Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2012

Let's All Hop, Hop, Hop ...

Happy Canada Day Weekend
to all my Northern Neighbors!

Not only is tomorrow Canada Day, but tomorrow in
the blogihood ... it's the start of the:


Here is Sunday's schedule for the

Red White & Blue Blog Hop

July 1st

Each day the top two blocks will be chosen
and posted at Sew I Quilt ...
I'd say we have some blog hoppin' to do
for the next couple of weeks
Wouldn't you?
There are over 100 participants for this hop ...
What better way can you think to beat the heat,
or stay out of the rain ...
than to hop all these marvelous 
Red White & Blue
block partiers???
Join us, won't you?
 See you 'round the block!

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 6, 2012

Time Flies

Oh My But the Time Does Fly!!

Today marks one year since I returned to the work force ...
I cannot even begin to list the changes that have been brought over this past year ...

However, I can thank all of you very special, wonderful people who have supported me through this year as you and I both know I without each of you my road would have been much, much rougher.

I dearly, dearly appreciate YOU!

Thank you.

I know there are still more tears than smiles that will probably come until smoother roads are found, but I can now see that smoother road in my future and just the vision of it makes me smile.

It feels good and it feels right.

Thank you.

I do have a quick share ... the project I've been working on ...

This is the Lincoln pattern from Another Bite of Schnibbles by Carrie Nelson using the Woodland line of fabric by Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches.

Yes, obviously, it is not yet finished ... it needs to be quilted ...
another attempt at a photo:

I need to get a better photo of it, but maybe the quilt is shy and wants to wait until it has been finished for it's close up :)  It is 75 x 75 finished size.  What do you think ... over all quilting? Straight line quilting? What do you recommend?

Finally, speaking of time flying ... please remember that beginning July 1st, Jane of Jane's Quilts and Fabrics is hosting the Red, White & Blue blog hop.  My date for hopping is July 7th and I believe, if I get my quackers in a row, I will host a giveaway ... worth you visiting again, I promise!

So until next time, warm hearted wishes and sunny smiles,

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 6, 2012


This pretty little petunia just asked for her picture to be taken ...
had to oblige and include it in tonight's post ... Isn't she sweet??

Would you believe July is just around the corner???  Holy buckets!  Today marks the longest day of the year as the first day of summer and as my dad would say every year ... enjoy your day as tomorrow will be shorter ... gee thanks dad! :) 

not my picture,  dang it all ... found on internet

Its a funny joke now that I'm not at home any more, but it does make one stop and wonder ... are you filling your hours of the day with what you want to?  I hope so.  I got to fill my off work hours with quilting the past few days, and I admit, I really enjoyed it, especially since the sun didn't come back out of hiding until today.  It's been cold here in Montana, rainy, and icky outside. ... sunshine and warmer temps promised for the rest of the week.  Bonus that I finished this quilt tonight:

This past weekend, a friend asked if I'd make her a quilt for a baby gift.
Silly me I said sure, then she said she needed it by Thursday.

I started surfing the free patterns online and found this pattern called "Toddler Quilt" by Patty Wright who has a blog called Patty Trends ... 
Patty, I thank you!!  Your directions were very clear and simple.
The pattern actually calls for a couple of charm packs, however, digging in my stash I found and used a layer cake, this one by Sandy Gervais, though for the life of me I can't find the name of the line ... its the one with lollipops, letters and bananas ... fitting for a baby quilt, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, I was so excited to finish it, I just had to take pictures in the fading light tonight and share, so thank you for indulging me and visiting ...

I appreciate you and hope to share again real soon.

By the way, getting back to the nearly July issue ... do you all remember that we have a Red White & Blue blog hop happening starting July 1st?
My hop day is July 7th ... I am prepared!
Get all the details by clicking on Jane's button over in my side bar,
or you can just follow this link:

Seriously awesome quilters on this hop and I'm thrilled to be included.

So ya'all com back again, please :)


Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 6, 2012

Set Fimo Butterflies

Setul este lucrat manual din Fimo,margele de nisip,organza si lantisor placat cu argint.Toate accesoriile metalice sunt argintate.Unicat

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 6, 2012

Smiles Aplenty

Among some of the fun things I want to share with my friends in the blogihood is first a huge, huge sigh of relief for myself and those of my Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin group ... for a short time the mystery was where was my block????

Oh My Goodness, after two days of searching (a.k.a. tearing apart every inch of my newly-moved into duplex), I felt the need to fess up to my group and let everyone know I lost my June block. 

I stressed and agonized over this for so long, even my daughters gave me wide-berth.  However, I womaned-up and emailed my group, hanging my head in shame as I wrote them...  Very gracious they all were, telling me to give it a bit more time before we decided how to proceed.  More time???  Heck, I had just searched for two and a half days ... more time???  I couldn't handle it.

Yes ... I can write about this because sure enough, I no sooner confessed than went back to my sewing area and rifled throught a box I had pawed through a half-dozen times and this time picked up a real pretty card I hadn't picked up previously.  I'll be danged ...that silly block was inside that card.  Can we all say ... WHEW!!

I can't tell you how many things I've been "looking" for since moving again...
but I think I've finally gotten a handle on things ...
for the time being.

So ... when I wasn't obsessing about finding my block ...
I took the girls to our locale park, where the wonderful
wooden carousel is ...

 Played at the adjacent playground:

Visited UM's mascot Monte: 

Had faces painted:

Became bubbles:

Made rockets:

And in general, just had a wonderful evening, running and playing:

Today, at our local Lowes, we joined the Build & Grow project and
the girls became little builders:
Warning: girls with hammers!! 

The girls loved the bitty hammers and were able to come home
with wooden airplanes, aprons, goggles and certificates
proving they built the planes themselves ...
(Thank you Janu!!)

To finish the evening tonight, I discovered a super cool trick
while making my peanut butter cookies:
who knew that spraying cooking spray into your measuring cup
before putting your peanut butter in the cup made it
come out so much easier????
Goodness ... why did it take me until I was 44 years old
before I discovered this trick??

I think I'll close this post now, and get back to
working on my in-progress quilt project
which I hope to show you soon ...

but until next time,
I leave you with this cute picture
I found online while searching the internet tonight ...

Come on ... how can you  not smile at this???
I send you each a virtual hug and a big
thank you for your support!!

Warm hearted wishes ~ 

Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2012

Where in the world??

 No, I did not fall off the face of the earth ... 
Though, I am ...
I'm sure you all know the feeling.

In the month since my last post ...

I've moved ... again ...

 Nicer duplex, extra room, plus an additional bathroom ...
BONUS for us three girls!! 
Same neighborhood, so even nicer :)

I have managed to stay up with my rounds for

though I can't share {{heehee}}....

I finished my block for Jane's Red/White/Blue Blog Hop
which begins July 1st ...

And, yes, you have to wait until July 7th to see
my finished block  when it'll be my stop on the hop ...
get all the details at Jane's Fabrics and Quilts
because this is a super hop you will not want to miss!

I can show you the very fun mini-quilt I made
for Kris's swap over at Dandelion Quilts,

Believe it or not, I started and finished this
in time to mail it before the end of the month!!


Oh yeah, and I started and finished this commissioned quilt:

The indoor picture is not at all good quality, but as it was raining
bucket loads outside, so I had to take the best shot I could
inside just to get the scope of the size ... large queen.

Next in the works is a quilt using Natalie Lymer's Woodland fabric and Carrie Nelson's Another Bite of Schnibbles book ... can't wait to show you that project .... adorable!

 And ... let's see ... Abbie had her school music concert,
her classroom play and her last T-Ball game this last week or so ... 
Emily and I constructed her chimpanzee diorama this weekend:

The last day of school for both girls is on Wednesday at which time









no, seriously, five days to be exact

Five days off of my 9-4 weekday scheduled job to see if I can get a bit of work done around the house and spend some precious time with my girls.

Maybe during my vacation time, I'll actually find time to visit my dear friends and neighbors in the blogihood and catch up with some very precious and dear friends ...
you all know who YOU are and I love and appreciate you dearly!!

Love and hugs ... I think I've earned turning in early tonight :)

Blessings to you and as always, very warm hearted wishes!