Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 8, 2013

Hello from me to you ...

Yes ... I am still around {grin} ...
I'd like to say I've been cruising the blogihood ...
but I can't ... heck! I've even been too busy for 
more than a fly-by comment or two!!

However, since tomorrow ... Tuesday ... is my
scheduled Ho Ho Hop post, I wanted to share a 
bit of what has been going on since last
not so upbeat of a post.  

First and foremost ... I am good and I thank each of you
sincerely for your very kind and heartfelt comments ...
they each mean so very much to me.  I truly thank you!

Though my bike has been with the Bike RN for the
last week, for some minor tune-ups, I've enjoyed expending some 
energy on it when I could.  I've also been stitching up a storm.

I also took this past week off of work to take time with my
daughters before they start school again before the end of the
month.  We drove to a neighboring state for some school
clothes shopping, time at the hotel pool, 

and since my girls earned passes for the amusement park by reading during
the past school year, we visited Silverwood Theme Park ... home of
world renowned wooden roller coasters ... 
of which I DID NOT take part of ...  

However, Garfield and Odie are residents
of which I am great fans of ... 

The next day ... my eldest turned 9 years old ...

Made this cake for my girl who has tree-nut allergies and
most local bakeries can't guarantee nut-free cakes ...

and to balance the sugars in the cake ... we made
fruit-cabobs for snacks during the birthday party today:

 Geez ... nine years old ... 
that means I've been quilting for nine years now ...
I started quilting as a mind-occupier when I became
a stay-at-home mother ... I know, nuts, eh?

Best thing I've ever done with my time ... 
after being mom to my girls...

Madame Samm had a post this weekend about
being Happy ... quilting and my blogihood quilting
community make me happy ... I choose happy and
I thank you!

I will see you all on Tuesday ... I hope ...
for our Christmas Ho Ho Ho Hop hosted by
Christmas Carol of Just Let Me Quilt so
I can share with you what I've been
busy stitching ... until then ...

best wishes and happy stitches!

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