Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 8, 2013

It's a Good Day ...

As I sit here this morning to share with you a real treat I received in the mail, for the first time in over a week, my windows and doors are open, letting the fresh air in ... the very real, and very close, forest fire called the Lolo Creek Complex fire, reaching over 10,000 acres at last tally ... has finally calmed, or so it seems.  Enough so, that I am here with sunshine, a gentle breeze, and fresh air while I type at my computer.

Seriously ... some days ... can it get any better than that?

{contented sigh}

When I first saw Michele's post on Quilts From My Crayon Box about Its A Sister Thing swap ... I knew I had to jump in with all ten fingers (to type my name and email address, you know {wink}) and sign up.  I am so glad I did.  It's been a fun month or so of "stalking" ... of being "learned" by the person who had my name, and of learning the person for who is my secret sister ... whom I cannot tell you yet, because she has yet to receive my package in the mail.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a soft spot in my heart for Secret Pal Swaps ... I remember my mom having a Secret Pal in our church group, and when she explained it to me, I thought it was so neat ... secretly doing something for someone else that would make them happy for no other reason but just doing it.  How cool is that?!!

Well, Ms. Carol of CarolsCraftBlog was my Sister Thing swap buddy ... and how sweet the mini patriotic quilt she sent me is:

Isn't it precious!  Yes, I adore it, and yes, Carol, I thank you so very much!

I also thank Michele for all the work and coordination she put into this Sister Thing swap!! Perhaps one of these days I too can get my pin-tucks in a row and host such a swap ... just sayin'!

I am off to put the finishing touches on my Sister Thing swap buddy's package and hope she too is as happy with it as I am with mine.

Until later, I wish you all a very happy and peaceful day ...

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 8, 2013

Hexi Hopping

No, I am not striving for the Hexie Queen crown,
though I couldn't resist creating my own ...
too fun not to ...
but I was pretty darned happy to jump into this hop with 
both feet ... so please let me share with you today,
my hexagon creations ...

First up are my pink and grey pillows:

Gradient grey batiks with a pink batik above ...
a bit of Sunkissed pink and white to 
go with a grey solid below ...

Two individual pillows ... alike and yet so different.
Just like two little girls I know and love so dearly ...

The pink and white pillow is now with my friendly LQS owner
as a shop sample, so may have to make another real soon,
and with this ruler and Jaybird's pattern, making another 
will be simple and quick .... 
Jaybird's Hex N More Ruler
and Jaybird's Candy Dish Pattern

Though I may get sidetracked, as I discovered this pattern 
first and really like it's look for the top of the table ...
Yep, even bought Atkinson Designs' Merry-Go-Round pattern ... 
ran outta  time for completing for this hop.
just had a thought! ... 
wouldn't this be adorable
in wicked Halloween prints
 ... um maybe for another
wicked hop??? 
{cackle cackle}  ... 
hmmmm ...
ooops ...back to the hexies ...

I did attempt the traditional hexagons,
In fact, I found myself stitching these poolside, 
during birthday parties at the park and even
the symphony in the park ... yep ... 
I believe I'm hexed! ... no wait ... hooked!

So, I share with you these, which I made using 1" mylar 
hexagons I got from The Scrappy Appleyard, I started this:

Not completed ... just started ... I find myself making more and
more hexies which will find themselves attached to this pretty
topper ... see, no pattern, just my own creative need to put
hexies together.  I'm using a charm pack of Sandy Gervais' ...
it'll be pretty when completed ... at least I think so.

I did get the center and the cream row stitched together,
however, while I got the hexi's made, I've yet to stitch them
all together.  The two colors the hexies are laying on will
become the outside borders and I plan to create a very
pretty table topper out of these... promise to post
when it is finished!

Thank you for visiting with me during yet another
fine hop put together with the machinations of our
very dear Madame Samm with the assistance of
Cheerleader Debby of Debby Kratovil Quilts ...

Well done ladies!!

Please be sure to hop along to my fellow hexie
creators today ... certain inspiration to be had!

Wednesday, August 21
Why-Knot-Kwilt -- you are here!

Until next we visit, I wish you happy hearts
and happier stitching!!

Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 8, 2013

Hop Winner!

Goodness!  Sometimes fate plays its hand perfectly!!
I had draw its number tonight ...
out of 110 comments ... number 17 was chosen:

And would you please check out what was #17's comment:
SharonAugust 6, 2013 at 1:34 AM
Wow you did a geat job on your Christmas the box quilt and of course the trees. if I had my choice on my prize behind a box I would hope for it to say you won this project. Very nice,
Kismet??? or fate???

No matter ... I have sent of an email to Sharon and 
hope to make her holiday season a bit jollier.

I thank each and every one who stopped by the hop and left such nice comments!  I wish each and every one of you could find your gifts filled with your wishes ... I truly wish I could pull your wishes out of my proverbial hat for you ... or wave a magic wand ... but one kindness along the way may help another kindness find its way to your front door step.

Thank you and I look forward to visiting with you all again real soon!

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 8, 2013

Stop by for a Ho Ho Ho Hop Giveaway

Welcome, welcome ... come sit for a moment and let
me share with you my creations for this cheerful Ho Ho Ho blog hop ...

Yes, I have been busy stitching, working happily since this hop was announced.
I do love the Christmas season for the kindness, joy, and giving that blooms
in so many hearts during the season ... no matter the holiday that is celebrated!

First I share with you a sweet little pattern I discovered and 
decided I had to make it the moment I saw it:
Above is a pattern called Tiny Treasures by Sandy Gervais,
using Me and My Sister Designs' Ready Set Snow line of fabric.
It's truly tiny and sweet ... finishing up at 17" x 17".
What you cannot particularly see is the silver thread and the
gold thread I used on the ribbons on four of the packages, 
but trust me, it's there ... {grin}
close up of package-bow stitching
Next, I present to you a pattern I found a few years ago that I knew I just had to have ...
you all know those patterns ... well, I found a reason to make it and below is the result:
I just could not get the lighting right in any of my photos, so I took several
and let you decide whichever is best.
This is a paper-piecing pattern called
 "If a Tree Falls in the Forest ..."
by Mary Robbins of Bozeman, Montana.
I thought these would be fun Christmas trees ... though 
depending on the scraps used, could be left up all year round.

And ... believe it or not ... I have one more share, though it's not
quite finished ... I was doing so well, till the family came home
... hee hee hee ... and if you read my post yesterday ... you will
understand why this quilt did not get finished, though it does only
need to be quilted and the binding added ... 

This is my very first "panel" quilt.  I know!  Why I've never done
a panel quilt before, I don't know ... too fussy, too particular, too ... 
well, don't finish that thought ...

The panel is from Nancy Halvorsen, one of my very first favorite
designers.  I truly believe her fabrics were among the first I ever purchased
and if I were to do an inventory, I would guess I have just about every
pattern book she's ever published ... check her out at Art to Heart ...
Love her stuff!
The book for this particular quilt is Ho Ho Ho Let It Snow
(how fitting for this hop!!!) and the line of fabric for Benartex goes
by the same name.  However, I wanted the finished quilt a bit wider
than the pattern's 35 x 55, so I found an additional material, and 
my quilted throw should finish up around 45 x 58. 
All the better to cozy up in the chair with, my pretties.

found this photo on ... isn't it pretty?

Please visit my fellow Holiday Cheermeisters today:

 August 6
My many thanks to our very own Christmas Carol of Just Let Me Quilt
for her fine cheerleading efforts and skills ... and ...
my gratitude to Madame Samm for her continued choreography
and plans in directing your such inspiration!

Two finer ladies that are not-competitive I have yet to see!

One more thing ... before you leave today ...
play with me a small game, if you will ...

My gift to one of you !

Imagine one of these little gift boxes held a gift just for you ...
what would you wish to be inside your special box ...
a magic box ... it could hold any size gift ... a special just for you ...
Got an idea?  
Well, share your idea with me in a comment below,
and in that comment, let me know that you follow my blog,
and will choose one of you to win this
little wall hanging for your very own.
Drawing will be held Saturday, August 10th
and yes, of course, I will mail internationally!!

Thank you for stopping by ... 
I wish you happy hopping!

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 8, 2013

Hello from me to you ...

Yes ... I am still around {grin} ...
I'd like to say I've been cruising the blogihood ...
but I can't ... heck! I've even been too busy for 
more than a fly-by comment or two!!

However, since tomorrow ... Tuesday ... is my
scheduled Ho Ho Hop post, I wanted to share a 
bit of what has been going on since last
not so upbeat of a post.  

First and foremost ... I am good and I thank each of you
sincerely for your very kind and heartfelt comments ...
they each mean so very much to me.  I truly thank you!

Though my bike has been with the Bike RN for the
last week, for some minor tune-ups, I've enjoyed expending some 
energy on it when I could.  I've also been stitching up a storm.

I also took this past week off of work to take time with my
daughters before they start school again before the end of the
month.  We drove to a neighboring state for some school
clothes shopping, time at the hotel pool, 

and since my girls earned passes for the amusement park by reading during
the past school year, we visited Silverwood Theme Park ... home of
world renowned wooden roller coasters ... 
of which I DID NOT take part of ...  

However, Garfield and Odie are residents
of which I am great fans of ... 

The next day ... my eldest turned 9 years old ...

Made this cake for my girl who has tree-nut allergies and
most local bakeries can't guarantee nut-free cakes ...

and to balance the sugars in the cake ... we made
fruit-cabobs for snacks during the birthday party today:

 Geez ... nine years old ... 
that means I've been quilting for nine years now ...
I started quilting as a mind-occupier when I became
a stay-at-home mother ... I know, nuts, eh?

Best thing I've ever done with my time ... 
after being mom to my girls...

Madame Samm had a post this weekend about
being Happy ... quilting and my blogihood quilting
community make me happy ... I choose happy and
I thank you!

I will see you all on Tuesday ... I hope ...
for our Christmas Ho Ho Ho Hop hosted by
Christmas Carol of Just Let Me Quilt so
I can share with you what I've been
busy stitching ... until then ...

best wishes and happy stitches!