Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 10, 2013

Wicked Wendy's Wicked 3 Post

Yes ... this sign hangs at my front door ...

Most of you know its truth  ...
{wicked grin}

I have always been a kid at heart … 
I have always gone for the humor in most all situations … 
I strive to find reasons to laugh ...  and 
I truly believe in the good of all things and people.

I am aware there are a lot of people who view Halloween as a
representation of evilness, things that are ugly, and not of this world.

I tend to put a different spin on this view … 
thus my joy in being Wicked Wendy

As a child growing up, I remember Halloween being about dressing up, 
parties at school, and getting candy .... 
lots and lots of sweet treats! 
… the true gift of seeing things through a child’s eyes.

Yes, looking back now, I can see there were bad things mixed in … 
but I was fortunate, those bad things often never touched me, 
whether in actual deed or by choice of memory.

Therein lies the reason for my joy in the Wicked Hop …

What fun it is to put a bit of magic back into a darkly-tinted season and share a bit of wicked joy by being able to help show the creativity that exists among us!

I give my sincere thanks to Madame Samm for her continued ingenuity in keeping us involved and active with these glorious hops!  She keeps me on my toes!

I also give my sincere thanks to each of you who participate in these hops, whether by sharing your creativity, or sharing your kindness through comments … you all are the reason I so enjoy these hops!!

Without further ado I share with you the Wicked deeds I created for this Wicked Hop and I hope you enjoy them and find a reason to smile for a while …

Would you believe way back in April, 2013, 
when Riley Blake announced the release of the line Too Cute To Spook ... 
I instantly knew I wanted
to use it for wicked Halloween creations ...
Sandy Gervais' pattern "All Smiles"..
Riley Blakes' Too Cute To Spook Fabric
Using this All Smiles pattern by Sandy Gervais,
I framed all the adorable little Spooks in each flying goose ...
they are just Too Cute!

Close up of quilting and Too Cute to Spook creatures...
I also did the free motion quilting on my small machine ...
and took the opportunity to ad-lib some fun words into the stitching ...
you may note the "Wicked" I stitched in above ....

When I saw this table runner ... I just knew it had to be made for
a special person who happens to love Birds .... in particular
crows .... what's up with that???
What better time to create this menacing creature of wings
than for the Wicked hop??

Disa Designs Pattern ,,, Four and Twenty Blackbirds
from her marvelous book  More of my Runners
Oh my ... could that be Ghastlie fabric on the back???
{cackle, cackle}

Here's a close up of the Wicked Birds ...
I like the Wicked looking trees in the border, myself 

And ... lastly I share with you an item
I designed for our first Wicked Hop,
for which I recreated for this hop,
again using Riley Blake's Too Cute to Spook fabric.
I did say I liked the material ... didn't I ????
"Why Knot? ... A Door Stop"
Pattern by Wendy of Why Knot Kwilt

Fabric is also Riley Blake's
Too Cute to Spook
And if I have all my spooks in a row by time of publishing this post ...
The pattern for this door stop should be available 
to all of you who so desire it on Craftsy here ... 

I thank you again for visiting with me today ... 
and encourage you to go check out what our other Wicked creatures .... 
um, I mean creators .... have to share with you today!!

Wicked Wishes ~

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2013

Wicked Blog Hop .... Day 7

part of my creation from last year's Wicked hop ...

Goodness ... we are on Day 7 of our Wicked 3 blog hop ...

Please take an opportunity to check out all of the
creations made for this hop to date by visiting the 
Pinterest page Madame Samm put together for
our benefit ... you can click this link to get there ...

You can visit today's hoppers to see their Wicked creations
by visiting the following:

Wyndham Fabrics has supplied us with some lovely Halloween bundles,
wanted you to be prepared for next years Wicked.... 
Some lovely patterns to keep you in the Halloween spirit.

Cheer them on, 
Support them in the upcoming months, 
they will be filled with more Tricks and Treats, 
you can depend on them for that...

#1 Join us in future blog hops,  One of these giveaways 
is for all those who participate.

#2 Those in the top 3 each day, also have a chance at 
the end of the hop to win one of these prizes.

#3 All of YOU who leave comments, also can win....

Remember, the kindness of a few words,is such
sweetness to another's creative soul ....

Wicked wishes to each of you!

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Day 6 of our Wicked Hop!

Our wicked brew is still bubbling ...
Day 6 brings us some delicious treats,
please check out who has left their
porch lights on today for you to stop
and enjoy the feast ...

Wyndham Fabrics has supplied us with some lovely Halloween bundles,
wanted you to be prepared for next years Wicked.... 
Some lovely patterns to keep you in the Halloween spirit.

Cheer them on, 
Support them in the upcoming months, 
they will be filled with more Tricks and Treats, 
you can depend on them for that...

#1 Join us in future blog hops,  One of these giveaways 
is for all those who participate.

#2 Those in the top 3 each day, also have a chance at 
the end of the hop to win one of these prizes.

#3 All of YOU who leave comments, also can win....

Remember, the kindness of a few words,is such
sweetness to another's creative soul ....

Wicked wishes to each of you!

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 10, 2013

Welcome Back to Wicked 3!

You've had the weekend away ....
it's time to get Wicked again my pretties ....

I know we have a wonderful line up
of Wicked Hoppers sharing with us today,
so please, join me in visiting the following
to see what treats they have for us ...

Wyndham Fabrics has supplied us with some
lovely Halloween bundles, Reliable IRON has supplied us appropriately with an ORANGE IRON, and Look Bird Brain Designs, wanted you to be prepared for next years Wicked.... Some lovely patterns to keep you in the Halloween spirit.

Cheer them on, Support them in the upcoming months, they will be filled with more Tricks and Treats, you can depend on them for that...


#1 Join us in future blog hops,  One of these giveaways 
is for all those who participate.

#2 Those in the top 3 each day, also have a chance at 
the end of the hop to win one of these prizes.

#3 All of YOU who leave comments, also can win....

Remember, the kindness of a few words,is such
sweetness to another's creative soul ....

Wicked wishes to each of you!

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 10, 2013

Friday and Day 4 Wicked Hop Schedule

Friday brings us to day four of our Wicked Hop ...
and to the weekend which may provide a lot of us
with the opportunity to catch up on checking out
all the Wicked-Good treats that have been
put out for us to share ... everything has
been delightful, hasn't it!! 

Wyndham Fabrics has supplied us with some lovely Halloween bundles,
and Look Bird Brain Designs, wanted you to be prepared for next years Wicked....
Some lovely patterns to keep you in the Halloween spirit.

Cheer them on, Support them in the upcoming months, they will be filled 
with more Tricks and Treats, you can depend on them for that...


#1 Join us in future blog hops, 1 of these giveaways is for all those who participate.
#2 Those in the top 3 each day, also have a chance at the end of the hop to win one of these prizes.
#3 All of YOU who leave comments, also can win....

Remember, the kindness of a few words, may be
just the encouragement someone's soul may be
craving ... 

Wicked wishes to each of you, and
I look forward to seeing you again Monday!

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 10, 2013

Wicked 3 Day 3 Schedule

Big Congrats to Guest Becki for doing
such a wonderful job on yesterday's post ...
her first blog hop ever ....
Great Job Becki!

Join us for day 3 of our Wicked 3 Blog Hop ...
so many wonderful treats have been shared and I
am sure those that are turning their porch lights on
for you today will be just as delightful!

Thursday, October 24th

Wyndham Fabrics has supplied us with some lovely Halloween bundles,
and Look Bird Brain Designs, wanted you to be prepared for next years Wicked....
Some lovely patterns to keep you in the Halloween spirit.

Cheer them on, Support them in the upcoming months, they will be filled 
with more Tricks and Treats, you can depend on them for that...


#1 Join us in future blog hops, 1 of these giveaways is for all those who participate.
#2 Those in the top 3 each day, also have a chance at the end of the hop to win one of these prizes.
#3 All of YOU who leave comments, also can win....

Remember, the kindness of a few words, may be
just the encouragement someone's soul may be
craving ... 

Wicked wishes to each of you, and
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 10, 2013

Wicked Day 2 - Guest Becki's Wicked 3 Hop Stop

Happy Halloween, everyone! 
 This is my very first Blog Hop, and 
I hope it is just the first of many!  
I am so happy to be participating in this Blog Hop 
hosted by Madame Samm and cheerleader, Wendy.  
Thanks to both of them for getting every little Wicked thing together!!!  
Please be sure to visit all the other bloggers today 
and each day until the witching hour.  
Today’s bloggers are—
Becki (that’s me!)
I hope you like the little Trick or Treat bag I made 
for my youngest granddaughter, Samantha.  
didn't use a pattern, I just made it up. 

There is straight-line quilting, and I used webbing left over from 
another project for the handles.  The fabric for the outside is by Tim Coffey for Springs Creative Products Group, LLC, and the lining is “Gone Haunting” by Sue Zapkion for Clothworks.
Next, I made this Halloween wall hanging from a kit I purchased several years ago from Quilter’s Gallery .  The pattern is from Pacific Rim, and it is called (interestingly enough) Halloween!!!  A friend gave me her assistance as this was the first machine applique I've EVER done!!!  I hope you like it.
The backing fabric is cute little mice scurrying all over the place. 
There was no name on the selvage, just “Blank Fabric”.  
Lastly, being from the home of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, I thought a Halloween pin cushion was called for.  This little cutie is made of felt and embroidery floss.  

Doesn't it make you hungry?
Thanks for sticking with me through this post.  Thanks again to Madame Samm and Wendy.  Don’t forget to visit the other bloggers for all their wickedness.  Happy Haunting!!!

Wonderful post .... Thank you for sharing Becki ...

 to everyone hopping through ...
wicked wishes until tomorrow!