Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 6, 2010

Home again, home again, .... when's it time to leave again?

With a little sightseeing and picture taking our last night, we were on our way home ...

Girls were ready to come home:

Whew...we made it home last Friday evening.  Funny how a person and be thrilled to be home but exhausted with everything that needs to be done because you're home.  :-)

We've had beautiful weather over the weekend, through today ... my daughters agree.

Progress on the studio/shop means the roof was put on while we were gone:

Waiting for my machine to be returned from the maintenance man then I'm off to finish some projects and hopefully take pictures of my progress to post.

I'm happy to be home and glad to share with you.  Take care --

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 6, 2010

Tool Bracelet Tutorial by Bitty Bits & Pieces

There is a really, really cool tutorial over at Bitty Bits & Pieces bitty bits & pieces: Tool Bracelet Tutorial . I really want to try this and when I finally do, I'll post a picture .... promise!

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 6, 2010

Vacation ... Day 3 and Fathers Day

Beautiful ending to a wonderful day 2 of our vacation ...

For Father's Day on Sunday, it started out sweet ...

We visited the Tillamok Cheese Factory,

and visited the Cape Meares Lighthouse ...

This is/was a beautiful, eight-sided light house that some morrons decided to shoot out the glass this past January.  120 years old and it gets taken out this year.  They hope to get the glass (originally from France) replaced within the year.  Pretty neat.

All-in-all, it was a glorious day, even without my sewing machine :)

Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 6, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

Simply beautiful scenery from our room .... so why is it,

that I see this and think ... "boy, that would press some seams pretty good ..."

Do I have too close a relationship with my sewing machine ?????

Nah ....

Quiltastic day!!

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 6, 2010

Quilt Hollow: Quilt Up For Grabs

Quilt Hollow: Quilt Up For Grabs

Here's a really, really cool give-away from Quilt Hollow. Just in time for the Fourth of July holiday. If I was going to be a truly selfish person, I'd say don't enter because I want to win this, but heck, since I'm not of the selfish nature, maybe would be so ever kind and mention that you found out about this give-away by visiting my blog first .... please :) :) .... Thanks and quilt-tastic evening to you all!

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 6, 2010

My Quilt and the Beast

Here it is!!  My finished Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along which I did over at p.s.iquilt.  I really enjoyed the experience and hope to do this again with such a fun group!

This is my completed Pinwheel Sampler Quilt.  I quilted it myself using a freeform all-over heart stipple for two purposes; quickness and to signify the love I was quilting into this piece.

I quilted in the last border "God Bless you and may these stitches of love bring you warmth."  I couldn't get all of the saying in the picture, but got this portion for you to see.

This is my dear friend and neighbor Carol.
(You may notice my studio/shop in the background behind my house ... trusses are up!)

I labeled this specifically for Carol.

I had posted earlier that I fully intended to keep this quilt for myself as this was my very first quilt along. Well, you will notice in the pictures above my friend and neighbor Carol.  We've lived here a bit over two years and this lovely lady is a true blessing for a neighbor.  She is a true Southern Lady, harking from Georgia, and is such a pleasure to visit with every chance I can.  She and her husband couldn't be any better neighbors if we asked for them.

Last summer, Carol was diagnosed with bladder cancer (the beast).  Long story short, after many surgeries, treatments and chemo, we thought she had beat it.  Well, this last month Carol was given notice that the cancer has returned, in her lyphmnodes.  Six months to a year they told her.  We're praying to God for a miracle.  Carol's 61 years young, the heart of her dear husband, family, and friends;
 all we can do is send our prayers to heaven.

Carol is waiting for a call to go to Houston to a "research" facility.  My family and I are leaving for a trip to the coast in two days.  While I really loved this quilt, I love Carol even more and didn't want to risk missing the opportunity of wrapping her in quilted love before she went to Houston.  Therefore, as I can spend time making another quilt, Carol may not have the time to wait for me to make another.  Fated.

I'm so very happy that I joined this quilt-along to encourage me to quilt "along" with others to reach a very satisfying goal.  In this instance, it satisfied more than one. Thank you Rachel and everyone else that participated.  It means more than any of you will ever know that I finished this in time to gift to my very dear friend and neighbor, Carol.

God bless all and quilt-tastic day to you!!

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 6, 2010

Between Charming Friends Quilt Along Progress ....

Hello!  I've made progress!!  Here is a picture of my progress made on the Between Charming Friends Quilt Along hosted by Kelly over at Cotton Charm Quilts.  Definitely worth stopping in to take a peek.

I'm using Moda's Boutique fabric with a light blush pink background and a Solid by Moda darker pink for the binding.  I can't wait to see this darling sewn together :).

Since we had one more nice day before the rain comes again here in Western Montana, I got my garden planted today.  I know, I know .... WHAT???  lol ...  Well, I should say I moved my garden plants from the flower pots on our porch to the garden plot.  My neighbors were beginning to wonder if I was going to grow more than weeds this year.  However, since we kept having so many late freezes, I just left them in the pots and then waited out the rainy days to get them planted.  Whew!  It's done now and let the watering schedule begin. :)

We also accomplished another task today, though I didn't get pictures because the storm rolled in before I could get decent lighting.  However ... this is what we're working on:

Concrete day ... God Bless the Brotherhood of Firemen! ( Early May)

Walls are being constructed with the "help" of my two daughters.

The start of lifting walls ...

and .... all four walls up safely, despite the contractor hanging over the top of the wall :)

It would have been nice to add the trusses picture today, but {shoulder shrug} this gives me another post excuse :)

As you may have guessed, this building is partially my studio.  I get the side with all the windows... south facing, of course, so will need to be sure to store fabric away from them, but, oh the beautiful sunlight there will be .... when the sun ever decides to come out and stay out for a while.

Tomorrow I hope to get the binding on my Pinwheel Sampler quilt and then I'll post pictures.  I think it turned out pretty good, considering I quilted it myself :)  Still a newbie and frustrated that I'm not already "ten years- experienced" and can make everything on the quilt as I see it in my head.  Patience, patience and practice, practice, practice ... (insert eyeroll here, Lynn!)

I best be signing off now.  If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with me and I'll check in with you real soon.

Quilt-tastic day!!

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 6, 2010


I'm gonna tout this apron pattern ... Absolutely Apron! by Vanilla House Designs.

I made it today and it was easy-peasy.  Even though it was easy, it still seems quality.  Very nice lines, very cohesive instructions and this thing has a lining on the back!  Pretty sweet.  My daughters really like it for their Grandmother's birthday on Friday.  I used Sandy Gervais' Gobble Gobble line for Moda.  Actually, these fabric pieces are left over from another project I did last fall.  Sweet .... used stash fabric and didn't have to purchase any for this project.  Score one for me :o)

I'll sign off with this one now.  Quilt-tastic day everyone!!

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 6, 2010

My Pinwheel Sampler Quilt -- Yea Me!

Good morning all!  YEA ME!!  Its pieced, its pieced!!

I am posting a picture of the pieced results of my pinwheel sampler quilt along which I joined over at p.s. i quilt.  I was late to the party but enjoyed it and looked forward each week to the next block.  I hope to join one like it again.  I'm posting two pictures because the fabric is so light that I adjusted the contrast and brightness on one of the pictures so you could get an idea of the beautiful blocks (obviously, beautiful by pattern, not by my construction :) )  The fabric used is Moda's Kashmir IV by Sentimental Studios.  Love these pretty pastels!  I hope to get this quilted real soon, but for now, I better be getting other projects done, including quilting for dollars ... gotta make my payments on ol' Gammie, ya know.

Quilt-tastic day all and thanks for visiting!

sponsored giveaway: featuring The Quilt Shoppe | jaybird quilts

Go on over and check out this wonderful giveaway opportunity at Jaybird Quilts, sponsored by The Quilt Shoppe!

sponsored giveaway: featuring The Quilt Shoppe jaybird quilts

Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 6, 2010

Really Cool Blog ....

I was cruising around the web this evening and ran across this really, really cool blog at  In it I found reference to the Sunday Squares pattern provided at Moda Bake Shop Charlie a.k.a Qubie of Qubee Quilts who blogs at It's Just Me. Well, I actually made this pattern as I fell in love with it too.  Here is a picture of my "unquilted" wall hanging and I hope to get it quilted real soon.  Thanks for looking!

Thank you for stopping by, and don't forget to check out

Quilt-tastic day to you!!


Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 6, 2010

Cutie Pinwheels Giveaway

Rae Ann is celebrating her 200th post over at Cutie Pinwheels with a giveaway.  Love her blog and love the pinwheels!!  Check it out  at  Well worth the look-sie :) 

QNN TV: Home

QNN TV: Home

Asked about access to the tutorials I mentioned in an earlier post, I thought I would provide a link to them for easier access. Thank you to all the great teachers on QNN TV!

Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 6, 2010

Midnight oil ... burned.

I finished my last gift for my niece's birthday this year.  Well, the older one any way :)  Here it is:

Notice the bitsy heart I quilted in center square? :)

Front side....

Inside ....

I tried to find a pattern for the books sized 6" x 8" that my niece reads, but failed.  So, I took a piece of this, that, and other patterns and this is what I developed. I stuck with my scrap bin for this project too, as I have with the other items I've made the last couple of days.  All of these materials were left-overs from other gifts, so I know they'll be a hit with the girls.  If not, they don't live in the same town as I do and I'll never know :) hahahaha ...

Well, that's it for this evening.  I think I'm starting to get rummy and I don't want to be held accountable for anything I may or may not write here in the morning.  I'm scooting off to bed.  God bless!  Take care, and as always "have a quilt-tastic day!"


Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 6, 2010

Bagged another project ...

I did it!  Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that the DH went to work today instead of staying home to work on the studio (HAHAHAHA don't anyone tell on me :) ... ), but I got another project done.  YIPPIE!  I made two cell phone bags for my nieces to send to the birthday girl and her sister. 

Aren't these too cute!  I found them at Moda Bake Shop by Chef Nicole.  Thanks Nicole for the recipe!  This material is, of course, Moda and called Oh My Dog by Lori Gardner.  These are actually scraps left over from totes I made my daughters so I pieced together what I could to make them the adorable little baggies they are ... lol!  You probably can't tell by looking at these pictures, but they measure 4" x 6".

Well, I think this will be it for the birthday gifts, except maybe a book-cover for my neice's reading books.  What 15 year old wants everyone knowing what she's reading over the summer?!?!?  So ... maybe before DH gets home ..... :) :) :) I'm off to the Moda Bake Shop again.

Quilt-tastic day all!


Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 6, 2010


Hello all!  Today progress was made .... the first wall was built for our new shop/studio. Yea! Now if only the rain would hold off for the remainder of the week (yeah, right!) then we could get more constructed.  Oh well, progress is one wall more than yesterday.

I also realized that the birthday presents I had on the back burner to get made, needed to get made ... now.  I've got to mail them on Friday.  It's my neice's 15th birthday and I always try to make her a little something and this time I want to include one for her 13 yr old sister.  Well, today, I made progress and made these little snap bags. 

The fabric is what they picked out for the gifts I made them at Christmas, so I know they'll approve.  The pattern is the Snap Happy pattern by Stitchin' Sisters.  Easy-peasy!!  I had both made within an hour.  Pretty sweet.

Well, it is now getting close to 1 a.m. here so I best be getting to bed since my youngest will probably be up by 6 a.m. 

Blessings to each of you and thank you for stopping by.