Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 12, 2013

A New Year...Time for Plans

I am such an emotional creature.  Even when I was little.  If upset or scared, I could literally get sick.  I remember being in a talent show when I was in Girl Scouts, and we were doing a fashion show of clothes we had sewn.  Oh, I had the grooviest maxi skirt you could have ever seen and the coolest crocheted poncho.  We practiced walking on stage.  That's when it hit, all those people out there watching.  I was puking a short time later!  Arggg!

In my teen years I remember doing the same thing.  Mostly fear from having to stand up in front of people.  A breakup with a boyfriend.  Typical teenage stuff.

And later years, the crisis of a marriage falling apart, sent me in a down spin.  Leaving me sick and puny with a case of shingles that still to this day reminds me where they once were.  What on earth!

And here I am again.  So much going on with responsibilities of taking care of sick mother-in-law, selling her property, worrying about how long her money will last, all while trying to figure out how to keep a husband from being in total denial.  It is draining mentally and physically.   Then on top of it all I keep dreaming of "what I want to do when I grow up".  I am pretty sure I am not doing it.  I want to design crochet and knitting patterns, maybe own a little thrift shop...but it is so scary.   And all this denial has made me totally unorganized and frazzled.  So this year, I am going to try and get my foot in the proverbial door. Yes, at 51, I know in my heart that I need to give it a try.  I may fall on my face, but I am pretty sure if I do I will get back up.

So, like so many, I need to declutter.  I mean seriously declutter.  I have yarn everywhere.  Things I have started.  Things I want to start, and they all seem to have gotten lost in the clutter.

I am hoping my blog can be a source of strength!  Some support, and maybe a place to rant a wee bit! LOL!

Christmas was nice.  It is fun to see family.  I wish there was more time to visit.  But I am sure I am not alone on that one!

I got all my Christmas orders done.  I had to work on the up until Christmas Eve!  Next year I hope this will not be the case!!  I learned a lot this December in judging deadlines and custom orders.

That being said, I wanted to share one of those orders.  A pretty crocheted shawl!

I thought it turned out pretty.  The pattern is the South Bay Shawlette by Lion Brand.   The yarn is Roller Skate Fingering Weight from Knit Picks.

I have started a pair of socks for my mom, but not sure what else is on the horizon.  I am thinking organization needs to come before I tackle anything else!!

Love and Peace,


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