Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2012

Odds and Ends ...

How is it you can find so very much stuff when you move that you don't remember even owning but you have to pack and find a place to store it when you get to your new place ... but the things you actually need and know you own, you lose???

I have a camera ... had ... and I remember seeing it when I moved into my current apartment.

Do you think I could find it now??? Ha!

Well, lucky for me, my daughters reminded me my iPod takes photos ... so I can share a couple with you and before you look, please excuse the quality, but remember, a post with bad pictures is often better than a post with no pictures ...

and if not, don't tell me ... I am going bald tearing my hair out trying to find the stuff I know I owned before I moved all of the stuff I forgot or didn't know I owned before I moved!!! 


So .... my darlings wanted to share they very recent gifts they received in the mail at our new location ...
and, of course, it had to be displayed just right ....
on the bunkbed set that mommy dearest (me) put together for them
(internet shopping and credit accounts are wonderful things!!)

Aren't these munchkins looking adorable??

They send their happiest thank yous to the very dear, dear sender of
their favorite new sleep pals ... Thank you, thank you!!

 I also unburied my dear companion who I've dearly missed in the
past few weeks and sewed up this little 6 1/2 inch gem:

for Michele's Modern Mini Round Robin
If there is a name for this block ... I haven't a clue because
as far as I know I made it up in by bitty brain tonight and
sewed it together.   Can you tell I couldn't settle on a color?
:) :) :)

Well, it's on it's way to France by the end of the week ...
How Exciting!!!
My block will be more worldly and better traveled than I will ever be ..

The night is getting late for me and I do have to rise early in the morning
to drive the girls to their school and then get to work ... so I best
be heading for the ol' bed and pillows.

I do have one question for all of you wonderful, thoughtful and
kind people ... besides chocolate and caffiene,
when you need to get yourself a boot in the backside
to get yourself back over to the happy side of the fence,
is there a trick or a treat you do for yourself to assist your
way along?  Hot soak in the tub is out for me ... let's face it,
two elementary daughters, one bathroom and a very tiny tub
are not condusive to a peaceful evening soak!
No wine or alcohol as I have to be a responsible adult ... dang it all! :)

What say you ... got any tips for when a frown needs turned upside down?

I send out to each of you a huge, huge internet hug
with my profound gratitude for everyone that has
shown me such love and support and who helps me
by being who you are to me.

Thank you!!

Warm hearted wishes,

Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 3, 2012

Monday Thoughts

This morning, after driving my daughters to school, I realized that the unfriendly little stomach bug that came for a visit yesterday, had not packed it's bags to move on and so I therefore decided to stay home to assist the little "bugger" on its way out the door by resting and drinking lots of fluids...

Bonus for me is, I get to spend a little time cruising blogland.  WooHoo!! 
oh, I mean ... cough, cough, uuuuggghhh ... woe-is-me {{wink}}

Before the bug came to visit me this weekend, I got a very good start on my table topper for the April Blog Hop to be hosted by Madame Samm from Sew I quilt .... notice this button?


Should be some mighty creative blogs available for visiting.   Will you hop along with us?

I also found today, which I take as a must have been meant for me, a deadline extenstion for signing up for Michele's round robin .. found here:

quilts from the crayon box

Michele's at the awesome blog Quilts from My Crayon Box ... and if she'll have this newbee round robin quilter, I am so there!  I can't think of a better way to join my first round robin that with a mini quilt... can you? :)

You see, I've really missed feeling a part of my quilting circle.  I think these present me opportunities to take little steps back into my cirlce without feeling totally overwhelmed by "oh my gosh I gotta do this and that ..."  You all know that feeling :)  Besides, now that I've got my new fishbowl basically in order, the water is beginning to calm, having things keep me occupied with newly found free time will help keep my waters calm, or so I'm told ...

While I've long known that the friends I've made through the blogland mean so very much to me, for the quilt chat, for the shared experiences, for the feeling of friendly connections when I felt I had so very few, life recently showed me just how dear my circle of blogland friends are.

You wonderful, wonderful friends that come and visit me here, take time to leave comments, those that have shown me so very much support and love ... I don't believe I'd be where I am today without each one of you.  Thank you ... two very simple words, but from me to you, they are two words filled with every ounce of gratitude and love I can possibly fill them with.  Thank you, from my heart to yours.

So, I guess I best be getting another refill on my cuppa tea and then get ready to go pick up my girls,  but before I go, long distance hugs from me to you and I look forward to visiting with you soon!!

Thank you!