Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 12, 2013

A New Year...Time for Plans

I am such an emotional creature.  Even when I was little.  If upset or scared, I could literally get sick.  I remember being in a talent show when I was in Girl Scouts, and we were doing a fashion show of clothes we had sewn.  Oh, I had the grooviest maxi skirt you could have ever seen and the coolest crocheted poncho.  We practiced walking on stage.  That's when it hit, all those people out there watching.  I was puking a short time later!  Arggg!

In my teen years I remember doing the same thing.  Mostly fear from having to stand up in front of people.  A breakup with a boyfriend.  Typical teenage stuff.

And later years, the crisis of a marriage falling apart, sent me in a down spin.  Leaving me sick and puny with a case of shingles that still to this day reminds me where they once were.  What on earth!

And here I am again.  So much going on with responsibilities of taking care of sick mother-in-law, selling her property, worrying about how long her money will last, all while trying to figure out how to keep a husband from being in total denial.  It is draining mentally and physically.   Then on top of it all I keep dreaming of "what I want to do when I grow up".  I am pretty sure I am not doing it.  I want to design crochet and knitting patterns, maybe own a little thrift shop...but it is so scary.   And all this denial has made me totally unorganized and frazzled.  So this year, I am going to try and get my foot in the proverbial door. Yes, at 51, I know in my heart that I need to give it a try.  I may fall on my face, but I am pretty sure if I do I will get back up.

So, like so many, I need to declutter.  I mean seriously declutter.  I have yarn everywhere.  Things I have started.  Things I want to start, and they all seem to have gotten lost in the clutter.

I am hoping my blog can be a source of strength!  Some support, and maybe a place to rant a wee bit! LOL!

Christmas was nice.  It is fun to see family.  I wish there was more time to visit.  But I am sure I am not alone on that one!

I got all my Christmas orders done.  I had to work on the up until Christmas Eve!  Next year I hope this will not be the case!!  I learned a lot this December in judging deadlines and custom orders.

That being said, I wanted to share one of those orders.  A pretty crocheted shawl!

I thought it turned out pretty.  The pattern is the South Bay Shawlette by Lion Brand.   The yarn is Roller Skate Fingering Weight from Knit Picks.

I have started a pair of socks for my mom, but not sure what else is on the horizon.  I am thinking organization needs to come before I tackle anything else!!

Love and Peace,


Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 12, 2013

Delayed ...

Yes, I've been a bit delayed, but I am positive most each and every one of you reading this post are in the same boat I find myself, so I will float no apologies {grin} You understand!!

Just so you know I haven't been hitting the snooze button on my unemployed alarm clock ... I share with you a few projects I've completed since my last post:

These three bags I made over the course of this week as my Teacher Thank You gifts.  Besides the fact that we placed chocolate and hand-drawn thank you notes from my girls inside, I think they were well received!

The quilt above was a project someone called asking if I could put together for her so she could present to her 40 yr old brother for Christmas ... it is 92x108 ... I do believe I will be  putting together another post on this quilt in the near future so that is all I will say about this one at the moment ... however, I can say that yes ... two weeks and I did complete the top. 

 As many of you know, those that serve in the military hold a very special place in my heart ... for so very many reasons. Well, when I found out that a friend of mine from high school was to retire from the Navy after 25 years ... an enlisted sailor retiring as a Lt. Commander no less ... Well, I decided not to let the moment go unnoticed:
With the help of scouring ebay for old t-shirts, and a bit of pattern improvisation, I designed and quilted this and mailed it off with my appreciation.
I did have enough material to make a matching pillow case in which I mailed the quilt ... kinda fun and something to store the quilt in when warm weather comes again ....

And on that gratitude note, I will let you all know that Thank You Teddy is being mailed to Michele of L7 QUILT CO. ...  my daughter's pulled her name out last Friday.  
If you haven't visited with Michele you should, those of you that have know Teddy's going to a wonderful home!!

Well, I've been up to a few other tiny projects, and with Christmas next week, have several more to go as many of you do also, I am sure....

Thank you for visiting with me today, and until next we chat ...

Warm Hearted Wishes and Happy Stitching ~

white chocolate peppermint pretzels {and $100 Dollar Tree Gift Card Giveaway!}

This post is part of a sponsored campaign with Dollar Tree and Blueprint Social. All opinions are my own.

Have you heard about the Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club? It is a club full of crafts, recipes, décor, tips, contests, insider information, frugal fun ideas, and more! I recently signed up on the Dollar Tree website and I love it. There are so many fun project ideas and great inspiration for holiday gift ideas that are very simple and inexpensive to make. Membership is free and the content changes each month so there are always new, great ideas to try. The project sheets can be saved or printed which is perfect so that you can take it to the store as a shopping list and also have the instructions right at your fingertips when you begin your project!

I saw the White Chocolate Peppermint Pretzels Recipe and knew it would make the perfect project to make with my kids and deliver to some of our friends for the holiday season. I am a total sucker for chocolate covered pretzels, so I am sure a few of these treats will stay right at home with me!

This project was so simple and inexpensive to make. My favorite part about the Dollar Tree Value Seekers Club is that you can buy all the supplies or ingredients you need at Dollar Tree, which saves so much money! I know we are all looking to save money at the holidays and find great gifts that we can make without breaking the bank. I picked up all the supplies I needed and got to work with my dipping!


Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 12, 2013

A Little Bit Cray Cray

How is everyone?  Ready for Christmas?  Me, not quite!  I am hopeful this weekend it all wind down.  I believe the problem is the juggling of a full time job, the responsibilities of running a household, the chronic respiratory infection I can't seem to shake, topped off by my desire to give everyone on my list something handmade.  So, looking at this and taking it all in, I realize that giving all handmade gifts is not going to quite get it done.   I have read it, thought about it, and accepted it!  So in that respect I feel better about what is left to be done.

Secondly, I must get over this respiratory infection so I can enjoy myself with family over Christmas. I have decided this is top priority.  So a dr visit today and more antibiotics I and keeping a positive outlook that I will like this!

So with these two revelations, I have formed a plan.  I little bit of shopping on Saturday to finish up and get everything wrapped then rest and relaxation!

I do have one more custom order to finish up.  I have told myself that next year any custom orders for Christmas will have to be to me before the end of September.  I have been scrambling and stressing with my final project, although I feel certain it will get done.

Check out this little fella.  I managed to get one done before my last project came in!  Yes, next year more of these will be ready!  They are fast and fun to make!
And this little guy came along to keep the other company.  I have a shawl pattern that I do hope to finsh up this weekend, which is looking quire preety, and will free up some free up some time to do more little snowmen!

Isn't he cute, even while naked!!!

So hear is my plan:

Work tomorrow 8 - 5, and Monday as well.

Saturday, finish up shopping.  This will be huge!!!

Saturday evening dinner with friends.  Now some fun begings!

Sunday, wrap presents and get ready for work.

Monday, deliver gifts.


Now once this is done, all will be good. 

Now that I have shared a couple little snowmen with everyone I think I need to get a good night's sleep!  Completely uninterrupted sleep is what I am hoping for.  So with that I am saying good night!

I  will see ya'll back here shortly with a progress report!


Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 12, 2013

freezer pasta sauce and tortellini recipe

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Barilla, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JoytotheTable

I know it is the busiest time of year and I try to do anything I can to simply! Today I want to share a great recipe for bulk pasta sauce that you can prepare in advance and freeze, as well as some cheesy tortellini that is super simple and can help you get a meal on the table in no time when life is really hectic.


crochet chain necklace {free pattern}

It's the middle of December already and I barely have time to breathe let alone create handmade gifts for the people on my list. But this is one crocheted item that you can crank out in no time at all: The Crochet Chain Necklace. Not only that, it is absolutely the EASIEST crocheted item you will ever make. It is literally the most beginner pattern you can find (if you can really call it a pattern). In fact, this is an awesome way to practice making crochet chains before you start learning real stitches.


Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 12, 2013

Santaaaaa Fimo tie :) custom order

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 12, 2013

holiday cottonelle tip {and a coupon}

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Cottonelle, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #CottonelleHoliday

Two weeks until Christmas! I am super excited but there is still a lot of prep work to be done at my home. There are treats to be made, gifts to be mailed and my house to clean. I always love to get my house really clean before Christmas so that I can just sit back and enjoy the holiday and not feel stressed about my home being in disarray.

One thing that's for sure, is there are always a lot of people coming and going at my home for the holidays. We usually have guests, and visitors all throughout the holiday season. Does anyone else find that you are constantly trying to keep your bathrooms cleaned and toilet paper filled? Honestly, I am in a house with three boys and I feel like all I do is put new toilet paper rolls on and when we have guests it is even more true!

Finding this is a regular occurrence in my home... 


Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 12, 2013

WE'VE Built {holiday gifts}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and WE’VE Built but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GiftaStory

I am really excited to share with you a great website that I have just discovered that I think is so wonderful! It is called WE'VE Built. Beauty of craft meets power of story.

This is a great site that offers handmade artisan products, and when you purchase them you support these artisans, their families and communities through craftsmanship, job stability, and job creation. I love buying products that I feel are helping a bigger cause! WE'VE's philosophy is simple. In one word it boils down to "collaboration," but collaboration that incorporates sustainability, technology, storytelling and design. WE'VE is a community for connecting diverse, highly-skilled people together, where beautiful relationships and objects emerge.


Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 12, 2013

Thanksgiving at the Outerbanks

Phoebe and I were able to spend Thanksgiving at the Outerbanks with the whole family!!!  Although it was very cold and very windy, it was beautiful.  I actually thought the cold felt good!  As you can see, Phoebe loved it!!!
Our house had a lookout on the roof!  And the view was amazing!!!!!  I was fascinated with the sky!

Isn't it beautiful!!  You can see the clouds just rolling in!!!

The chairs on the second floor deck looked inviting.  But don't be was about 30 degrees and extremely windy when I took this!!!  
Phoebe mustered up enough bravery to climb a couple steps until she stopped!  I think the bravery came from her desire not to have me out of her sight!  LOL!!!  Just look at those eyes.

Like most families, we cooked up a large feast for all of us!  Check out the mashed potatoes!
Holy cow!!  Were they ever good!!!!!  Yeah, that is butter floating on top of them!!!

Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Broccoli Casserole, Turkey, two kinda of dressing, gravy, rolls, cranberries, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie...I think I am still full!

Miss Phoebe after a half cup of turkey.  I do believe the tryptophan had totally kicked in!!!  LOL!!

We made a trip to Bodie Island Lighthouse.  This place was absolutely beautiful!

I was really taken by this place.  It is so full of history.  And the beauty of the lighthouse is just jaw dropping.  It is hard to realize how big it is until you step out of the car.  
If you ever get to the outbanks, I urge you to visit at least one of the lighthouses!!!  

We also visited Oregon Inlet.  I really like that place, too.  It is full of boats and neat little store full of fun fishing stuff and tee shirts.  
Look at that Carolina Blue sky!!!!

The beach at Nags Head (where we were staying) was very pretty and full of things to photograph.

I was in awe of how close this beach house is to the is obvious that it is in the tide at some point!

My nieces on the beach.  I don't know how they can stand the cold in their bare feet, but they were all over it.  Not me!!!!

OK, don't let her cuteness burn your eyes!!  She was having a blast running and sniffing!  Although she wasn't too keen on the water, but she loved the sand and running full speed with now leash holding her back!

Now, I could show more, but I really wanted to share some crochet fun with you!!!  I will preface it with telling you I learned to do fair isle in crochet!!!  And it is so freaking fun!!!!!!

Once I finish up with all my Christmas projects I want to do some more of this!  I have been pinning patterns and  charts of different things I want to try!!  
There are several you tube videos out there to help you out.  I took advantage of a couple, and recommend if you are going to try and do this watch a couple.  It will help out quite a bit!!!

I also cranked out a chunky crochet project because I was in between projects.  It turned out quite cute!
 It is a giant half granny, only it is joined at the ends.  Kinda cool!  I am sure I am not the first to think of this, but I had to give my self credit for being kinda clever to think it up!!!

It is truly an infinity!!!  I used a super large hook, it was fast and satisfying!!!!!

Well, that's about it for now.  Must admit I am tired and need to head to bed.  Morning will be here soon enough!!


Set Ethnic 5....donatie

Set Ethnic 4

Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 12, 2013

Friends & Followers Giveaway

Welcome to you ... my friends and followers!

My first post in my humble and often
wandering rambling blog was on 
May 28, 2010 ... not so long ago in days, 
but so very many lifetimes ago.
I do not recall when I reached 503 followers,
though I am grateful for each of you!
Nor am I aware of when I surpassed the 300th
post ... certainly I haven't had much wisdom
to share or I'd have remembered right?

What I do know, and think of often ... are 
the wonderful, wonderful quilters, bloggers,
... FRIENDS ... I have met through this blog.

Those of you who visit with me often know
my stance on kindness, my belief in a kind word,
and while I will not rant on that again today,
but I do want to share with all of you my
utmost gratitude for those people who have
made such a difference in my life through this
blog ... Mary of Quilt Hollow was one of the 
very first to make such an indelible impression
on this newbie blogger all those posts ago ...
she may not remember why, 
but I do and thank her for it!

I also know for a fact that my blog would not
be nearly what it is today if not for the grace
and intelligence of a very dear 
Cheerleader Madame Samm.
She chooses to lead Sew We Quilt
our online quilting bee of which I am
grateful to belong and participate ...
She shares, inspires, and CHEERS for so many,
I am proud and honored to think of her as friend.

But beyond anything, I would not have reason
to share my ramblings and sometime creative
endeavors were it not for my friends and followers
who chose to visit me from time to time and
are so very kind to leave encouraging words...
There are so many, many for whom I am grateful
that I would be afraid of leaving any out,
so instead, to all, I humbly say ... 

Thank you!

For offering of my gratitude, I share with you
what has been in my head for quite some time
just waiting to be taken out and created ... 
just for one of you ...

Saturday morning I started with a scrap of 
Minkee, drafting paper, and some bits and
pieces from my fabric stash: 

Teddy ~ in the making ...
A close up of the material for color purposes since the
weather did not cooperate for proper picture taking ...

What I ended up with is of my own design and quilting:
Thank You Teddy ~ 20 x 22 inches

Please forgive the pictures ... 
the clouds and rain did not assist in proper 
picture taking, but I did not want to wait 
any longer to post this giveaway ...

I adore teddy bears ... the soft and fuzzy
squeeze-ability of them ... they often become
our best friends as children and become reminders
of childhood friends long into adulthood.

Therefore, once this Teddy entered my
head, asking to be created, I couldn't resist
the idea of adding the thank you ...
In fact, I already have a few more in the works
with different colors and different words
on the banner above ... 
stay tuned for more shares :) 
especially since my daughters haven't seen this one yet {grin}

I did purposefully create this hanging 
in muted colors, hoping it would work in
with more decor by doing so ...

This giveaway is open to the followers of
Why Knot Kwilt and to my Facebook friends
as I know many follow my blog via Facebook.
So please, if you are interested in my giveaway,
either for yourself or as a timely gift for another
at this time of year, leave me a comment,
tell me how you follow Why Knot Kwilt,

No-Reply bloggers cannot be contacted
and therefore there is no way of letting
you know you won and will have to be passed
up for another.

If you wish for a second chance to win,
well, leave a second comment and let me know
when you first came across my blog and 
if you have a favorite post ... or
what brought you back for another visit 
besides my charming good looks 
and witty humor, of course!


Warm wishes and happy stitching!

of course ... I will ship internationally!!!!
heck ... details, details ... 
I will draw a winner on 12/13/13...

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 11, 2013

Rural North Carolina

Yesterday I went to Seagrove with my mom and dad.  For those of you not familiar, Seagrove is a small town in North Carolina, known for its deep roots in pottery.  It is a wonderful place anytime of year.   I am fortunate that it is just a short trip from High Point.  I snapped a few pictures to share with everyone!  This area is so typical of what life is like in North Carolina.

As we were riding down the one of the roads we spotted this old place.  You feel as if you just stepped out of time when you see it.  I wondered who lived here and what is was like.   The entire countryside and sprinkled with places like this, old barns, and out buildings.  And for me I was in heaven taking pictures of everything.

I just love anything that is old and rusted.  This old churn was just sitting in the yard at one of the potteries.  The place had so many relics from its earlier times scattered all over the yard.

My dad, sitting in a rocker at the Cagle Road Pottery.  He is love'n every minute of it.  Cagle Road Pottery is in an old log cabin set off the main road.  There are old dogs laying on the porch waiting for someone to have a seat and give them a scratch on the head.  My dad struck up a conversation with one of the owners there, who told him the property has been in this family since the 1700s.  There pottery is beautiful too!

Ray Pottery is a MUST stop!!  It has become one of my favorite places to stop.

This little guy was there to greet us when we got out of the car!  OMG....he was so cute.  A little black dachshund, with a grey muzzle and a tail that didn't stop wagging!!

Here is some of their pottery.  I love the combination of the salt glaze with the shiney red glaze.  I DID bring a piece of this pottery home with me.

I want it all!!!!

On our drive down to Seagrove we made a stop a the Pisgah Covered Bridge.  There are stories of it being haunted.  Haunted or not, it is old and a perfect time capsule from about 1911.  You can walk in it, around it, and under it.  A must stop if you are in that area!

The day was overcast and cool, and perfect for taking pictures.  It is so quiet here, even with the main road in plain sight.  You hear nothing but the sounds of the woods and the water.  

If any of you are curious about North Carolina, I think these few pictures I have posted say it perfectly. It is beautiful place to live.  

I wish I had some crochet to share this evening.  I am very close to finishing up a crochet scarf.  I am going to give it a post of its own!  It is something new I have learned to do with  crochet!  I don't want to give anymore away right now.  

I hope everyone has a great week!!!