Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 2, 2014

Catching Up....

Since it's been a few weeks since I last visited my own blog, I thought I'd play a little catch up those of you who may be interested with a picture post of what I've been up to.... besides shoveling snow that is {wink}  And since there are more than plenty of pictures of that marvelous white stuff on the social websites these days I will spare you the photos here, except where unavoidable, because, hey ... when taking photos outside, the stuff really is unavoidable!

First up is a finish that started a year ago Christmas for my oldest daughter.  The quilt got stalled when my machine broke down and then life got in the way of completing it until I made a point to put the smile on her face by finishing it....

The next two quilts are custom memory quilts that have been in the making for a few years. The lady who requested these saved her mother's clothing for several years after her mother's passing and brought them to me requesting quilts be made .... long story short, she will have three lone star quilts completed from her mother's clothing when completed...

 These two are the smaller, baby sized quilts ... ready for quilting.  The bulk of these materials are from shirts, skirts, and dresses, and at the direction of the customer, I've added in the solids in an attempt to tie together the materials into a larger piece.  The third lone star is also in completion process and just about ready for quilting, but not ready for photos... 

In the "want" for a gift quilt recently, I cruised the internet in search of jelly roll quilt ideas. Yes, I have books with jelly roll patterns, but I wasn't feeling any of the patterns I had for the purpose I wanted.  So ... inspired by this quilt which I found at PippaPatchwork:

but not locating the pattern in the time frame I created for myself, I decided to give it a go myself and ended up creating this quilt using my Bali pop of Hoffman Pacific blue batiks with some additional fabrics from my stash.... 

It has been quilted and sent on its way. 

I've worked on a few other projects that were mailed away and weren't mine to share and spent a lot of time heating the house with the oven, baking goodies to share with others so I don't consume them all myself.  

I miss my therapeutic bike riding time and dream of a day and place where I might be able to bicycle year-round but for now am grateful for the cheaper therapy of creating and sharing with others ... it does my heart (if not my waistline) good!

I am also trying to prepare for the next hop I am participating in which Thearica is cheering for us called Flags on a Stick .... you can read about it at Sew We Quilt.

Until we next visit, I wish you a happy heart!

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 2, 2014

I broke it!

I still can't believe I did this.  I miss my step of the stupid curb and go down like a bag of dirt. Yeah, I freakin broke it.

I have never broke a bone my entire life.  The dr. Told me it is a displace fracture of the fibula.  Technically a broken leg.  Good news is he doesn't think I will need surgery.  The down side, I can not put any weight on it at all.  Needless to say I have spent the past few days confined to either bed or the sofa.  I am stinky and ill!   Brad has stepped up to the plate and has been the most awesome caretaker in the world!  

Since I am stuck with my leg in the air, I decided this would be some prime crochet time.  So I have been playing with some mitered squares.  I believe this is the direction I am going.

Oh....if you would like the pattern, you can find it here!

I decided I would reverse the colors so they are opposite, so when I join them they will have this effect.

There are a lot of ends to be woven in, so now I am crocheting over the ends as I go along.  I think this is going to make an awesome blanket!

Phoebe is not quite sure of what to make of this contraption on my leg.  She stays by my side all day.  

How sweet is that!

Her right eye is bothering her a little bit.  She was even rubbing her face on my cast, so I know it is itchy.  Poor little booger!

I will definitely be back this week with more progress, no complaining about not having time to crochet and blog!

Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 2, 2014

Set fimo Maci

Set fimo Savana

Set fimo Ethnic (wave)

Set fimo Ethnic (tears)

Set Fimo Forest

Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 2, 2014

The art of being lazy!

This about sums up what I have been up to lately.  Very little.  

We had a winter snow push through last week.  They actually closed work for a full day.  I cannot remember the last time that happened!  Very rare in North Carolina!

We did get out and play in the snow for a little while.

Girlie actually enjoyed it although here you can't quite tell it.

And when pee pee time came she wouldn't gouge out into the yarn where the snow was deep, she opted for the front porch.   

Her cuteness is beyond words.  But I am onto her....she has one thing on her mind and that is what is on my plate!!!!!!!

I am still working on a pair of socks.  I was hoping to get them finished up this weekend, but that's not going to happen.  Maybe this week?  We'll see.

Before I go let me share one of my drawings.

I am pleased with it!  It is my nephew and my mom.  I am trying to squeeze more art time in these days.  I need to practice on drawing hair!

Bye for now!

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 2, 2014

martha stewart enamel paints {jewelry}

I saw this Martha Stewart enamel paint in the jewelry aisle at Michael's the other day and wondered what it was. Then I saw they are featuring it in the January/February 2014 issue of Martha Stewart Living, which you can find on newsstands now. These are a few examples of brass jewelry painted with Martha's new paints. Check out the full article online for more ideas, links to buy the jewelry blanks, and full instructions. These would make fun Valentine's gifts!

Photos by James Ransom. Courtesy of Martha Stewart Living. Copyright © 2014.


Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 2, 2014

Set Sunflowers

Set Africa

Sun flower-set fimo

Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 2, 2014

My Word and A Winner ...

From: The Daily Good site
Since the beginning of 2014 I've been pondering what my "word" of the year should be.  I'm sure you all have seen these posts on other bloggers' sites ... a word is chosen to focus on during the year, one to remind you of what you should concentrate on.

Well my word finally came to my mind last night as I pondered what to write for this post. 
I thought of starting a list of all the things I was grateful for, but then every day those things I am grateful for may switch and fluctuate.  Yes, yes ... there are some days I am extremely grateful for some of the same things ... my daughters ... and then an hour later I could be grateful for time away from my daughters ... so my list would be ever changing.  How about just accepting that I live my life being grateful for what I have when I have it?
I believe it's called living with an attitude of gratitude ...

The thing is, if I made a list, there's a chance I'd miss something or someone that I'm grateful for ... the hot water in my shower, the food in my fridge ... the fact that I have food in my fridge, the friends that are there when I need them most, the men and women serving our country,  and well ...each and every day with so very many blessings where does a person start?

Don't get me wrong ~ I'm truly no "Pollyanna" ~ trust me! There are days when I really have to remind myself of all that I should be grateful for.  Again, this makes me grateful for the people and things that bring me back from unpleasantness with the simplest of things ... a message, a picture, a post ... a smile.

Smiles are important!!  
Share one today if you haven't already!!

I will end this post with the announcement of the winner of the She Who Sews basket:

True Random Number Generator  13Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Theresa of Bumbleberry Stitches

I've contacted Theresa via email and haven't yet heard back from her, but hopefully this will be on its way to her soon.  

Sew Necessary from Art to Heart
Clicking on the book should take you to their website.

I give my grateful thanks to everyone who left such appreciative comments and wanted this basket in their own sewing room!!  Remember that if you want to make your own, you can find the pattern in Nancy Halvorsen's book Sew Necessary.

Until next we visit ~ 

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 2, 2014

The Door Stopped here ....

When I hear the phrase "don't let the door" ... "stop" is not the first word that comes to mind.  In fact,  in my mind, a few other words follow that phrase and on that track, my mind went from one thought to another and ended up thinking about shoes ...

I know ... right???  

Well ... it all connects in my head ...
that's the story I'm sharing and I'm sticking to it!

So ...  when Madame Samm announced the Don't Let the Door Stop hop, this is where my creative thoughts brought me and this is what I have to share with you today:

You see, for the past several months I've been cruising websites, admiring very feminine, girly-girl, and ... pardon me, but ... sexy ... high heel shoes.  I've even created my very own Pinterest board and put together this tiny collage which I shared with you all in my Grow Your Blog Hop post for inspiration:

Yes, it took me 45 years to actually start thinking about these shoes.  No ... I don't wear these as I don't actually own any ... but seriously ...  they just LOOK so pretty and make you think very girly things.  Well, I think so anyway ...

Without further adieu ... I share with you
The Heel Stops:

Not one or two, but three door stops.
Yep ... counting myself, there are three girls in my house ...
While my daughters are currently too young ... and will be for a VERY long time if I have anything to say about the matter ... I thought it'd be fun to bring in a little bit of the girly-girl to add to the nail polish, lip gloss, jewelry and .... well fun with some high heels.

There's purple with a ribbon bow: 

Red and black with the tailored look of buttons on the toe:

This one was the first I created ... 
The heel on this one is a bit shorter than the others so I tweaked the pattern a smidgen and made the other two to be assured the pattern would be use-able.  I've made this pattern available to anyone who wishes to purchase it at Craftsy ... link here.

Yep, that's right ... I designed this pattern for this hop.  As I said in earlier posts, these hops inspire and challenge me ... and with so much inspiration in this crowd of hoppers, I hope I met the challenge!!  Thank you for the continued inspiration Madame Samm!!

My daughters set up this picture, stating you can see the front, the sides, and the back of the door stops all in one picture and wanted to be sure that I used it here .... 
I think they were right.  Sure, it'd be cool to show you that this four-pound, bird-gravel and rice holder could stop a door, but I think these photos are much more appealing than my floors ... I also have been told this would make a very cool pincushion ... ideas are brewing!!

While the ideas continue to toss in my head, please visit my fellow hoppers today as we know we will be provided with further inspiration and displays of talent:

 February 3rd

Why-Knot-Kwilt -- you are here

I give my thanks to Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks for your marvelous leadership skills in not one, but two, simultaneous hops ... you truly earned your pompoms with this hop!

I also need to add the following for my cute little photo assistant:

Many thanks to my photo assistant for the shots taken for this post ...
no fluff was harmed in the making of this post {wink}

Can you guess I'm gonna have difficulty getting these Heel Stops returned for my use??

Aw, well, I can and will make another ... {wink}

Please remember my giveaway for the She Who Sews basket is open until the end of the day on February 7th .... winner will be contacted via email.  If you haven't commented yet, here's the link so you can.  To all of you that left me such sweet comments on that post ... I've been a bit occupied with this pattern but now that it's complete, I promise I will begin answering your comments!!  
Quilter's Honor!!

I did notice there were a dozen or more no-reply bloggers .... many of whom would like to win the giveaway ... and unless there is an email address or way to be contacted in the profile which I check, I'm so very sorry they will not be hearing from me in either answering comments, or if they win ....
{very sad face!!!}

Bless you for stopping by today and 
I wish you all a very wonderful day!!

Thank you again!!