Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Surprise -- Winner ....

Thursday was my birthday.
My 45th birthday to be exact.

Thursday was not a good day for me ...

Don't get me wrong, its wasn't the fact that I turned 45,
I've earned my years and am proud of it.

however, today is much better.

Let me just say .... 

Its Friday and all expectations and 
disappointments of the week are over.

I purchased myself a very nice steak, french bread all ready to be popped in the oven, a very nice bottle of red wine and a teeny tiny individual sized cheese cake and I'm sitting here with my laptop in front of the television watching a show I get to enjoy in delicious quiet and solitude.

Life is good, especially now that my dinner is over, 
two glasses of wine have been consumed and 
I have a scrumptious piece of blue berry cheese cake to enjoy.

I also get to share the winner of  my 
This and That Koin Catcher wallet.
That winner is:
Your quilt story only makes that quilt donation even more special. It is beautiful, and knowing it is going to a worthy cause makes it even more beautiful. Thank you for your story...and the wonderful show and tell of those amazing little the fabrics you've chosen and the excellent skills you've used to make super projects! My chair is a rolling office chair...but my back still gets sore...with me, I think it is an age thing, giggle. So my trick is to get out of the chair a lot...go to the fridge, go to the cookie jar, etc. Thanks for the chance for such a generous giveaway!

Lesley, I adore you!  You give me a great excuse to make a trip or two to the sweets jar! Lesley should have received an email from me by now.  The birthday surprise will come with the wallet. .... sorry, no dollars ... perhaps a coin or two, but since its my birthday,  I'm sending you a surprise along with the wallet which I hope will tickle you as much as it does me in the sending.

I give my gratitude to each and everyone who visited and left a message.   You all encourage me through my day and wow, did you all leave wonderful  chair advice.  Stay tuned for the results of my chair shopping {grin}.

As for me, as I am sans-DDs this weekend, a girlfriend has invited me to travel to a few out of town quilt shops tomorrow and  I find myself looking forward to the day.  Perhaps I'll have some things to share upon my return ... if not, kudos to me for quilt shop hopping and not spending a dime .... 

wait for it,

wait for it, 

Yeah Right!! 


Until next we visit, thank you and I wish you all happy!

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