Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 10, 2011

It's ALL Good ...

Doesn't this picture just say ... "crisp, clear Fall day"???
Yes, it was as beautiful as this picture represents.

Sunday, was my day with my girls so I took
them down to walk the annual
Scare Crow walk in the neighboring town ...

This was Emily's favorite: 
"Pass me the teeth"

And, of course, Abbie adored: 

They both enjoyed these creative creations: 

However, this was my personal favorite,
from the local vet:
How flippin' creative!!

On Saturday, when the girls were with their dad, I was blessed with some sewing time with my friend Vicki... this is what I got accomplished:

I do still need to get the borders on, which will be the green fabric I have the runner on, but dang! even if I do say so myself ... woohoo!!! This is my first attempt at this runner, but way cool :)  May have found a Christmas present project {{wink}}  Remember a previous post when I purchased this beautiful fabric??
Cool, huh??

AND...while I may seriously bemoan the fact that I don't get to visit my blogi-hood neighbors nearly as much as I want to, once in a while I visit someone I haven't been to see in a while.  On one such occassion this past week, I stopped in to see the beautiful quilting of Mary of Quilt Hollow.  It just so happened that on this visit, Mary was sharing the news of her friend Kimberly Einmo's new book ... Jelly Roll Quilt Magic. When I went to visit Kimberly's really cool blog, Kimberly Einmo, and I'll be darned, but she was having a giveaway of her new book. ...

And yes, I was so very fortunate as to have won a copy ... how cool is that!!!???!!!!

Seriously though, even without the win, her blog is so cool you just need to go visit her and follow along for all her wonderful tips, tricks and posts ... check her out, you won't be sorry!!

Remember the fabulous wraps from Madame Samm's post here ... Stitching Shawl ... another project I've wanted to start for quite some time ...
Well, since cold weather has shown its ugly face ... we're averaging highs in the 50's this week ... I've finally gotten started on my beautiful shawl!  Yay!!  I'll be stitching this side down, and once I finalize the other side ... I'm thinking blue-bird of happiness drunk on caffiene from a giant cuppa on the other side ... I'll photo it complete and share again.

So ... It's all good ... I'm not finding time for everything, but am fitting in bits of time for this and for that, all the while appreciating ALL that is good in my life. 

Thank YOU so much for being part of the good I so appreciate!

Until next time, happy hugs and warm hearted wishes ~

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