Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 7, 2011

Pardon Me ...

Pardon me for just a moment but .....

Okay, so I'm whining ... seriously, I know ...
But come on! 
I haven't sat down at my sewing machine for quite some time now
and yes ...

I'm pouting!!!

Okay ... I'm done

Seriously though .... I only started quilting
about seven years ago ...
and those of you who follow my blog
regularly know my "addiction" to my
sewing machine .... second only
to my addition to chocolate ;)

I have so got to find my rhythm of family, new job, house work, yard work and QUILTING!

Family may be the heart of me,
but it's nice to have something assist
Momma's heart keep beating
to a happy drum ... :)

I'm feeling a bit deprived looking at my friendly Bernina sitting there so pretty in her
little cabinet across the room, patiently
waiting for me to come visit her again
(soon ... I promise!!)

But, heck, seven years ago,
I thought quilting was an ...

pardon me ladies ...
please throw sock not shoes ...
remember it's your computer!

but ...
I thought quilting
was an .....
um ....
a "retired ladies"
activity ...

I know! I know!! 

How wrong was I ??!!!

I was so hooked after my first
foray into piecing,
and applique,
and stitching,
and ... and ... and ....

seriously, obsessively hooked!

Quilting is so
just for the ladies of
more accumulated wisdom.

Oh heck no!

In fact ... I recommend to anyone
and everyone to not waste anymore
time, get started now ...

How you ask??

Oh, my goodness, gracious, gosh!!

Haven't you heard???

Everything a Wantobe Quilter
could use can be won here ....

Oh!  So worth a trip to check out Tobe and her Wantobe Quilter Campaign.

Madame Samm has compiled everything a new quilter (and those of more experience, also) could possibly dream of needing for beginning this wonderful lifetime passion we call quilting.

I'm so thankful to the friend that introduced me to quilting seven years ago ... I'd love to be the one to introduce you to quilting, or help you introduce one of your friends who has never tried it ... if you'd like to be signed up for the Wantobe Quilter giveaways .... check out all the information by clicking here ...
and then come back here to sign up
 either yourself or your buddies you
think would really love to start quilting ...
even if they don't know it yet ...

trust me, I resisted for years ...

all those wasted years!

See you soon!!

Campaign starts August 1st,
so start spreading the news

And thank you so much for visiting!

Happy Hugs and Warm Hearted Wishes~~

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