Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 4, 2014

Little Black Cloud

This week I have had the pleasure of enduring the tempers of some of those around me.  It has been a little more than I can really deal with driving me to tears a couple times.  Oh, I can just put up a good face and keep pushing forward, but truthfully it is so depressing.  Why do people do this?  Well, we all know how we would answer that question, it has to be something we have done, although truthfully it probably is not.  What is the saying I used to hear when I was little?  "She wears her heart on her sleeve."  I think that would be me!  LOL!!  

I suppose I am feeling a bit sorry for myself.  The phone hasn't rang all weekend.  Some of my texts and emails have gone unnoticed.  That feeling of being invisible comes creeping back.  And it's an awful feeling.  With a little time I am sure all this will go away and I will forget all about it, but at the moment it sucks!!!!  It literally drains every ounce of creativity out of me.  I don't have the slightest desire to pick up a crochet hook or a set of knitting needles.  

My leg is healing along.  It was so swollen from being on it this week, so yesterday I kept it elevated as much as I could, it made a difference today!  I cannot wait till I am able to get myself easily downstairs to the garage and into my car!!  I miss that freedom!!   I am sure being able to just get out and about easier is going to be huge for my mood!   I would love to visit a thrift store or Goodwill!!!

I thought I would sign off with one of my favorite pictures of my little niece wrapped up in the blanket I made her.  I love her cheeks!!  

I hope everyone has a great week!!!  I am going to do my best to doe the same myself!

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