couple of days ago and made this with it ...

I made this panel quilt this morning and will quilt it tomorrow for Abbie.  The girls and I are using it to play the game with so we might as well play and cuddle with it at the same time.  And ... best news of all,

My Gammie has found her new home!!!  Door and floor trim still needs to be completed, but ...
My studio is completed enough to move in Gammie!!  I'm going to get her running tomorrow by quilting the Candyland quilt.  Yippiee!!!

All in all, despite childhood ailments hitting home, it was a good day.

Quiltastic day all!

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