Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 8, 2011

Did you Know??

If you can't leave comments to win...or you are a NO-REPLY Blogger
 (Wantobe Quilter Campaign)
(As Borrowed from Madame Samm ....thanx!!)

GET a  free GOOGLE account


( sign up with GOOGLE -- think link will allow you to set up an acct in seconds)

To get a Google email, you still use your own,

this just allows you to be set up to leave comments to win

You really don't want to be one of the over 1000+ visitors leaving comments who are what

NO REPLY BLOGGERS as that means there is no way to contact you
if you've won  something from the Wantobe Quilt Campaign .... Seriously?!!???

Here is what you can do:

All comments made on Why-Knot-Kwilt are automatically sent into my inbox, (which is why you get replies from me) ... if you don't hear from me, I am not ignoring you, I just can't reach you. If you have the correct settings in your Blogger profile, your email address comes with it, allowing me to reply directly to you via email. If your settings aren't correct, you are a no-reply blogger, and I have no way of contacting you.

In, click on Dashboard.

Select Edit Profile.

Check the box for "Show my Email Address."

Save changes.


That is all you do...

This will take minutes, which means to YOU.

YOU could have won some of these great prizes this week.

YOU didn't but you could have....

Isn't it worth a try?

One more thing...

To REGISTER IN this Campaign

See the link to STASH MANICURE..the orange button that says JUST GO

that will link you to the Wantobe Quilter Campaign

On the right hand side are a list of bloggers Link to them. leave them a comment to write you back) ...go to anyone of them , give them your name, email, phone number..
*( we only call to let you know you won)

They are all destroyed after campaign.. we do not share them with anyone!

Tell them you are a Wantobe Quilter ( if you have no tools or experience ) or a quilter who does not have a blog... If you are a Quilter with a blog you can enter Tues and Thurs.

ON M-W-F...enter those days in comments to win...Wantobe quitlers..

T-T days...this is for must comment to win..

Follow Stash Manicure ..that follower button where all the photos are....

Follow the blog that registers you ... (that's be Why-Knot-Kwilt, if I have)

Sit back, cross your fingers and can't hurt...Ü

When I register your name with Madame Samm, we have to be able to match your email address with my blog buttons ... if we're unable too, then we don't win, and after all this,
We Want To Win, don't We???
So, please make sure if I've registered you for the
Wantobe Quilter Campaign
I can find your name under my
"People I Adore"
Follower list

and items are shipped at the lowest rate possible

(may take longer but we have
everything insured)

Thanks again to Madame Samm for these great instructions!

Socializer Widget By Blogger Yard

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