Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 11, 2014

Doings Down South ...

Hi Y'All!  

I feel I can fully embrace my use of "y'all" and "sweetie" now that I officially call the South my home ... 
 ... who knew I had a touch of the southern gal living in my soul??

Job search is continuing, as is the wait for my daughters to join me, but Faith and Hope continue to live strongly in me ...
I appreciate each and every prayer made on my behalf!

I had the pleasure of meeting Arlene Blackburn, owner of Delta Patchworkthis past weekend.  I was able to enjoy a bit of fabric therapy by means of visiting Arlene's internet quilt shop that she occasionally opens for her local customers. The shop is neat and clean with lots to choose from ... just as she has in her online store!  And those she had helping customers ... so wonderfully kind and helpful!

Sweet, sweet lady and a true representative of kindness towards others.  I hope to return often, even if only online until she has another Delta Patchwork Warehouse day for her local customers.  Be sure to visit her online shop and I know she's on Facebook too ... link here. 

Found the above fabrics on the marked down shelf ...

I picked up a recent magazine for inspiration along with some materials I needed for current projects I've got in the works ...  
And the little birdie you see above ....

Perfect zipper pull for the bag I made recently!

Well ... I will get to work now on those previously mentioned projects so I have more to share in the near future.  Thank you for visiting!

Y'all come back now, ya' hear?
(sorry ... couldn't help myself... heeheehee)

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 11, 2014

Twas The Night .... For Me

Hello to all of you stopping in for a visit today on the Twas The Night blog hop!

I wish to thank Marlene of Stitchin’ By The Lake for all of her hard work arranging this hop ... having just finished leading the cheers for the Wicked Hop, I cannot imagine the amount of work she had to do with this gift exchange and hop coordination!  
Holy-camoly!!  Thank you Marlene!

And, of course, our squad leader gently pushing us forward ... Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt ... thank you for your continued inspiration, leadership, and amazing cheers!

The basis of this hop, as I understand it, was to create and share projects that could be made at the last minute ... you know the "night before" ... as many of us tend to have so much going on that we tend to work until the last second trying to fit everything in that we want to make ... 

So, I share with you today what I sent:

Pictured above is a little wall hanging I had in mind to make up before I left Montana to relocate to Tennessee .... it is truly a gift that can be made in a day or a weekend should you need that long.

Knowing the type of schedule I was expecting, I really took to heart the instructions for this hop and chose a project that could be accomplished quickly.

I reviewed my stash of  books with a Christmas theme and chose this project from the Art to Heart Ho Ho Ho Let It Snow book.  And what do you know, I even had some of Nancy Halvorsen's Benartex coordinating fabrics to go along with the project ... oh the bonus of a fabric stash!!

This project included easy applique which I zig-zag stitched around and a couple of borders sewing on.  I added a bit of stippling and straight-line quilting to finish up the hanging ... and wah-lah ....
instant Christmas decoration!

I've been told my giftee really likes it .... 

and what I received:

I received from Marian of Seams To Be Sew several ornaments, a tea light holder, a gift box filled with Swiss chocolates and a jar of pistachio creme which  Marian assures me is a popular creme used in many dishes in Sicily.  While she wished to include regular tea lights, I am quiet happy with the colorful lights Marian did include ... fun!
Thank you Marian!!

And .. before you go, I am thrilled to also share with you the spot where I was able to take the photo of my gifts from Italy ... 
The park pictured is just down the road from my new location ... and as it is November ... I am so very thrilled at how nice the weather is considering temperatures are well below freezing with snow and rain where I called home just a month ago! 

Blessed and blessed again!

Please join me in visiting my fellow bloggers who post this day:

Tuesday, November 11th

We shall certainly receive inspirational ideas for some creative last minute gift ideas!

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to visiting with you again soon ... 

Warm hearted-wishes and happy stitches ~

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 11, 2014

The Wicked Broom ...

Oh my goodness but this Wicked Hop sure stirred up some wonderful creations and lots and lots of inspiration!  My thanks go to Maywood Studios for their fun line of Black Cat Crossing fabrics which was the catalyst for this year's Wicked hop.  I also give my sincerest thanks to Madame Samm for her continued support and gentle nudging from the behind us all.

I am sure many of you are coming to visit to see who was the recipient of the runner I created with my Maywood Studio Black Cat Crossing fabrics ... wait no longer ... out of 170 comments, the winner is: 

Very pretty table runner and would like the chance to have it on my fall table. Thank you for the opportunity!
Gracie looks to be a new commenter and I sent her my congratulations and notice in an email.

I thank each and every one of you who took the opportunity to comment and enter for a chance to win ... totally unexpected by me and if you haven't yet received a reply from me, please know it's not from want of trying!  For you see ... I've been a bit on the preoccupied side this past week or two.

As noted by Madame Samm at SewWeQuilt ... my wicked broom was traveling through several states which started from Missoula, Montana on Saturday the 25th and landed this past Monday the 27th in Memphis, Tennessee.... actually my broom looked like this:

And, instead of Toto, my little doggie, Izzy, was my traveling companion:

Friends and job opportunities have brought me to this location, and I am, in fact, staying with friends that have opened their home to me until I can find work and a place to call my own again.

Change is never, never easy.  Even though a person knows it is necessary, and the change will be of benefit in so many ways ... it is hard as I am sure many of you can attest.  The unknown, the consequences, and heck, just the plain unsettling nature of change keeps so many from making necessary changes.  I have many I need to thank for their support and friendship through my recent adventures, though each and every one of them say no thanks are necessary.

Well ... I give them.

Lots about my relocation is still up in the air ... 
especially considering the two halves of my heart remain in Montana until things are settled.  
Ironic how you can still function without a heart when you have no other option....
Yes, even now I can't think of that without great sadness ... 
but I know I've done the right thing in moving, and 
can promise I have researched every. single. option. possible.

Soon I will find a spot for my sewing machine to be set up, my bicycle to be parked, and a home to create and life may again find a normal routine.  Until then, prayers for all involved are appreciated!

Bless each and every one of you who are my support and who I count as friends.

I will see you soon on the Twas the Night blog hop hosted by Marlene of Stitchin By the Lake. Should be some very good ideas for last minute Christmas gifts for those of us who find ourselves in a time pinch ... not, I am sure, that any of us would admit to waiting until the last minute!

Until next we visit, happy stitching ....