Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 9, 2013

Pincess Pincushion & the Frog Pince

Welcome to my day for sharing on
the Pin It pin cushion blog hop ...

I share with you today the short story of :

The Pincess & the Frog Pince ...

We begin this story by visiting 
Pin Pond in the Land of Petunias
where we meet the 
Hon. Frog Pince ...

He is sitting watching the bees and
lady bugs fly by in this patch of 
petunias where Pin Pond happens to be located .... 
Poor Hon. Frog Pince has to spend his days like this
since the Wicked Seamstress cast her wicked
stitch spell on him for so carelessly allowing a
pin to prick her finger ...

One day, in the Land of Petunias,
from the throne of Geraniums, Pincess Pincushion 
thought she needed to go for a
 "wander" about her flowerpot.
And, would you believe, 
(of course, she did .. this is MY fairy tale after all)
she stumbled across a wicked weed 
that should have been pulled by the 
Wicked Seamstress many, many eons ago...
right into Pin Pond ... 
and who should she meet?
Yes ... the Hon. Frog Pince ...
Well ... 
Frog Pince, certainly not one to pass up 
such a golden opportunity, nor neglect to admire
such a beautiful Pincess ... struck up a conversation
with Pincess Pincushion ... 

In their long discussion, he explained the
curse Wicked Seamstress placed upon him
and asked for a small favor ....
"Just a Pincess kiss, for this little Frog?"
Well, how could Pincess Pincushion ignore 
a request from such a handsome Frog ?

So she kissed him and wandered home for
the evening, as it was getting late and she
had to get home before the Wicked Seamstress
found her unattended in the Petunia patch.

Frog Pince waited ....
and waited ...

The next morning ... 
he discovered the curse had lifted...
The Real Frog Pince!!

And ... Pincess Pincushion, wanting 
to see if her kiss broke the Wicked spell, 
quickly made her way to Pin Pond to
see that yes ... she had magical powers ...
(must be the flowers pins in her head )

And they all lived happily ever after, 
saving the Wicked Seamstress from ever 
getting pricked again ....l

 And there you have the story of 
The Pincess Pincushion and the Frog Pince ...

I humbly thank you for visiting with me today ...
for making it through my story, created by myself and
my fellow authors ... my daughters ... in sharing my
creations with you today.

Please be certain to visit our fellow Pin It hoppers today:

September 17th
Why-Knot-Kwilt ... you are here

My gratitude to Kristen of Meadwbrook for your cheerleading skills
and of course, to Madame Samm for well, you know ... {wink}

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