Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2011


Seriously ...
what good is a flu shot
when you get the flu anyway!!!?????

Oh well, like many other things ...

This too shall pass.

Stay warm and healthly!!

Happy hugs and warm hearted wishes ~

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 11, 2011

Set SA Blueray

Set Fimo Winter

Set Organza swirl

Set Oriental night

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 11, 2011

I Was Here but Now am There

Yes, I was here for a very short time,
but was graciously invited to a Block Party
 by none other than Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt .... 

Won't you join me??? 

If you FALL behind,
I promise not to
LEAF you in the dust!
{{wink, wink}}

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2011

Set Red flowers

Set Balls

Set Filigree(Lucru de mana)

Set Flower yellow

Setul are 2 perechi de cercei cu surub :)

Set Twist.

Set Pyramid

Set Grey lava

Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 11, 2011

I am here ...

I am here ... I am Here ... I AM HERE !!!

Thank you everyone for staying with my blog and checking in to see how I'm doing ...

Blessings to each and every one of you!

This is what I've been up to ...

Oh wait, I mean besides
my day job and every day life
with my daughters,
that is ...

Two more stars for Johna'lee of The Scrappy Appleyard and her Soldiers' Quilts.

A "fall-colored" commissioned Margo bag...
(notice the snow in the background!!!)
Seriously ... FALL???

Bag for moi as those I use for myself keep getting purchased.
Yes, another Margo bag.

This is a quilt I'm making for my dad ...
He turns 70 on Thursday ...
Thanksgiving Day
I'm ever so grateful and thankful to have
him another year!

I was going to attempt to take a picture of this quilt outside today ...
This is what happened:

The wind wouldn't stop blowing it and with the snow ...
just couldn't swing a nice enough picture.

So ... I'll get back to my "other" life and hope to finish
quilting this throw for my Dad's birthday this week.

Love and hugs to each of you and again,
thank you for stopping in!

P.S.  Don't forget to check in on the

I'm guest posting there on Monday, November 28th!!


Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 11, 2011

Pack Sand???

Can you imagine having to pack sand and mail it?

I can't either ... so these little dears
will have to be mailed empty:

Doesn't this picture look as if the flower
 is seeking the sun's warmth????

Have to admit ... the first thing that came to mind when I was told "yellow, black and white" was a bumble bee ... lol ... how do I make a doorstop bumblebee?? 

Well, I make the next best thing, a flower
that a bumble bee would want to visit.

How'd I do?

For this next one, I was told "Civil War fabrics" ....
think, think, think ....

You can't tell me this ol' thing doesn't look run down ... LOL

I thought of an ol' run down shack that
has made it through some pretty tough times.
Therefore, here's my Civil War shack doorstop ...

I certainly hope my dear friends like them.
I've stitched love in every inch.

Yes, these are my own designs,
straight from my bitty brain ...
each is an original and probabably
can't be exactly duplicated ...
Please ask if interested and I'll try
real hard to put together
pattern & instructions ... I just haven't
had time yet to make that tutorial.

Yet.  :)

Now, off to bake some cookies with the girls
and do the week's laundry ... before the day is done
and the new week brings it new adventures ...

and of course, sweep up the sand
 that now isn't being packed.

Happy Hugs and Warm Hearted Wishes!!

Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 10, 2011

My Little Pumkins

Happy Halloween!!!
My girls and I have been busy .... notice the pumpkins above?
Yep, we did those :)

Now ... here are my darlin' little pumkins:

All dressed up and ready for trick or treatin' with their dad.

I took them to a little party last Wednesday: 
And for school treats for today's party,
I made my very first batch of popcorn balls!!
Will have to do these again ... Yum!

And just to try and stay busy ....
I made this wallet for a birthday that happens this week ...
Happy Birthday Dear Mother!
It'll be in the mail, soon, I swear!!

 And last week's birthday recipient received this little number:

 Now ... what shall we do next????

 Oh yeah ... there's a wee-little matter of visiting
a super-duper blog hop!!!
Have ya all be following the Ghastlie Blog Hop???  Isn't this group of Ghastlie Sistaahhs just amazingly talented???  Holy buckets but it's fun to see all of the projects made using the same materials.  My thanks go to Madame Ghastlie and all the Ghastlie Sistahs for sharing ... and just as a reminder ... this week's schedule is:

ON Monday October 31st
Day 6
Mrs Barb Ghastlie  * lost her power during snow storm
will keep you updated when it is back on...

 ON Tuesday November 1st
Day 7

 ON Wednesday November 2nd
Day 8

Mrs. Jane Ghastlie
Mrs. Laura Ghastlie  ( sadly she will not be available)
 ON Thursday November 3rd
Day 9

 ON Friday November 4th
Day 10
And remember ...
visit, leave complimentary comments
and you could possibly win prizes!!!!
And just so you know, to each and every one of you that was so kind as to leave me a comment on my blog hop post, I thank you OH SO VERY, VERY MUCH!! but was absolutely floored by the sheer blog love that I don't think I could possibly respond to each and every comment, but please know, I read and appreciated each one!!
As soon as I find a smidge more free time, I'll be back again, so please stay posted!!
Happy hugs and warm-hearted wishes! 

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 10, 2011

A Ghastlie GASP!

Wow! and just Wow again!!  I am blown away by all the nice comments left for me on yesterday's Blog Hop post .... wow! lol

I laugh because I so doubted sharing my doorstop since it was actually a "failure." But then I realized without failures we never learn success and you all proved to me my doorstop was a true success.

As much as I honestly and truly try my hardest to reply to every comment, I just do not know if it's possible this time and again, I'm humbled.  I thank each and every one of you who did stop in long enough to comment...thank you.

For those of you many who asked .... now that I know you like it, I will definitely pursue a tutorial/pattern for the doorstop.  I've already got a Thanksgiving/Fall theme and Christmas/Winter theme in mind, so please stay tuned.  The ideas in my head are just rolling ... and like this doorstop, until I get it completed, I know it will keep rolling in my head til there is no rest!

Now, enough about me ... we have a Ghastlie purpose!  The lucky commenter from yesterday's post is

The pillow is fantastic but the doorstop is just Ghastlie! I love it!
Piece Peace, your email has been sent to Madame Ghastlie to be entered into the daily grand prize of luck to you!  Winner will be posted at Sew I Quilt and I will update this post once it's announced.

Now, my Ghastlie visitors:

Remember that every weekday for ten days, this blog will be hoppin' so that also means that many more opportunities for giveaways from Madame Ghastlie, but only if you comment on our Ghastlie Sistaahhhs' blogs and you can find those listed below for Tuesday:

 ON Tuesday October 25th 

To all of my wonderful new friends and followers, you oh so matter to me!  Please stay tuned, I've got more planned and my goodness, hope to keep up with Madame Samm!!

Happy hugs and warm hearted wishes ~


Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 10, 2011

Welcome Ghastlie Blog Hoppers

Welcome!! Welcome to Day 1 of Ghastlies Blog Hop!!

If you have this thing for Ghastlies

and they have tied you in a knot

and you wish you could get them out of your mind

than this may be a thought.

We heard her plea for a cure

Mdm Samm was pos/it/ively sure

that we could stitch the nights away

in hopes that we MAY----???

( all 54 of us)

Well, I started with this ...

A 20x20 inch pillow with every face

giving you the Ghastlie "eye" ....

Even Sybastian ...

But then, I thought and thought

and thought some more

and wound up staring at the door ...

when those Ghastlie breezes of Fall

blow through the halls from bottom to top,

what better way to hold them back,

than with a Ghastlie Door Stop ???!!!!!

Of my own design ... for which I originally

intended it to be a pincushion ... LOL

I couldn't decide on which side I loved best, so

I'm sharing pictures of all of the Ghastlie sides ...

Doesn't this Ghastlie Mansion

look perfect among the rocks???

This Ghastlie beauty is on two sides,

and is also the reason for a doorstop

instead of a pincusion ...

just couldn't cut it down!

However ...

The side effects are Ghastlie

there is no mistaking too.

if you don't run this very minute

YOU too will catch the FLU...

We suspected all along

this was her master plan

she did not want to be alone,

with all YOU Ghastlie FANS...

Each day we will have a giveaway...

Some of my Ghastlie Sisters have made some special

projects to giveaway and we will have daily BIG PRIZES

from these sweeten the CAULDRON....

Some of our Sponsors:

Alexander Henry Fabrics- lot's and lot's of Ghastlie Fabric

Colonial Needle -sewing basket

Janes Fabrics -Kona fabrics in PINK -fat quarter bundle

Reliable Iron - orange Velocity 50

IHAN ( kelly )- aurifil threads

Coeurdalenegifts- 2 sets of Halloween lights

Forth Worth Fabric Studio - gorgeous gift set of Ghasltie fabric

Creative Grid -3 Rulers their top 3

Blue FIG- wheeled bag in PINK

and of course some sweet surprises from our

Guest Ghasltie Sissssssssssssters..!

(I suspect there will be a CURE somewhere

in one of these blogs...)

HERE is OUR Schedule today.....

each name will link you to my Ghastlie


today, Monday, October 24th


One name will be drawn

from every comment entered here and

that name will be given to Madame Ghastlie's

daily Ghastlie Blog Hop Drawing and the

Ghastlie Blog Hop winner will be announced

tomorrow by our own dearest Madame Ghastlie

over at Ghastlie central ...

Ghastlie Wishes to you and thank you

for joining in our Ghastlie Blog Hop!!

Now, hop along and visit my Ghastlie Sisters ...

(more chances of winning!!)