Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 9, 2010

Fall Into Fall Giveaway


After many computer challenges and personal road blocks this past week, (for which I will gift you all by not whining about ... so you're all winners in my book!!) I feel a great sense of accomplishment in presenting to you for the Fall into Fall giveaway my newly sewn Frankenstein pincushion/thread catcher made from Nancy Halvorsen's Sew Necessary book.  I adore Nancy Halvorsen's books and materials!! so wanted to share with you something I thought would be fun to have in the sewing room.

Also included in this giveaway is a dessert roll of Thimbleberries fabric and a baker's dozen of  Thimbleberries fat quarters of (I believe all of them are, though forgive my error if not because one or two aren't marked).  I retreived all of these fat quarters from my stash so they are not from any one collection, but what I believe will be a nice complement to fall sewing.

Okay, what you've all been waiting for ... how do you enter ??? Well, my rules are simple. Please leave me ONE (1) comment with your name and list your favorite type of Halloween treat .... that's it. Name and treat.  Heck, that's not too hard, right?  For all this lovely giveaway package ?!?!  :-)  I will ship internationally. Drawing for this giveaway will be held on Friday, October 15th, so please remember to check back, or make sure I have a way to contact you.

Okay, now leave your comment and get back on the giveaway trail.  You can click on my Fall into Fall Scarecrow to the right and it will take you right back to the list of participating bloggers.  Blessings to all of you and have a most quiltastic day!!

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 9, 2010

Set Millefiori 2

Set Millefiori 1

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 9, 2010

How Sweet it is ... Winner, too!!

Today, I took a Quilt in a Day class from Ms. Joyce Anderson and constructed the Autumn Leaf Tablerunner with batiks from my stash pile.  Love it!

This beautiful table runner is what I got accomplished today. Me. Today. .... Wow!! Just typing it makes me happy!!  No whining "Maaawwwwwmmmm".  No scolding "would you PUT that down," "STAY out of that!," "STOP hitting your sister,"  "no, you cannot have that," "OH MY GOSH ... would you knock it OFF!!" (sound familiar?) No getting interrupted a ba-zillion times ... blissful, wonderful, lovely quilting time, chatting with wonderful new friends and well-known companions. ... Sweet!

Okay, back to real life ...   :) 

We have a winner!!!  Youngest little-butt o'mine did the honors ...

The winner of my Thankful Thursday giveaway is Rachel.  Rachel stated:

I love blogs that have a theme (which yours does), but also where the blogger shares a little bit about their lives too.  I am a reality show junkie, so peering into other people's lives, even if just a little, is just so fascinating to me!!  Cheers!

Thank you Rachel, if you would please email me your snail mail address, I will get your Spooktacular package in the mail with all speed at my disposal :).

To everyone else, I thank you sincerely for posting and I am taking to heart each and every one of your blog likes and dislikes to make this a happy place for many as possible, including myself :)

Until the next time, hugs and blessings to all and,

Quiltastic day to ya!

Hi-dee-ho my blogging friends!!

Good morning, good morning!!

When most of you read this, I realize you will be expecting to read the announcement of who won my Thankful Thursday giveaway.  Weeeelllllllll..... at the time of last week's posting, I forgot that I had a class scheduled for today (Sept. 23).  An actual quilting class. My ooops.  However, I didn't want to make any changes and I figured all of you would probably be most understanding :).  Husband's off at work, DD #1 is at school, DD #2 is at sitter's until preschool time, at which time sitter will drive her to said preschool, and husband will pick both girls up at the end of school day, about the same time I finish with class.  How often do the stars align like this, I ask ... NOT that DARN often in my lifetime, I tell ya!!

Needless to say, I will most defnitely come home happy and cheerful from spending the day with like-minded quilty-ladies, with not a grabby-hand nor whiny request (unless it's mine!!) and most joyfully chose a winner amongst my wonderful bloggy friends who commented on my post last Thursday ... my thankful Thursday.

So, until later tonight, I bid you all adieu with my many thanks for understanding!

Much love, many hugs and most importantly,

Quiltastic day!!

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 9, 2010

Set Fimo Peach

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 9, 2010

Ahhh ... accomplishments.

As Sunday evening draws to a close, the girls are in bed, and the Colts are beating the Giants, I sit here satisfied that I actually accomplished something in the quilting room this weekend.  It looked pretty bleak this week until a trip to the doctor scored me some much needed antibiotics and some cough syrup.  Guess I should have gone in earlier...couldn't probably gotten into the sewing room sooner! {chuckle}

Back on the first of September, I was fortunate to win a Soiree Honey Bun from Ann's blog, A Girl in Paradise  .  Well,  this is what I have done with some of it this weekend:

I made these handy little bags using the Snap Happy pattern from Stitchin' Sisters.  Quick, easy and super sweet for gifts.  In fact, since I only used roughly eight strips from this honey bun and got three bags made, I've got lots and lots of honey bun left to make more projects.  What fun!!  These two are off in the mail tomorrow to hopefully share a smile since I was so fortunate. :)

Also accomplished, although not counting as a total finish, I completed the top to my Mocha Swirl quilt. Here's the completed top:

Sun's not shining much here this week, so this was the best picture I could get.  Maybe after I finish the quilting.  At least then I can cross it off my Charming Chatter Girls Club list ... woo hoo, looking forward to that! This quilt was to be a birthday present last weekend, but as noted above, sickness got in the way and it got put aside.  No fair!  Oh well, at least this should be done now and way before Christmas!  Leaves me more room on my Christmas to-do list :)

Well, I need to let all of you fine people go and I thank you for reading my ramblings this far.

May your heart be happy!

The Last Piece: A Little Things GIVEAWAY!!

The Last Piece: A Little Things GIVEAWAY!!

Nancy from Silly Stitching blogged about this giveaway and when I went to give a look-sie, I couldn't help it, I had to enter myself. Sarah Fielke, from The Last Piece, is hosting a really nice giveaway of new fabric that isn't out on the market yet. Believe there will be five winners on this one :) Wouldn't it be nice to be one of those five? Can't win if you don't enter. ... hot keypad it over there and have a super Sunday!

Thanks Nancy!!

Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 9, 2010

Thankful Thursday . . . GIVEAWAY!

Yeah, I know your attention ... Hey, as someone who adores giveaways :) and someone who wants so show her appreciation for all of the monumentous support received over the past few days, I believe my stash and I can afford an extraction in honor of you, my blogging friends.

Therefore, I'll cut to the chase and let you know I found these amongst my stash:

This giveaway is for one bundle of the following:

1) charm pack of Spook Tacular by Sanae for Moda;
 2) a 1/2 yard cut of Seen on Halloween by
Maywood Studios black with mult-color strips; and
 3) one panel of Pumpkin Parage for Studio E.

(I put in two pictures for detail purposes. All are quilt shop quality materials from smoke-free home.)

All of this spooky sweetness will go to one person as a giant thank you from me to you for supporting me in this blogging endeavor.  The support and friendships I'm finding through this medium mean much to me and I sincerely wish to share my appreciation with you.  So, on this Thursday, I thank you.

It seems only appropriate that this drawing last until the next Thankful Thursday.  So, between now and next Wednesday, September 22nd, if you are interested in this drawing, please leave a comment on this post telling me you are a follower of mine.  If you're a new follower, that's cool, welcome aboard!  If you are interested in a second chance for this giveaway, please leave a comment regarding what you like best/least when reading blogs.  I'm not asking for anything too complicated ... just hints at blogging dos and blogging don'ts.

Oh yeah .... winner will be announced on Thursday, September 23rd :)

That's it.  I appreciate each and every one of you that have signed up to follow my humble blog, for whatever reason!  Have a blessed, quiltastic day!!

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 9, 2010

Recognition through the Sunshine Award

First of all, many thanks to each and every one of you that have come to support my attempt to reach 100 followers.  I am planning a special thank you for when I do reach that milestone, so please stay tuned.  Mary from Quilt Hollow deserves special recognition as I know most of you reached this blog via Mary's.  Bless your heart Mary!  You show the true spirit of blogging quilters and please know you are very much appreciated!

The very dear Mary Lou over at Cheaper than Therapy Quilting  gifted me with the Sunshine Award.  How cool is that!?!  My very first blogging "recognition" and in the spirit of this award, I've selected the following bloggers to pass this award along to:

1. ...Quilting With Debi
2. A Hug Delights
3. Crazy 'Bout Quilts
4.  Cut to Pieces
5.  Freckled Whimsy
6. Kate n Libby Design Divas
7. Quilt Hollow
8. Quilting in the Pines
9. Sew Picture Perfect
10. Silly Stitching
11. Tamarack Shack
12. The Confused Quilter

Recipients -- Here are the guide lines to follow when you are nominated:

1. Save the image above and post it on your own blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees.
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

This is the HARDEST part--choosing just 12 bloggers! I spent a lot of time on this list, I read a lot of blogs. I struggled with this list.  While we may know some of the "big name" bloggers, there are a lot of others and some have been true friends to me from the beginning of my blog.

Here's my list, in alphabetical order. May this little token be a blessing to you as it was to me and bring a smile to your heart just as your beautiful site and thoughts bring smiles to mine!


DIARY OF A QUILT MAVEN: You are not going to freakin' believe this!!!

What Goes Around Comes Around ...

Since all of you wonderous readers so quickly came to my aid, I'd like to post this for another quilt blogger who has requested help ... bonus here though, she's also got a giveaway with a sweet opportunity! Please go on over to Diary of a Quilt Maven and check out her most current post with giveaway chances ... you could even mention that I sent you ... Why Knot?? Hugs to all!

Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 9, 2010

Accuquilt GO! Giveaway Blogger Opportunity

All of my friends and family who follow along my blog know how hard I've been trying to win a GO Cutter because I'd so love to put one to use in my studio and make more quilts in the limited time I have.  Well, the wonderful Accuquilt ( people are offering blog owners like myself, who blog about quilting a chance to win a GO Cutter to continue spreading the word about this wonderous machine to other readers. I have applied for this giveaway but was told that at 20 followers, I need at least 100 and then I can re-contact them.  Considering I started blogging in May, I'm pretty happy with this following and I thank each and every one of you, but how great would it be to be able share with you all the benefits of the GO!.

Can you please spread the word, and maybe encourage your friends, and or family, if they would be interested, to sign up to follow with me, even if they only check in with me every now and again.  I promise to not bore anyone to tears ... maybe a yawn every now and again, but no tears!  :)

If I can get more than 100 followers by just having you click the "follow" button along the top of my blog, I was told I could apply again for the giveaway.

Quiltastic day to you!

Yay! Progress!!

Here is the quilt I have been working on so diligently ... trying to!  I have the rows stitched together one way, now I have to stitch them the other and then put on the borders.  It is the Mocha Swirl pattern from Kim Brackett's Scrap Basket Surprises book for That Patchwork Place.  Luckily the book is jelly roll friendly.  This quilt is made using two cappicino Bali-Pops.  Gorgeous!

If I can finish piecing tonight, onto the long arm machine tomorrow and to the birthday girl this weekend .... fingers crossed!!

Another thing ... I neglected due to family circumstances to post my second baby's first day of pre-school.

Here she is.  Loving life and wanting mom to get on with things so she can get into class.  She's in an adorable dress just like her sister's because nice friend Lynn made one for her to match, though Abbie's is a little more pink. ;-).

I believe Abbie has the makings of a future quilter too:

This is her playing with my scraps while I'm trying to piece this quilt.  Of course, I'm not encouraging her or anything!  NOT!!  Go girl :)

OH!  And progress was totally made today ... Emily made it through the whole morning to school without a single tear!  Not A Single Tear!!!

Whew.  Now, for tomorrow :)

Quiltastic day to you all!!

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 9, 2010

Another Giveaway over at It Seams To Be Sew GIVE-A-WAY TIME!!!

It seams to be sew...: It Seams To Be Sew GIVE-A-WAY TIME!!!

A very sweet blogger named Lana has found a little, lost, lonely honey bun called BEACH HOUSE by Blackbird Designs for Moda she believes needs a home. Now, I know that honey bun would be very happy in my home, but being the good person that I am (NOT!), I'm going to encourage each and every one of you to head on over to It Seams To Be Sew for an opportunity to enter the giveaway. Git now, ya hear! :-)

Silly Stitching: Birthday Giveaway

Silly Stitching: Birthday Giveaway
This is a Charming Girls Club girlfriend ... believe it or not, she's giving away something for HER birthday! How cool is that :) Go on over to her blog and check it out before Friday, Sept. 17th ... hurry along ... :)

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 9, 2010

Charming Chatter Sept/Oct Hopes & Dreams

Well, I spent most of August thinking about the list of goals that I never got posted ... meant to, just never did.  So here I sit, reading my fellow Charming ladies' blogs getting inspired.  So here goes for my September and October hopes and dreams:

1.  I hope I can find a way to help my kindergartener not need to cry so hard at leaving mommy every morning before school.

2.  I truly dream, like all mothers, of times when my daughters get along for a few blissful hours ... I know, dream on!

3.  I hope to finish a birthday quilt by Saturday, just finished cutting it tonight.  Wish me luck? :) lol ... I'll post pictures soon.

4.  I wish to finish a client's three  "clothing" quilts by the end of October ... from start to bitter-end binding.

4.5 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the stack of quilts waiting to be quilted by ol' Gammie ... please please please hope and dream to complete these .... not only extra fabric money but a little relief from the guilt piled upon my back from seeing these beautiful quilts waiting for some proper attention!

5.  I need to get my house in order from a very tumultuous few months ... in every aspect.  Prayers from family and friends would definitely be in aid here.

Well, I think that is a huge enough request list for my hopes and dreams for the months of September and October.  Not asking for much, now am I?  Might as well through in world peace while I'm wishing :) ...

Best of luck and God's blessings to each and every one of you wonderful blogland friends I appreciate so much!

Until next time, quiltastic day all!!

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 9, 2010

Good things ...

Well, I now believe my baby would have survived her first week of school in a lot better frame of mind if she wouldn't have been sick.  Discovered this fact this morning.  All week we all believed it was just the change of life's situations putting a drain on Emily and her emotions.  She was such a trooper and each day she came home more and more drained.  Well, this morning when she didn't want to go, we tried to convince her this was the last day of the school week and next week would be better, determined to prove to her she would love school once she got used to the routine...that was until my baby threw up her morning breakfast all over my bathroom tile.  Wake up call to mom and dad. Emily was truly sick and highly probable that most of her clinginess was due to not feeling well.  I am forgiving myself here ... big week and did do the best I could, so did she, and in the end, she'll go back Tuesday after spending most of the four-day weekend recovering and resting.  After all, I don't know if she could be any more excited about school than she is, or was, until she got sick.

Good news came in the mail yesterday ....

Yes, this is my PURE yardage from Sweetwater for Moda.  LOOOOVVVVEEEE it! :-)

I bought this material to make this Amy Butler bag.  Beautiful!!

And, I also received some Candyland fabric in the mail a couple of days ago and made this with it ...

I made this panel quilt this morning and will quilt it tomorrow for Abbie.  The girls and I are using it to play the game with so we might as well play and cuddle with it at the same time.  And ... best news of all,

My Gammie has found her new home!!!  Door and floor trim still needs to be completed, but ...
My studio is completed enough to move in Gammie!!  I'm going to get her running tomorrow by quilting the Candyland quilt.  Yippiee!!!

All in all, despite childhood ailments hitting home, it was a good day.

Quiltastic day all!

Set Fimo Orhidea alb-verde

Orhideea are cca.7 cm.

Set Struguri

Strugurele are 6 cm,este montat pe organza cu inchizatoare toggles frunza mare.

Set Picaturi de vara

Set Fimo Violet

Colierul este lung,asimetric.Florile mari au 3 cm diametru