Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 8, 2010

Goodies and A Day at the Lake

Lookie at the goodies I won from Amy Hamberlin's blog's 100th Posting giveaway!!!  What a sweet treat this is and right now getting my little girl ready for starting school, perfect timing!  How cool is this!!  If you haven't visited Kati Cupcake Patterns, you should now ... adorable, adorable patterns :-) and no, I'm not just saying that because I won ... I shop there anyway! :o)

Really sweet Snippets  by American Jane for Moda honey bun purchased from Fabric Square Shop.  Cool shop if you get a chance to visit.  I purchased this honey bun for use with a dress pattern for Emily, before I won all the really cool patterns I won above.  Guess I'll have to go fabric shopping again ..... oh darn!

Last Friday we found ourselves enjoying a day away from the dust, dirty and work that is our abode these days at Seely Lake, Montana.  We joined other IAFF families for fun in the sun and food on the sand (hopefully not in the sand!) ... Here are some pictures of the girls:

Emily and Abbie heading "out to sea" rafting.

The girls taking a moment to play in the sand together.

Emily is enjoying her vantage from the front.

Abbie ... aka Sand Monster.

Now, it's back to the reality that is my home ...

Bathroom (with dresser moved into it)

Bedroom with furniture moved into middle...

Bedroom/bathroom wall

Sewing room/office bunched into middle of room :-(

Have I ever mentioned I'm an organizational / neat freak and this stuff kinda bothers me ???!!!!????!!!    bbbbbaaaaahhhaaahaaahaaaaa   wwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa

Until next time (if I'm still sane, that is ...)

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