Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 11, 2010

Set Purple orchid R

Set Elegance onix

Set Nightglow lava

Set Frosted orchid

Cerceii sunt cu clipsuri,au diametrul de aproximativ 3,5 cm,iar floarea centrala a colierului are 8 cm.

Set Smooth

Set Jeans

Set Turcoaz lava

Set Pinky

Set Texture

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 11, 2010

Got a Minute? How about a little fun?

I sincerely hope everyone had a wonderful Thankful Day!  I found this and thought it would be a little lighthearted and fun .... and very informative for us bloggy neighbors :)

Pokey, of PokeyDotQuilting, posted this mid-November ... and yes, it took me this long to find it :) ... who posted it via her friend, Sue of Bits & Pieces, This & That. heeheeheehee ... what fun!  Anyway, would this be interesting information to know about your blogging buddies in the neighborhood?  So, without further adieu:

Copy and paste, and then answer the questions, and tell me you did so I can learn about you, too!

1.  Sweet or Savoury?
2.  Dresses or Jeans?
3.  House or Apartment?
4.  Shop Online or Offline?
5.  DVDs or Downloads?
6.  Cocktails or Juice?
7.  Chocolate or Strawberry?
8.  Laptop or PC?
9.  Magazines or Newspapers?
10.  Facebook or Twitter?
11.  CDs or MP3s?
12.  Kids or Pets?
13.  Cookies or Cupcakes?
14.  Walk or Run?
15.  Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out?
16.  Market or Supermarket?
17.  Sourdough or Grainy?
18.  Heels or Flats?
19.  Late nights or Not?
20.  Coffee or Tea?

Here are my answers:

1. Sweet or Savoury?  Both!  Love sweet with a touch of savoury.
2. Dresses or Jeans?  Jeans
3. House or Apartment?  House
4. Shop Online or Offline?  Online ... easier, no lines, until there are "no lines" and the internet is down.
5. DVDs or Downloads?  DVDs
6. Cocktails or Juice?  Juice
7. Chocolate or Strawberry?  Chocolate ... really, is this even a real question! lol 
8. Laptop or PC?  Both ... PC for office work, laptop for play.
9. Magazines or Newspapers? ... both ... refer to question 15
10. Facebook or Twitter? a little bit of neither :) ... a smidge of facebook and a newbie to twitter
11. CDs or MP3s? CDs if internet radio is down.
12. Kids or Pets?  Commit me here ... both.
13. Cookies or Cupcakes?  COOKIES!
14. Walk or Run? Walk, unless there's cookies, then get outta my way or I'll run over you!
15. Breakfast in Bed or Breakfast Out? Out of bed as its hard to juggle breakfasts and the morning newspaper without a table. :)
16. Market or Supermarket?  Supermarket
17. Sourdough or Grainy?  Grainy ... getting up there in age where every grain helps me "out" (pun intended...LOL)
18. Heels or Flats?   Flats, feet can't handle heels anymore.
19. Late nights or Not?  Of course late nights, when else can I get anything done ?!!?
20. Coffee or Tea?  Both, coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon and coffee for the late nights :)

Okay, so that's a bit about me.  Can you tell by my answers that I live in rural Montana?  If I can't get it via the internet, guess I don't need it.  How about you?  You up for this bit of fun?  If so, would you come back here to comment to let me know so I can see your answers too :)  Pretty please ... with sugar on top .... :o)

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 11, 2010

Set Perle si frisca

Set Antique roses

Set Dungute

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 11, 2010

It's a Neighborhood Block Party!

Love Laugh Quilt: friendly neighborhood

What a really wonderful idea ... Beth from Love Laugh Quilt is hosting a "block" party :) Head on over and check out this post and I bet you too would like to add your house to her neighborhood. I am and I can't wait! If you want to join the party, leave a comment on her friendly neighborhood post ... do it soon, though, the more friends in our neighborhood, the more fun for everyone!!

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 11, 2010

Where to start .... how about LUCKY ME!!

Okay ... first of all, I got another project done:

This mug wrap and mug rug is a birthday gift I made for my dad (put in the mail today!) which I made from Sweetwater's Pure line for Moda.  Love the fabric!!  The labels are also from Sweetwater .... the house pattern is from Sweetwater's Label Crew which provides a monthly project, including labels.  I just skewed the pattern a bit to turn it into a mug rug ... hope they don't mind (sheepish grin).  Did I mention I love Sweetwater? lol  check out their blog here ... Sweetwater.  I just ordered some custom labels for my sewing projects ... ultra-cool and very affordable!!  Check them out, you won't regret it ... an no, they do not sponsor me :)  they probably wish I'd go away some times as I'm probably becoming "stalkerish" in my adoration of them !!!  LOL

Next .... I got the sweetest SURPRISE in yesterday's mailbox:

Dear Ms. Leah, of Quilted Delights, so very graciously surprised me with this B. E. A. UT. IFUL. postcard. Now who wouldn't just do the happy dance when they see this?  Not me!  Hopefully the neighbors weren't watching ;-).   Thank you, thank you Ms. Leah!!!

And .... as if that wasn't enough .... hold on here ....

This beauty was sent to my by my Charming Chatter Secret Santa, Ms. Polly, of Aunt Polly’s Porch blog.  Holy moly ... wasn't ready for that!  Love, love, love it!!!! Ms. Polly even did a really cool tutorial on her blog describing how she did this marvelous piece of art.  If you haven't visited her, you definitely should!  Thank you so very much Aunt Polly!!!

You still with me?  Well, I've been blog hopping as you read in my last post and ....

and , I received this message from Mary Jo Blohm:  

"Congratulations Wendy! You have won a prize in our 1000th fan contest! We chose one additional winner and it was you!! Please contact me with your address info so I can send out your fabric bundle!!"

Isn't this package wonderful!  If you haven't visited The Quilt Bear, I truly recommend a visit.  Very sweet and helpful and enjoyable site!

Okay, okay, yes, but I did say, LUCKY ME!

Thank you for visiting me.  I'm working on my own Charming Chatter Secret Santa gift today.  Hope to finish it this weekend and get it in the mail.  I'm very inspired now that I have my own gift hanging on the wall.  Thank you to every one of you who encourages me.  Thank you to every one of you who supports me.  And most of all, thank you to every one of you out there who shares yourself, shares your experience and shares your humor.  I derive great pleasure just from knowing I'm a part of your blogging community.

Until next time .... quiltastic day to you!!!

Set Violet perle

Set Craciun 2010B....60 lei

Set Craciun 2010A

Set Dots red

Set Blue sw mokume gane

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

Sewing and blog hopping ... what have you been up to?

Well, since last Thursday I emptied three bedrooms for the carpet cleaners on Friday and then Saturday spent refilling same rooms and on Sunday spent planting eleven blue spruce trees, I feel pretty darn fortunate to have completed this:

Minus the ric-rac, which I'm waiting for the postman to deliver, I finished this little lovely today.  I used a portion of Whimsical's Pumpkin and Spice panel and the pattern from the book titled the same to create this wallhanging which is about 30 by 19 inches.  Since I don't have time to make a Thanksgiving tablerunner for dinner next week, this may be my table decoration :o)  What say you?

I am now off to read a few more blogs, make a couple more comments ... have you all been visiting the Mistletoe Make & Bake blog hop this week?  SEW totally worth the effort!!!!  There's a grand prize at the end of the week, but just for visiting each blog, you get delicious recipes and each day has a different designer which generously provides a free pattern.  Gotta go take a look!  (see the button on the righthand column of my blog)

OH ... and last week's 100 Blocks, Vol. 2 blog tour ... what a kick!  I actually won a copy of the magazine and a pattern from Vickie at Spun Sugar Quilts.  How cool is that ?!?!?!    All that just for commenting and reading.  Truly blessed is what I am :o)

Well, I best be getting my blessed butt moving ... I have Secret Santa present to get moving on, a birthday present to put together and a really cool Christmas ornament exchange I need to get in the mail before December 1st.  Did I mention Chirstmas presents for my family .... hahahahahaha  ... how many days before Christmas :o) ....  I am quilter, hear me stitch!

 Quiltastic wishes and warm squishy hugs!!

Set Floare de cais

Set Floris

Set royal purple

Set Verde-gri

Set Autumn blossom

Set Frunze

Set Wired red

Set Autumn swirl

Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 11, 2010

How Nice is this Giveaway Opportunity?

5 Kids, My Husband and Me: I want to have a Giveaway!! See inside!

Now, I think this is a very sweet and wonderful idea. Angie, over at 5 Kids, My Husband and Me, won a GO! Accuquilt cutter and since she can't give another away, she is very generously offering to have you send fabric to her and she will cut it for you. Now how nice is that? Head on over there and see for yourself for an opportunity.

FeistyEily: Too Many Quilts SERIOUSLY???

FeistyEily: Too Many Quilts .

This very kind lady, Feisty Eily, is hosting a giveaway ... get this ... because the charity she was donating quilts to said they had too many baby quilts .... WHAT?!?!?!?! Please head on over to Miss Eily's and check out her blog, you will be very glad you did :)

Quiltastic wishes to you!

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 11, 2010

A little of this and that

Not a whole heckuv'alot has been happening in my sewing room this past week. Well, not much to report anyway. This past weekend, I got to take Bean and Abster to their first "princess" costume birthday party:

Such a sweet bunch of girls! Yes, that is Beanie in the blue and white. No, she is not standing on anything and no, no one else but the four in front are kneeling.  Yes, she has only just turned 6.  Gotta love genitics :-)  The Abster is the one in pink peeking between the girls in the front row.  I tell you, the mother that put together this party truly had her ducks in a row and what fun the girls had!  I can only hope to do nearly half as well when it comes time for our girls to party :o)

Okay, on to the sewing bits:

This and That's Whimsy Wallet pattern by Sherri Falls

I used Whimsical's Pumpkin & Spice and Heart & Soul fabric lines for Red Rooster.

I made this wallet in just one evening as a birthday present for my mom.  The pattern calls for a zipper but my mom wanted a spot for her checkbook so I modified the pattern, just a smidge.

I did get the quilt finished which I had on the longarm last week.  I will get the binding on it and then take some real pictures of it.  Can't wait!  :-)  Think this one's a keeper! ;-)

Secret Santa swap project is underway, graciously hosted by Joan over at Ouvrages Dune Acadienne.  I've been investigating my swap partner's blog for hints on which direction I should take my project ... so far not much, so will probably have to just go with my gut and hope she loves fun and happy.  I'm one of those that loves a little bit of everything.  I've always loved the fun and whimsical, but adore the sweet and precious and the traditional and country styles. I have everything in my stash from pastels, batiks, brights, and country, so I can only suggest to whoever has me, that go with your heart, as I'm super easy to please!  I'm just so happy to be a part of this wonderful group!

So ... I'll check back out of here, keep trying to keep up with some of the blog reading and commenting, and, concentrate on some of the Christmas projects that should be coming along.

 Quiltastic day to ya!

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 11, 2010

Guest Blogger, Nita Beshear

Today, I’m having my first ever guest blogger. I am pleased to introduce Ms. Nita Beshear. Nita is a quilter and an author from southeast Oklahoma and has had a life-long love of quilts. She is currently on a book tour and has kindly requested that I host her Montana junket.  After reading her book, DEVOTED TO QUILTING, an inspirational collection of quilt stories, I happily complied. In her book, Nita shares her belief that God uses the making of quilts to teach one, or more, of his lessons and other times, it's the quilt, itself, that is the teacher. So, without further adieu ...

Saving the Memories

Many of us have quilts from our childhood, quilts that we love and cherish. What happens when the quilts of our youth (or our children’s’) begin to show their years? Sometimes a “facelift” (repairing the quilt) is not an option? How do we save the memories held within the threads of our favorite quilts?

When there isn’t much left of the quilt we love and loved, and are hesitant to throw it out. There are a couple of other options.

I enjoy visiting with people about the quilts in their lives and the stories behind them. They often share how they have, or are planning to preserve the love.

One woman cut the quilt apart and made pillows for her children. She got the idea seeing quilt stuffed animals. She didn’t have enough good parts of the quilt to make enough stuffed animals, so she made pillows. Pillows of love her children can still clutch when they are sad or ill and need the comfort the quilt offered in the past.

Another woman was planning to cut her quilt and place the good sections in a shadow box. She planned to include pictures of her children using the quilt. Her plan was to make a shadow box for each child and include a picture of that child using the quilt, as well as photos with all the children using the quilt.

While, to many, it may seem sacrilegious to cut a quilt apart, to others it’s the only way to salvage a part of their past. They’ve also found a way of “cutting the baby” in half and sharing it will their children or siblings.

Sharing the love is one of the functions of quilts, after all, the original quilt was made to share and show love.

Cutting and stitching the quilt into other items is also another way of following in our grandmothers’ footsteps. They didn’t throw something usable away, they found a way to recycle and reuse it.

Still, no matter how much sense it might make, or how practical it may seem, some simply can’t take scissors to a quilt. There is another option I’ve heard recently, sandwiching the quilt.

One woman explained that she found fabrics in the same colors as the original quilt, sometimes not an exact match, but close. Then, using the same pattern, she stitched another quilt top, one that matched the first one. Next, she used the well-loved quilt as the inner layer. She now has her grandmother’s quilt safely stored away, yet continuing to be used and loved, sandwiched inside another quilt.

When someone mentioned she can no longer see her grandmother’s quilt the woman replied, she wouldn’t have been able to see the quilt anyway, it was practically in shreds. She can now continue to use, and be comforted, by her grandmother’s quilt of love without worry.

How do you salvage the “unsalvageable”? What is the story of your favorite quilt? Please share them with Nita as she is in the works on a second book and would love to include your story.  Also, be sure to visit the other blogs she will be visiting this week, as well as Nita’s blog, Here is the blog list:


Susan’s Quilts -

Dilly Dally Days-

Tall House Quilts -

I hope you enjoyed reading what my new friend, Nita! And thank you for letting me bring this change of pace to my blog.

As always, quiltastic day to you!