Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 8, 2015

Set Opalite

Set Briolette-agate si sarma placata cu argint....150 lei

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 7, 2015

Workshop Wire Wrapping 1 August

Cursul va avea loc pe 1 august 2015,ora 10,pana la ora 14,la Ceainaria Jodart (str.Ernest Juvara nr 24) Bucuresti.Daca doriti sa participati,puteti trimite un e-mail pe adresa

Costul workshopului este de 120 lei,se va lucra acest set din sarma placata cu argint si margele de turcoaz.In pret sunt incluse toate materialele,iar la sfarsit veti pleca cu setul lucrat chiar de mainile dumneavoastra :)

Distractia si cafeaua sunt incluse :D

Set Flori de mar-Fimo ....95 lei

Set Jade blue..90 lei

Set Fimo Waves

Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 7, 2015


Cand?Sambata,18 iulie 2015,ora 10,pana la ora 13 si de la 14 la 17 :)

Unde? La Ceainaria Jodart,in Bucuresti(str.Ernest Juvara nr 24)

De ce? Sa invatam sa modelam maci din Fimo,in stilul Day Jewelry ,in primul modul,si motive traditionale romanesti,in al doilea modul:)

Cine? Eu si voi :D

Vom modela,coace,monta aceste seturi,formate din colier ,cercei si inel,cu care va veti putea mandri printre prieteni,vom da 'in mintea copiilor"pentru cateva ore,modeland si simtindu-ne bine impreuna :) E metoda perfecta de a ne relaxa dupa o saptamana de munca.

Inscrierile se fac pe adresa de email

Costul cursului este de 80 lei de persoana(cred eu ca e rezonabil,avand in vedere ca veti pleca acasa cu un set numai bun pentru vara),iar pentru clientii oferim o reducere de 20 lei :) Cursul de modelare a setului Traditional are pret unic pentru toata lumea,80 lei :)

Ce aduceti de acasa? DOAR voia buna si cheful de lucru,fiindca de materiale si unelte ne ocupam noi ;)

Va astept cu mult drag !

Set Olivine-sarma placata cu argint si olivina

Set Sea Breeze-opalit si turcoaz cu accesorii argintate

Set Granate si sarma argintata

Set Fimo Paisley

Set Malachit si sarma argintata-disponibil la comanda

Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 6, 2015

Indian style-colier si cercei din Fimo si perle de sticla......150 lei

Mixed stones-carneol,jasp si cuart fumuriu-set

Obsidian-set cu accesorii din argint tibetan

Translucent tubes-necklace and earrings polymer clay set....85 lei

Translucid -coins-necklace and earrings Fimo set....75 lei

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 6, 2015

Headpiece Poppies-Fimo

Set Fimo Translucence

Set Fimo-Sweet Roses

Set Skulks....dantela pictata si cranii de howlit

Set Fimo-Hope

Joy Hearts-set lucrat din dantela si howlit

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 5, 2015

Set Fimo Russian Doll

Set Fimo Random white

Set Fimo-Sea waves....95 lei

Set Fimo Sweet blossom

Set Fimo Traditional mare

Set Fimo Puffed flowers

Set Fimo De IE-motive traditionale-alb-rosu

Set Fimo Roses -yellow

Daisy-colier Fimo

Coltunasi- set fimo


Set Carneol-set pandantiv si cercei din carneol si sarma placata cu argint....55 lei

Set Lapis Lazuri-pandantiv (5 cm) si cercei ,accesorii placate cu aur...60 lei

Set Jasp mokait-bratara reglabila si cercei ....55 lei

Set Hearts-inimi din howilt rosu,colier si cercei.....60 lei

De IE-varianta alb-negru

Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 4, 2015

Latte Lovin'

Wow!  I see it has been three months since I posted ... holey moley!
For those of you visiting after such a long absence from me, I thank you for visiting and give you my sincere appreciation for believing in me to share something worth you time...

Joan of Mooestash Quilting  has assured me that if I just "Have A Latte," it'd help put be back in the swing of blogging.  Joan, thank you for cheering us through this hop and helping me find a bit of inspiration to get be back to the sewing machine!

I'd also like to thank Dan DiPaolo of Clothworks for creating such a fun line of fabric. 

 I admit to having a bit of coffee with my flavored creamers on almost a daily basis (my scales tip a nod or twenty with that statement!)  While I enjoy my latte drinks, I was struck by Dan's fabric for which a line in the design of his panel truly inspired me.  I show you here:

I've been wracking my brain and digging through a mountain of patterns trying to find something  "coffee-ish" if you will, to make for this hop, however I could never settle on one particular design to create.  I just couldn't commit until inspiration struck.

Funny thing about inspiration, you just never know when it'll hit.

So, yesterday morning ... (YES! I KNOW! Procrastinate much????) ... for some reason when I looked at Dan's fabric panel, I instantly knew what I wanted to do.  

I got out my pencil, graph paper, fusible web, as well as my bundle of Have A Latte collection and designed this project to share with you today.   

Granted, there were so very many beautiful fabrics choices, but again, once the idea stuck, it STUCK.  I wanted to use the other fabrics to piece around the striped border.  In fact,  I even cut up a stack of squares.  But nope, this design spoke to me and said "this is it ... no more." 
I have to agree with the design... I love it just the way it came out of my head.
This wall hanging is roughly 20" x 32" in size.

So I have more to use for accessories in my new kitchen when I clear the sewing machine and cutting table from two days of intense creativity ... 
(you fellow crafty-folk know exactly the pile that waits in my sewing area)

Fortunately, it stopped raining and the sun came out long enough for me to get pictures taken this afternoon:

Where Good Friends Meet .... 
for a cup of coffee ...
for a spot of tea ...
for a quick chat ...
for a long visit ...
for just .....
Where Good Friends Meet.

I have said it before, and I probably will a hundred times more, I am thankful for my online quilting, stitching, and blogging neighbors who have shown me so much support and provide me with so much inspiration!  

I would love to say I'm ready to hop back into the blogging neighborhood again but I don't know if I'm there yet.  However, I give you all an open invite to join me any time for a spot of sweet ice tea out in my lovely new favorite outdoor backyard spot:

where good friends meet....this spot is just asking for a visit!

Please visit my fellow Latte loving bloggers today:

Why Knot Kwilt (ya'll are here)

Again, my thanks to Joan for her cheering of this hop and, as always, 
to Madame Samm  for her creative imaginings to get us all involved!