Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 11, 2010

Got a Minute? How about a little fun?

I sincerely hope everyone had a wonderful Thankful Day!  I found this and thought it would be a little lighthearted and fun .... and very informative for us bloggy neighbors :)

Pokey, of PokeyDotQuilting, posted this mid-November ... and yes, it took me this long to find it :) ... who posted it via her friend, Sue of Bits & Pieces, This & That. heeheeheehee ... what fun!  Anyway, would this be interesting information to know about your blogging buddies in the neighborhood?  So, without further adieu:

Copy and paste, and then answer the questions, and tell me you did so I can learn about you, too!

1.  Sweet or Savoury?
2.  Dresses or Jeans?
3.  House or Apartment?
4.  Shop Online or Offline?
5.  DVDs or Downloads?
6.  Cocktails or Juice?
7.  Chocolate or Strawberry?
8.  Laptop or PC?
9.  Magazines or Newspapers?
10.  Facebook or Twitter?
11.  CDs or MP3s?
12.  Kids or Pets?
13.  Cookies or Cupcakes?
14.  Walk or Run?
15.  Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
16.  Market or Supermarket?
17.  Sourdough or Grainy?
18.  Heels or Flats?
19.  Late nights or Not?
20.  Coffee or Tea?

Here are my answers:

1. Sweet or Savoury?  Both!  Love sweet with a touch of savoury.
2. Dresses or Jeans?  Jeans
3. House or Apartment?  House
4. Shop Online or Offline?  Online ... easier, no lines, until there are "no lines" and the internet is down.
5. DVDs or Downloads?  DVDs
6. Cocktails or Juice?  Juice
7. Chocolate or Strawberry?  Chocolate ... really, is this even a real question! lol 
8. Laptop or PC?  Both ... PC for office work, laptop for play.
9. Magazines or Newspapers? ... both ... refer to question 15
10. Facebook or Twitter? a little bit of neither :) ... a smidge of facebook and a newbie to twitter
11. CDs or MP3s? CDs if internet radio is down.
12. Kids or Pets?  Commit me here ... both.
13. Cookies or Cupcakes?  COOKIES!
14. Walk or Run? Walk, unless there's cookies, then get outta my way or I'll run over you!
15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Out of bed as its hard to juggle breakfasts and the morning newspaper without a table. :)
16. Market or Supermarket?  Supermarket
17. Sourdough or Grainy?  Grainy ... getting up there in age where every grain helps me "out" (pun intended...LOL)
18. Heels or Flats?   Flats, feet can't handle heels anymore.
19. Late nights or Not?  Of course late nights, when else can I get anything done ?!!?
20. Coffee or Tea?  Both, coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and coffee for the late nights :)

Okay, so that's a bit about me.  Can you tell by my answers that I live in rural Montana?  If I can't get it via the internet, guess I don't need it.  How about you?  You up for this bit of fun?  If so, would you come back here to comment to let me know so I can see your answers too :)  Pretty please ... with sugar on top .... :o)

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