Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 9, 2011

Yes, It's Me.

This is me.


This was me.




I wish I looked this good last week.

Heck, my family and co-workers

wished I looked this good last week.

Honestly, I'm better

and I sincerely

thank my friends and family

for their good wishes

for feeling better.

You know, there oughta be a vaccine for parents of children
at the beginning of every school year.

I. Do. Not. Jest.


Either that, or we should seriously either receive
massive discounts from Kleenix,
or just break down
and buy stock in the dang company!


Done whining.

This week :)

This weekend, I did fulfill my 5 yr old's request

for a new skirt. ... I had these materials pegged

for dresses but knew skirts were quicker

and I'd score in making them happier, faster.

Yay me!

Me, being me, totally did my own thing with the
pattern, so while I did start with a Simplicity pattern, they neither one look like the original picture.

All the better :)

Finally, in a brief moment of peace,



This beauty is one of the last moss rose on my front porch ... beautiful and makes me smile.

(... stolen moment of peace ....)

I wish I could supply the beautiful aroma

that this gorgeous old fashioned
Stock provides ...

and when it's warm,

the fragrance is devine!


I wish each and every one of you the happiest of happies in the days until we next get to visit. I have a few projects on the sewing machine that I'm looking forward to sharing with you, so please stay tuned!

Thank you for visiting!!

P.S. .....

Remember the really cool giveaways happenin' over at

Wantobe Quilters and Quilters have

six more weeks of opportunities.


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