Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 5, 2011

Studio Progress

Happy Tuesday Morning to you all!!

I'm as happy as can be because I made so much progress on my "studio" this weekend ... see:

It really should be called my Sunkissed Spring Studio  ....
I love, love, love it!  Thank you, Madame Samm!

Just a close up of some of the embroidery work .... glad I never claimed to be "good" at this stuff ... LOL ... For those embroidery enthusiasts and faint of heart,
don't look too closely!!

I still have to quilt this piece of art, but it may be a few days before I can get to that, so I just wanted to share my progress thus far.  How is your progress??  Did you get any quilting done this weekend? How about relaxing time? 
I'd love to hear from you!

I'm off to bed now ... it's 12:30 a.m. and if I don't leave now, I'll be finishing off my stash of chocolate ....
can't have that now can I?


I'll leave you with a little lovin's from my girlies ....

See you next time!

Happy hugs and warm hearted wishes!!

Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 5, 2011

Is it Spring Yet?

Does this picture not say "Spring" to you?
Wendy Finlay, Patchwork Kite by Wendy in MT
 I chose to make this kite using Tammy Blackburn's Moda Bake Shop Patchwork Kite pattern  as spring in Montana just does not seem to be able to pop for us yet and we are two days from the end of May!! I made two of these kites, one with a Fresh Flowers charm pack by Deb Strain for Moda, and another with a Happy charm pack by Me & My Sister Designs for Moda,

 for my daughters to play with and later decorate their rooms with to add a bit of whimsy and fun to their grey, dreary Montana spring.

So, from me to you ...

I wish you every happiness you can imagine!

Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 5, 2011

Happy Dance!

Oh My Goodness Gracious!  Did you know that me, myself, and I was a guest blogger over at Stash Manicure today?!?!  Holy buckets, totally amazing! Yippie yay! Go on over and check it out ... seriously, I'm so full of bursting with happiness, you don't want to be sitting around here reading when I burst :)

Oh, oh ... but do come back ... :)  I've got some fun things to share ... really, I've been sewing! Imagine that!!  Between preschool field trips and kindergarten field trips and T-ball games, oh and a load of laundry or forty, and dishes, and dinner, .... and well, you get the picture ... well, I've fit in some sewing.... Take a look:

We had a "Hawaiian" themed birthday party to attend ... youngest needed a dress.

Loved this free pattern "Stepping Stones" by Tacha Bruecher over at the Fat Quarterly blog, and I used Sandy Gervais' Lollipop prints for a bright pop of happiness to be added to my front room, or really any room in the house.  The only change I made to the pattern was to add a pop of color, an orange piping, along the binding edge. Love it and will have to make more!

Oh yeah, I also have a couple of little Moda Bake Shop projects going ... they are so close to finished that I want to save taking pictures of them until they are finished ... that way, I'll have more to post about ... ah ha! method to my madness ... hahahahaha

And to each and every one of you visiting me here today, I thank you in sharing in my happy dance today!

Bless you and warm happy heart hugs to you!

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 5, 2011

Set SA Sweet jasp

Pandantul are 7 cm.

Set SA Croix

Pandantul cruce are 12/7.5 cm.Sarma argintata si cuart fumuriu.

Set Fimo Marin

Ste Fimo Tribe

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 5, 2011

Happy Thoughts

Do you think if we all put our happy thoughts into the air right this very moment we'll all feel uplifted?

Eh well, it was worth a try. 

Here's me sharing some happy hellos and warm hearted wishes to each and every one of you!

You are appreciated for who you are and
 thank you for being here!!

Hugs to you~

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

Shamefully Pathetic Request for Votes

Yes, I'm Trying to WIN A MAKEOVER on Facebook
Okay .... I'm using my blogger platform for personal gain ... if this offends, please forgive me, however ... this contest is worth it to me to beg and plead votes by even embarrassing myself to this level.

This post is only for those of you friends and followers that use Facebook. I keep in touch with my family, quilting buddies and a few others via Facebook and occassionally .... every now and then .... my Facebook account comes in handy. Case in point, this contest.

Bernina and Home Depot are hosting this contest to award a sewing room makeover. My twelve-year old Bernina, which I purchased used on ebay, is showing signs of dying .... Bernina alone is offering $2500.00 and this would so help me replace my machine which helps me earn spending money for my girls and I, along with making dresses and gifts for my family and friends.  My sewing room is approximately 9 x 10 ft for which I am truly grateful to have, really, but the three pieces of sewing furniture I have (which I purchased used from Craigslist) cannot be fully put to good use as I share this space as my "office" also ... you can probably see the filing cabinet and desk  and bookcase in same room.  The Home Depot portion of the win would be wonderful for shelving units for the walls and cupboards to remove the stacks and stacks I have under and over every crevice. And I would really love to have a real sewing chair rather than a folding chair!

Am I pitifully whining enough yet? :) :)
Yes, I am asking and soliciting for votes on this contest. Only the top ten vote getters will be entered into the final draw and yes, there are 800 +/- entrants.

Thank you every so much for your consideration and please forgive my lapse into selfishness here. I promise to be back soon with quilting matters .... and my anniversary giveaway!!

Blessings and Hugs to you!

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 5, 2011

Bloggers’ Quilt Festival, Spring 2011

Okay, so Blogger had a small "problem" but seems to be back up right now, so I'm taking advantage of it.
Bloggers' Quilt Festival, Spring 2011

This is my entry for this year's Festival.  My completed Postage Stamp Quilt which I made in participation with Rachel of psiquilt

 I used Kansas Trouble Quilt materials. and I've decided to gift it to my Dad for Father's Day

If you were able to see the quilting on it, I quilted "Happy Father's Day Dad, 2011 I Love You" across this side.  And then, I quilted this face, a cat's face:

instead of another swirl to complete the last quilted row.  He will totally love the joke.  It made my heart smile when I decided to do it.  Every card for every occassion that I've sent to him for the past 20-some years has been a Garfield's a very long standing "something" that only he and I have and I couldn't resist including it here.  You see, we almost lost my dad seven years ago and we are blessed with every day that we've had him since.  I don't know why it's taken me this long to make him a quilt, but this quilt "felt" like it belonged to him and since I wanted to include a quilt in this Festival .... tada ...

One completed quilt, one Father's Day gift fulfilled.

This Festival also marks my one year anniversary of my blogging.  Thank you so much for the inspiration and kick in the hiney to get going, Amy!!

WOW!!  I started my blog with the idea of "Why not just do it...."  hence the name "Why Knot"

So, if you are a follower of mine, and you come back after the Bloggers' Quilt Festival Amy and the numerous sponsors have so very generously put together for us, I promise you a very worthwhile one year anniversary giveaway.

Until then,  thank you ever so much for visiting, I hope to see you again and happy Bloggers' Quilt Festival hopping!!

 I ran outta gas ... LOL

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2011

Set Flori de gutui

Florile au diametrul de 4 cm.

Set Ciufulit

Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 5, 2011

Note to Self ....

Hello one and all!

Did you ever wonder how wonderful instinctive reactions can be?

You know .... catch a glass from falling out of the cupboard before it breaks,
um ... catching your step before squishing something really icky with bare feet, or
neatly deflecting a rubber ball (or other flying objects) from hitting you in the face
 ... you get the picture, right?  Instinctive reactions can keep you sane and healthy ...

When brand new, sharp, rotary blade drops from package as
 it is being removed to replace old, dull, nicked one. ....


Do not, I repeat .... DO NOT ....
instinctively reach down to grab said blade as it rolls,
 or even stop it with the back of your hand,
thereby slicing through back of middle finger tissue
 (I swear to the bone ... but not).

No pictures are necessary to mentally picture resulting wound.
Yes, a human was injured in the making of this public warning.
(As an aside ... I really think some bandage company should
design some Quilt Block decorated bandaids ...)
Just sayin.

On to other matters, I do have one tiny share for you that have read my post this far.  I did say to you in my previous post I'd have something quilty.

Well ... maybe you won't consider this quilty, but
It is a Sweetwater Label Crew pattern, and
It is made with Strawberry Fields by Fig Tree QUILTS fabric

This is a gift, in the mail on it's way today ... probably arrive late,
but the sentiment is as real as the love stitched into it.

Finally, I did get another quilt quilted on the Gammie this weekend.  I hope to bind it this week in time to post it for Amy's Creative Side's Bloggers' Quilt Festival starting on Friday.  For more information click on the button in my side bar to the right or the link above.

Be kind to yourself ...
and remember, please compliment your friends and be kind to strangers ...
for their shoes may be walking a very pebbled path and
you could make all the difference in the world with your kind word or smile.

I appreciate each and everyone of you ... 

Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 5, 2011

Summer hat crochet patterns

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Flowers for scrap.

Nestabilities flower crysanthemum

More tags ....

Box for PBX
Box for PBX

Rose picture tutorial

Rose Paper

1.For the beginning you must choose a thick paper or kardstok. Draw a spiral on the back of the paper you want to use for the roses. Usually, I draw the line with a pencil, but in order to make it more visible, used a black marker.

2.Dalshe use   curved scissors and cut the spiral.
3.Toniruyte front side of the spiral ink.
4.Dalshe the best part is, roughly wrap the outside ends of the spiral, conceals, twist, do not be afraid if the paper nadorvetsya, it will make a rose just interesting.
5.Nachnite twist rose. Get into the outer end and tightly twist the person inside.  
6.Postepenno tighten until the very end, slightly relaxing the tension that Rose has taken a softer form.
Screw the 7.Kogda until the very end, bend the circle, which turned out in the middle by cutting a spiral, it will be the base of the flower.
8.Dobavte big drop quick-drying glue.
9.Akkuratno shape rose and lock in the glue.
10.Takoy result should be.
If cutting a spiral using straight scissors, the roses will look like this: