Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 11, 2012

Modern Mini Mystery Reveal

The end has come to the Modern Mini Mystery round robin ... Thank you for your organizational skills, Michele ... what a task!

I give my sincere gratitude to each quilter that contributed their artistry to by 6 1/2 inch block.  I am truly impressed with the end result as well as am grateful for the opportunity to stretch my imagination with each block I was fortunate enough to work on with my group.

So, without further adieu, my completed Modern Mini Round Robin block as returned to me.... don't yet know what I'll turn this into, however, it deserves a quality finish which I will share when I can finish it right:
Please visit all of the participants of the Modern Mini Mystery to see what is certain to be amazing work by everyone:

Melinda - Tilda's Twisted Life
Deonn - Quiltscapes
Kylie - My Addiction to Quilting
Wendy - Why-Not-Kwilt
Bea - Beaquilter
Jane - Jane's Fabrics, posted at Quilts From My Crayon Box
Pippa - Pippa's Patch
Annie - Annie's Musings
Diane - The Cheshire Quilter
Vicki - Sew On and Sew Forth
Lisa M- A Day In The Life of Raising Six Munchkins
Renae - posted at  Quilts from My Crayon Box
Kathy - Kathy's Quilting Blog
Charlotte - posted at Quilts from My Crayon Box
Celine - Espritpatch
Lisa C-posted at Quilts from My Crayon Box
Edy - posted at Quilts from My Crayon Box
Ella - Throw a Wrench in the Works
Rachel - Suz Made Me Do It
Samantha - Sami's Quilts & Crafts
Karen - K's Quilting Korner
Leslie - Les Quilts
Ann - Orange Crumpled Napkin
Sharon - Dancing Through Threads
Doris - Made By a Brunette
Margaret - posted at Quilts from My Crayon Box
Tiffany - Pink Sweet Treats
Janet - Caribou Crossing Chronicles
Michele - Quilts From My Crayon Box

Best wishes to each and every one of you ....
I'm back to the pile of work waiting for me.
I promise to share pictures as soon as I get a handle
on the pile ... I hope sooner rather than later.

I also want to wish my fellow US'rs ...
Warm hearted wishes to you and yours ~

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 11, 2012

Set Sweet Christmass

Set Craciun red

Colier fara elemente metalice,montat pe organza,lung,si cercei.Discurile din Fimo au diametrul de 2cm.

Set Craciun Vintage

Colier lung,cercei si inel

Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 11, 2012

Pausing ...

I am pausing,
working ...
plan to return soon....
Thank you!

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 11, 2012

Wednesday's UR Priceless

YES!  The campaign ads are officially over ...
whether you won or lost ... we can all cheer that
here in the States, the campaign ads are over!!
While I am extremely grateful that I live in a nation
that gives me, and my daughters, the right to vote,
among so very many rights denied to so very many
others ... dang it all ... these campaigns are disheartening.
Just the opposite, however, and something else to cheer
about, is our very fun, creative and oh-so-inspiring
crafters sharing with us on this UR Priceless
blog hop ... so join me this Wednesday, for Day 3
and visit these fine crafters:
Day 3 - Nov. 7th
I Love Wool
I Like to Quiltblog
Keep Your Fork There's Pie
Retired to Quilt
From This to That
Jenny E.
Domestic Deficit Disorder
Pig tales and quilts
Count it all Joy!
Creative Notions
Thank you Katherine, and Madame, 
for this very fun and different hop ...
nice to see new things and new ideas.


Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 11, 2012

My Day to be UR Priceless!

Welcome to Day 2 of the
U R Priceless Blog Hop...
A huge thank you to Katherine for
organizing all of us bloggers for the
hop and a wonderful and grateful
thank you to Madame Samm for
the adorable pattern for which
we are all sharing during this
hop.  Thank you!
I do happen to be on the
schedule today ... and I actually
have a few in the hopper to share
with you all ...
I actually have more that are still
on the cutting table, but I'm not
sharing those :) ... betch're glad, eh?
First up, are my little monsters ...
no! not my daughters ... at least not today!
but in their honor, I share with you these:
Okay ... I have to admit ... I ADORE the monsters!
They fit my sense of humor and sense of fun ...
I can't hardly resist anything that goofy
to make me smile :)
Next, I chose some material left over from
a quilt I've been working on ... front side:
and backside.... I used invisible thread attaching
the handle and it blends real nicely with the
silver of the handle...
For the last share I have for you today,
I chose something a bit more sophisticated ...
yes, I actually do know how to spin
a bit of sophisication when I have to!
Again, left over materials from other projects.
I hope to share with you the rest when I
get them completed ... and complete them
I will ... gift giving season is right around the
the corner and these are wonderful gift items
I'd say!
Thank you so much for visiting with me today.
Please be sure to visit my fellow blog hop stops
today, as we all enjoy encouranging support
whenever and wherever it comes from!
Day 2 - Nov.6th
And yes, you can always click on Katherine's
blog hop U R Priceless button to return to
the main schedule should you get sidetracked.
I wish you all a wonderful .... everything!
Thank you!

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 11, 2012


Welcome to our newest family member ...
Izzy ... a 10 week old Lhasa Aspo and
not looking too interested in her puppy treat ...
I think the girls wore her out today ... seriously ...
the blur is caused by the speed of action ...
 not just bad photography!
I did manage to get a couple of things completed
 in the sewing room ... proof positive:

I have another Kindle Classy Case, a pattern by GoLightly Sewing Studio
and a What's In Your Bag?, a pattern by Stitchin' Sisters.
I best be getting back into the sewing room too,
as Monday is the beginning of the UR Priceless blog hop,
brought to us by Katherine of Sew Me Something Good
and Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt ...
Here is Monday's schedule:

Day 1 - Nov. 5th
If you get lost in the wonder of creativity
along the way, remember you can return to
the full blog hop schedule by clicking into
Katherine's UR Priceless button on the sidebar.
I happen to be on tap for Tuesday ...
so I thank you for stopping in,
and I look forward to seeing you

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 11, 2012

Weekend Work on being Priceless

What a Week!
Wicked hop is over ... Wow!
Thank you so much to everyone
who hopped along with us, and everyone
who contributed ... couldn't have done it
without you!
Now Katherine will be bringing us the
U R Priceless hop and we will certainly
see some cuteness along the way.
The full schedule can be found by clicking
on the icon on the right.
I'll see you soon with more to share of the
projects I am working on  ... lots of fun!

Set Moon

Discul pandantivului are diametrul de 5 cm,cerceii 3,5 cm,iar inelul 2 cm,este reglabil.Unicat.

Set Kenya

Colierul este reglabil,cu bila.Bratara are diametrul interior de 5,5 cm.Unicat

Set Light

Set Caleidoscop

Setul este lucrat manual din Fimo,bratara are diametrul interior de 6 cm,pandantivul este 6/4 cm.Unicat.