Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 9, 2012

Dots mark the spot!

Okay .... confession ...
You'd think I'd know enough to follow
all the rules  ... um ... guidelines ...
I could have sworn I took a photo of
my block before I put it in my project ...
but could I FIND the photo????
No! .... so .... slap my wrist ...
 tell me no more ...
oh wait ... too late! 
It's my day to post ...
Close up of my project, to get as much
of a "block" photo as possible:
Using left-over 1 1/2" strips from a couple
of honey buns I had in my stash,
I sewed together the strips and
cut them apart and re-sewed
them together again to make four 6" blocks,
which I then pieced together to make this
one 12" inch block ...  which I turned into this:
As we've had so much smoke in the air, there was
never a good time of day to take photos, but the
edge of the pillow is ruched with the same material
that I used on the back here:
And, of course, me being me, I had to
carry the dots to the extreme and
even sewed dots on the edge of the
pillow casing ...
I love dots!!
Oh and the backdrop to the pillow ...
the leaves ...?
 they've been falling for a week ...
guess Fall is starting already.
Well, then, since I misbehaved with the "guidelines"
I decided to make another block and came up with this:
I do believe you will be seeing this block,
and it's unfinished companion during the
upcoming Wicked blog hop ...
keep your eye open for it :)
The other project I started and decided
also didn't fit the guidelines was this pillow: 
The circle ended up being 18" round,
and as I really did want to make a dot pillow,
I decided to keep the block and share the photo
with you.  The pillow is not finished for
those of you that look closely enough,
you will notice that the center needs
a button to cover the gathering in the middle ...
or so my daughter pointed out to me.
So ... these are my Dots on Dots shares.
Thank you so much for visiting.
Please visit the truly inspirational and creative
bloggers on today's hop list as I'm certain
there will be Dots galore and beauty to behold!
Corrie ... I thank you for all of the work you've
done in putting this hop together! 
You've done a marvelous job!!
Madame Samm ... you're ideas are amazing!
Thank you!!
If by chance you get sidetracked along the way,
enjoying all the creativity and inspiration,
be sure to look for the Dots on Dots button,
like the one on the right side of my blog
and that will take to back to Corrie's blog, Quilt Taffy,
which will give you the full schedule to the hop.
Thank you and please come again ~
P.S.    For my fellow Americans ...
God Bless ..

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