Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 11, 2012


Welcome to our newest family member ...
Izzy ... a 10 week old Lhasa Aspo and
not looking too interested in her puppy treat ...
I think the girls wore her out today ... seriously ...
the blur is caused by the speed of action ...
 not just bad photography!
I did manage to get a couple of things completed
 in the sewing room ... proof positive:

I have another Kindle Classy Case, a pattern by GoLightly Sewing Studio
and a What's In Your Bag?, a pattern by Stitchin' Sisters.
I best be getting back into the sewing room too,
as Monday is the beginning of the UR Priceless blog hop,
brought to us by Katherine of Sew Me Something Good
and Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt ...
Here is Monday's schedule:

Day 1 - Nov. 5th
If you get lost in the wonder of creativity
along the way, remember you can return to
the full blog hop schedule by clicking into
Katherine's UR Priceless button on the sidebar.
I happen to be on tap for Tuesday ...
so I thank you for stopping in,
and I look forward to seeing you

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