Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 8, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful you are here.

I am extremely thankful for my job ...

I'm thankful I located my sewing machine ...

This one was so very quick and simple ...
gonna have to make one for big girl too :)

I think my girls are thankful too ...

Miss Em's dress is an oliver + s "Ice Cream Dress" pattern

and I used Anne Kelle's Urban Zoologie fabric

Sweet :) ... fabric is Amelia by  Me & My Sister Designs

Okay ...
how many of you think the back should be the front ...
adorable, eh?

Most of all ....
I'm thankful for these two ...

May you find your thankful moments today too !!

Happy hugs and warm hearted wishes ~

Set Challenge Scrapper in Romania

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 8, 2011

Wednesday's Words



Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 8, 2011

Would you believe ...

Would you believe I actually found and
got time to use my machine???

Proof positive! 

Front ...
Inside ...

Backside ....

Are you as impressed with the number of pockets as I am???


 Of course, my daughters believe my new purse,
 Serves better as a hat :)
 Until I asked them to model :)
 They got them some poses :)

This pose is Emily trying to learn to skate with
her brand, new birthday skates
While her younger sister scoots by
on her brand new scooter ...
Results may vary ... and of course ...

This one innocently declares she's innocent!

And so goes life as we all take our hard knocks in this that we call our new life experiences.

I'm now off to start Big Girl #1 a new dress for school ...

I hope to bring back progress and pictures soon.

See the happy smile a small bit sewing accomplishent can give the heart???

Okay, it might have a teensy bit to do with the mongo-huge amount of chocolate, brownies, ice cream and flavored coffee I've resently consumed ...  therein the reason for my leaving the house for a few hours today while my darling dears went with their dad this morning
while I could still waddle out the door before
consuming the rest
 ... but that's our little secret!

I'm also working a deal with my very dear LQS owner to sew in her back room during my lunch hour since her shop is so close ... that might improve my mood too, possibly?

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 8, 2011

Did you Know??

If you can't leave comments to win...or you are a NO-REPLY Blogger
 (Wantobe Quilter Campaign)
(As Borrowed from Madame Samm ....thanx!!)

GET a  free GOOGLE account


( sign up with GOOGLE -- think link will allow you to set up an acct in seconds)

To get a Google email, you still use your own,

this just allows you to be set up to leave comments to win

You really don't want to be one of the over 1000+ visitors leaving comments who are what

NO REPLY BLOGGERS as that means there is no way to contact you
if you've won  something from the Wantobe Quilt Campaign .... Seriously?!!???

Here is what you can do:

All comments made on Why-Knot-Kwilt are automatically sent into my inbox, (which is why you get replies from me) ... if you don't hear from me, I am not ignoring you, I just can't reach you. If you have the correct settings in your Blogger profile, your email address comes with it, allowing me to reply directly to you via email. If your settings aren't correct, you are a no-reply blogger, and I have no way of contacting you.

In, click on Dashboard.

Select Edit Profile.

Check the box for "Show my Email Address."

Save changes.


That is all you do...

This will take minutes, which means to YOU.

YOU could have won some of these great prizes this week.

YOU didn't but you could have....

Isn't it worth a try?

One more thing...

To REGISTER IN this Campaign

See the link to STASH MANICURE..the orange button that says JUST GO

that will link you to the Wantobe Quilter Campaign

On the right hand side are a list of bloggers Link to them. leave them a comment to write you back) ...go to anyone of them , give them your name, email, phone number..
*( we only call to let you know you won)

They are all destroyed after campaign.. we do not share them with anyone!

Tell them you are a Wantobe Quilter ( if you have no tools or experience ) or a quilter who does not have a blog... If you are a Quilter with a blog you can enter Tues and Thurs.

ON M-W-F...enter those days in comments to win...Wantobe quitlers..

T-T days...this is for must comment to win..

Follow Stash Manicure ..that follower button where all the photos are....

Follow the blog that registers you ... (that's be Why-Knot-Kwilt, if I have)

Sit back, cross your fingers and can't hurt...Ü

When I register your name with Madame Samm, we have to be able to match your email address with my blog buttons ... if we're unable too, then we don't win, and after all this,
We Want To Win, don't We???
So, please make sure if I've registered you for the
Wantobe Quilter Campaign
I can find your name under my
"People I Adore"
Follower list

and items are shipped at the lowest rate possible

(may take longer but we have
everything insured)

Thanks again to Madame Samm for these great instructions!